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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Paril

    Hold shift as you click the button.

    It's right at the top in giant bold letters...
    Don't delete settings.ini unless you're absolutely forced to.

    D'oh didn't see it maybe you should relocate it?

    Also do you want me to make you a html 5 site (I've already started) for mcskin3d?

    Edit: how do you program, reply so much, sleep and earn enough money to live ?
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Quote from Paril

    Smexy. Share it at www.planetminecraft.com!


    you really need to put a link to mcskin3d's facebook page on the forum

    Quote from Jayuya9

    MCSKIN3D is great but i signed in to minecraft wrong and i was wondering if there was a way to redo that since i pressed remember username and password. Help!

    Delete settings.ini
    Posted in: Skins
  • 0

    posted a message on What is a simple task that everyone can do but you seem to suck at?
    pronouncing th properly i say it like v
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on MCSkin 3D
    Hey paril what language did you write this in again I forgot
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Nth Root of X
    Any suggestions I have nothing to do so I could make a few more basic things on request?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Nth Root of X
    Quote from Minecraftguy105

    I'm no techy in coding or what not, but you should just message some people individually in the morning since it is quite late now and most people are asleep. I'm not cause I'm busy

    Don't worry I fixed it
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
  • 0

    posted a message on Nth Root of X
    Ok i stuff up here is the code:
    Public Class Form1
    	Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click
    	End Sub
    	Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    		MessageBox.Show(TextBox1.Text ^ (1 / TextBox2.Text))
    	End Sub
    End Class

    Anybody know what went wrong?

    Edit: Nevermind i fixed it the text boxes were in the wrong position. D'oh
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Nth Root of X
    Hey I've been learning VB.Net yesterday and today (mainly just making things to help me with my Maths Schoolwork ;) ) and realised people might actually use the latest thing I made.

    So it asks you to Define n then x and displays the nth Root of x I hope You like it I will add a GUI in the next version. Here it is

    Old Version:
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Would you rather...
    although i love manga i would have to say I LOVE good food (although I'm Skinny)

    Would You rather be stabbed to death with a straw or have you head chopped off with a slice of PIZZA!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Would you rather...
    depends on their skill level would you rather answer this question or ask some one else a question?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Would you rather...
    burn it's more dignifying

    would you rather eat 1 pile of **** or drink an amount of **** that equally gross?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Would you rather...
    bodygaurd then i get a gun

    Edit: oops would you rather eat pinkiepie or have her rape you?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Would you rather...
    Quote from TehAlphaMiner

    Already being a brony, I'd be a pony, but specifically, can I choose to be any pony? Like, a pegasus, unicorn, or earth pony persay?

    If so, then I'd be a unicorn like my OC.

    Would you rather listen to "The Great Southern Trendkill" by Pantera, or "Friday" by Rebecca Black (Not saying I'm hatin' on Pantera, I'm a big fan, but I know others might not like The Great Southern Trendkill)?

    never listened to either so i'd choose friday

    and don't be a unicorn be a alicorn!

    would you rather have yourr **** stomped on by an elephant or have you balls bitten by those little ants that sting but don't make your glands swell 1,000,000,00 times?

    Edit: Ninja'd

    seeing as this should have been skipped i'll answer the previus question apendix.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Setting up a linux/windows web server. (Including Domain name)
    no idea but if you can't why not host a mc server?
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on How to use that useless gravel
    stac it up super high have a piston and then a torch eg:

    logs being the extend piston bit.

    turn the piston off and you will get loads of gravel!
    Posted in: Discussion
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