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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Versions 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 have been released! (Forgot to post the updates over here)

    MCF really doesn't like displaying this changelog in a readable format as it has a lot of long entries, so I recommend reading the changelog on github, through the download links.

    Also note that 2.1.1 fixes a critical bug with 2.1.0, so downloading 2.1.0 is not recommended, but the link has been left for posterity (and for changelog visibility).

    Download here.

    - Fixed an issue where a null pointer error with pistons could cause chunks to not save correctly.
    - Fixed an issue where block breaking by hand was slower in relaxed mode instead of faster due to an order of operations issue.

    Download here.

    - Changed status effects names such as peckish to be localized instead of hardcoded.

    -= General =-
    - Overhauled difficulty selection as a way to better provide alternate methods of play, without compromising the curated experience BTW offers. Difficulty levels are now stored per-world and can be decided at world creation, in addition to the options menu.
    --- Standard mode: The default mode of play, and the one players have become familiar with over the years.
    --- Relaxed mode: A slightly less punishing experience, while still maintaining the same depth and meaningful gameplay as standard mode. Overall gameplay length for optimal play is comparable to standard mode, but it should be easier for players to get their feet under them.
    - Changed the difficulty command to affect the new system of difficulty modes. It can be used to change the current mode by typing in the mode's name, or to view the current mode by using the command without arguments. This may be used at any time in singleplayer, without requiring cheats, or by operators in multiplayer.
    - Removed the ability to change the difficulty from the main menu given that difficulty is now saved per-world.
    - Added the ability for sugar cane to spawn in rivers. Given that finding sugar cane no longer lets you expand a farm infinitely, and given how vital it is for early game storage, I felt it appropriate to make it somewhat more common. Swamps and jungles are still the most effective places to find sugar cane, however.
    - Added the Tangled Web as a new item which drops if a spider's web fails to find a valid location to place itself as a block. The tangled web may be crafted with a sharp stone and then worked into a single string, or it may be cut directly into two string in a crafting grid with shears.
    - Added the ability to make bedrolls from hemp fibers.
    - Added Sinew as an alternative to string for crafting tools (stone tools, ladders, bows, bedrolls, etc). Sinew can be obtained by crafting meat with a sharp stone or chisel. This is intended as a way to help assist in cases where string availability is low by allowing the player to sacrifice some food to create more string.
    - Added the ability to make potash from straw.
    - Added the ability to mill zombie and creeper heads into rotten flesh and nitre, respectively.
    - Added the ability to display multiple status effects (e.g. peckish and hurt) at the same time on the HUD, instead of only the highest priority.
    - Changed the most severe hunger penalty from "dying" to "starving", and the second most severe from "starving" to "emaciated", to distinguish from the health status effect also called "dying".
    - Changed mobs to once again drop burned meat when they die while on fire in standard mode.
    - Changed fire aspect to be available again through the vanilla enchanting table.
    - Changed wheat crops to harvest the entire plant when breaking the top block, and changed the selection box to include the entire plant. Wheat was never able to grow its top back, so allowing breaking only the top block only served to confuse players.
    - Changed the recipe for obtaining seeds from wheat manually to also output straw to match the hopper recipe for doing so automatically.
    - Changed (increased) the radius which a lightning rod protects.
    - Changed how lightning is attracted to blocks (and entities). Previously, areas protected by blocks other than lightning rods were not actually fully protected, but with this change standard pillars of blocks should be enough to protect a small area, while lightning rods can be used to cover a much larger area.
    - Changed how mob spawning checks for leaves internally to improve behavior with non-vanilla leaves.
    - Changed ocelots to only spawn on leaves, and to require light to spawn, to stop them from spawning inside chicken pens, and allow preventing their spawns within jungle spider farms.
    - Changed mobs to not spawn on wool, including beds and bedrolls.
    - Fixed an issue where mobs were able to spawn on wicker.
    - Fixed an issue where wolves would become permanently angry at the player when attacked by another mob. (Hiracho)
    - Fixed an issue where saplings only dropped as an item when fully mature. (Hiracho)
    - Fixed an issue where looting did not apply consistently to head drops from mobs. (Hiracho)
    - Fixed an issue where sprinting using ctrl did not consume as much hunger as it should. (Arminias)
    - Fixed an issue where a player who died while on fire while also bound to a steel beacon would drop burned meat instead of rotten flesh.
    - Fixed an issue where blood wood trees checked against the biome instead of the dimension when checking for whether they were in the nether, causing issues with alternate nether biomes from addons.
    - Fixed an issue where using pick block on a burning campfire gave a burning campfire as an item.
    - Fixed an issue where several crafting recipes did not work for strata stone variants.
    - Fixed an issue where cobblestone walls always dropped first strata stones.
    - Fixed an issue where sparse grass and mycelium returned fully grown versions when silk touched.
    - Fixed an issue where mushroom cap blocks were named incorrectly.
    - Fixed an issue where mandatory trades for villagers did not always properly refresh.
    - Fixed an issue where the mandatory status of a trade was not properly written to or read from NBT.
    - Fixed an issue where mandatory trades displayed a "+" in the gui, despite not giving xp. Note that this fix may not apply until the trade is completed and refreshed due to the above NBT issue.
    - Fixed an issue in multiplayer where attempting to dye armor would crash the client. (Arminias)
    - Added additional logic to handle syncing players in multiplayer, which should hopefully fix the invisible players issue. (yany)

    -= Relaxed Mode =-
    Relaxed mode is designed to increase accessibility, and provide a slightly less challenging experience while still maintaining the depth and richness of standard mode, largely by reducing punishments for failure in order to make recovery easier. Focus is generally on decreasing some of the pressure caused by health, hunger, and time management, as well as some of the more punishing failure states, without affecting complexity or depth of mechanics.
    Relaxed mode contains the following changes:
    - Health regeneration is increased.
    - Hunger costs associated with some particularly taxing actions are decreased. Actions affected are: Jumping, sprinting, swimming, using a hand crank, and starting a fire.
    - Modifiers from health and hunger are less punishing.
    - Hardcore spawn maximum radius does not increase.
    - Reduced radii for looted temples and abandoned villages, both to decrease the distance required to travel in order to find them, and to make it more likely to find interesting structures when respawning after a death.
    - Lightning strikes do not start fires.
    - Nethercoal torches do not start fires. Note that this is accomplished through a separate block id, so any torches placed in relaxed mode will never start fires, even if a world is changed to standard mode. Torches placed in standard mode will automatically convert to relaxed mode torches over time, and will not start fires while in relaxed mode.
    - Pigmen do not become angry when hit by ghast fireballs.
    - Jungle spiders do not attack unless provoked, and deal food poisoning for a shorter duration on hit.
    - Squids do not attack players who are not in water, or who are in boats, even at night.
    - Cows deal reduced damage and knockback when kicking.
    - Cows do not panic if the player attempts to milk them when they aren't ready.
    - Mobs drop cooked meat instead of burned meat when dying while on fire.
    - Blocks are mined slightly faster when mining without the correct tool.
    - Blocks can be placed while in the air.
    - Animals do not startle when placing or breaking blocks.
    - Animals and wolves will not die when starving, although you still need to keep them fed to get anything from them. Starving tamed wolves will also not turn hostile.
    - Weeds will not kill plants, although weeds will still cause plants to stop growing when present.
    - Items dropped on death are never destroyed, even on subsequent deaths.

    /--Addon API--/
    - Added a new method to WorldData to initialize default global data when a world is created.
    - Added hooks for addons to add their own difficulty levels. Difficulty levels are also designed to be mixin friendly in order to modify existing difficulty levels (e.g. by adding new behavior controlled by difficulty, or editing values for behaviors in existing difficulties).
    - Changed how status effects from health, hunger, etc are handled internally to make them extensible to addon authors.
    - Changed how crashes occur due to an invalid mob being spawned to make the generated crash report more useful in debugging.

    Quote from GreenJonan»

    One downside of 1.7+ versions is that the density of cave generation was seriously reduced.

    Are you considering to re-implement pre-1.7 cave generation (at least as a world-gen option) if you update to 1.7 and beyond?

    BTW heavily relies on the highly interconnected nature of caves. Due to traversing through the unbreakable dark-stone and the terror that pitch black dark intersecting caverns gives.

    Best of luck with all the upgrades!

    Yes, we will be reverting the cave changes when we update to 1.7 :)

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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    The changes to rendering and block handling are precisely the technical improvements we want. The 1.5-1.7 codebase is super manual and really error prone. The 1.8 codebase absolutely is more complex, but that complexity makes it way more robust. I'd much rather have more complex development up front that covers my ass in the long term than deal with doing everything manually in a super error-prone way in versions before 1.8. The custom block models are a side benefit, but definitely nice, since making custom block models for blocks before 1.8 is a pain in the ass.

    Better than Wolves also makes huge optimizations and bugfixes to the vanilla codebase already, and once we update that will continue to happen.

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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 2.0.4 has been released!
    Download here

    /-- Gameplay --/
    - Added the ability to chop melons into mashed melon with an axe in a crafting grid.
    - Fixed an issue causing problems with animals being able to pathfind to eat by reverting the previous change to make animals stop eating while fleeing.
    - Fixed an issue where fishing could work in much smaller than intended bodies of water in some circumstances.
    - Fixed an issue where saplings would not grow into a tree after maturing.
    - Fixed an issue where the daily growth flag was not being updated properly on saplings.

    /-- Addon API --/
    - Fixed an issue where PillarBlock was marked as client only.
    - Fixed (hopefully) an issue where getBiomeGenForCoords was not available on server. This should fix a crash caused by BTA in multiplayer.

    is there any possibility of a 1.7.10 version at any point in the future? it's fine if not

    Technically, we will be updating to 1.7 at some point (currently working on an update to 1.6). However, it won't be on forge. It will likely continue in its current state of not using any API, but if we do end up moving the mod onto an API it will be legacy fabric (and this will likely happen on 1.8 - the main reason for updating is technical improvements, and 1.8 is likely the best version for us to land on for that)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 2.0.3 has been released!
    Download here

    - Fixed an issue where the recipe for white candles was incorrect.
    - Fixed an issue where the recipe for converting old saplings to new ones was incorrect.
    - Fixed an issue where spruce and birch leaves dropped each others' saplings.
    - Fixed an issue where piston shoveling a block which does not drop an item would cause the game to crash.

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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 2.0.2 has been released!
    Download here

    - Added support for Chinese character input. (Peakstep)
    - Updated the German translation. (Sockthing)
    - Updated the Turkish translation. (slzei)

    - Added a config option to determine whether the changes to snow should be enabled, disabled by default. The snow changes need quite a bit more work to be properly ready, so for now I am disabling them by default, but leaving the option for those who want to keep it. Note that data is preserved between options, so it is completely safe to change the status of this config without any effect on worlds.
    - Added new saplings which follow daily growth mechanics. Old saplings may be converted in a crafting grid.
    - Added bubble particles which spawn around a fish hook when it is in a valid fishing location. (PlasmaFox)
    - Added the ability to retrieve candles from a stack by right clicking with an empty hand.
    - Added the ability to create hearty stew from chicken.
    - Changed the trade to buy more sugar cane roots from the farmer to be guaranteed, gave farmers an extra trade slot from level 2 onwards to accommodate, and significantly reduced the trade cost. However, as a guaranteed trade, it will no longer grant experience.
    - Changed how determining whether a body of water is large enough for fishing works to use a diamond instead of a square. The same size body of water is still required, but it should be slightly more forgiving if there are stray blocks near the corners of the checked area.
    - Changed (increased) the amount of hunger restored by cured meat from 1 shank to 1.5.
    - Changed saplings to be crushed by falling blocks.
    - Changed undead mobs to no longer attempt to light on fire while it is raining to prevent the constant extinguish sounds. (PlasmaFox)
    - Removed the nearby monster check for sleeping in a bed. In vanilla this was meant as a simulacrum of making sure your bed is safe, but since BTW simulates the world while you sleep, the mobs will just come and kill you :). (Cocona20xx)
    - Fixed an issue where the screw pump melted down into too much iron. (PlasmaFox)
    - Fixed an issue where the recipe for converting old carrots into new carrots did not work.
    - Fixed an issue where white candles could not be crafted.
    - Fixed an issue where animals would continue their eating animation while fleeing. (PlasmaFox)
    - Fixed an issue where candles were missing an ignite sound when lighting them. (PlasmaFox)

    /--Addon API--/
    - Added a new TreeGrower class to help addons create new saplings, as well as to reduce code duplication between tree growth from saplings and world gen.
    - Added hooks to add tree growers to existing saplings (and remove them).
    - Added hooks for any sapling to have a 2x2 variant.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 2.0.1 has been released!
    Download here

    - Added several new splash texts.
    - Added translation entries for beacon respawn messages.

    - Changed arrows to produce 2 per craft instead of 4 (broadhead arrows unchanged).
    - Changed potatoes to use daily growth.
    - Changed (reduced) the drop rate of extra potatoes, and removed poisonous potato drops.
    - Fixed an issue where fully grown wheat generated incorrectly in villages, forcing to player to wait for the rest of it to grow.
    - Fixed an issue where non oak log types would strip off too many layers when chiseling.
    - Fixed an issue where an in progress work stump would always display the oak stump texture on top.
    - Fixed an issue where work stumps always turned into oak chewed logs.
    - Fixed an issue where the server would accelerate time as if all players were asleep when nobody was online.
    - Fixed an issue where packed earth slabs would turn into loose dirt slabs when losing their anchor block.
    - Fixed an issue where ladders would render incorrectly in certain directions.
    - Fixed an issue where some effects didn't play sound.
    - Fixed an issue where registering a command in singleplayer would crash the game.
    - Fixed an issue where firework rockets without a firework star would still crash the game.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 2.0.0 has been released!

    Download here

    Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release!
    - Dawnraider
    - Arminias
    - Zhil
    - Hiracho
    - Sockthing

    - Refactored the entire mod in order to make development significantly smoother. Unfortunately, this means all addons will break with this release and will need to be updated. Details of the refactor are expanded upon below.
    - Changed BTW to officially use fabric. Fabric loader is now required to install BTW.
    - Fixed an issue where the addon finder would not properly locate addons located in the mods folder on linux.
    - Fixed an issue where the game wasn't able to properly run on MacOS on Apple Silicon. Note that the experience is still not perfect and will likely need to wait for an update to MC 1.6 to be fully fixed but it is now significantly more playable.
    - Fixed an issue where the game would crash on Java versions higher than 8. Now anything 16 and below will work (Java 17 is still not compatible).

    -= General =-
    - Added the ability for wheat to grow under light blocks.
    - Changed nether portals to work in any size from 2x3 all the way up to 21x21 (the same as modern vanilla).
    - Changed lily pads to be placeable again, but removed the ability to place other blocks against lily pads. This allows decorative use of lily pads without allowing for the exploits which originally led to them being disabled.
    - Changed enchanting tables to be able to detect bookshelves an additional block up or down, for a total of 1 block below the enchanting table to 2 blocks above.
    - Fixed an issue where there really was nothing to worry about regarding releasing souls into the environment without being captured.
    - Fixed an issue where stone and cobblestone could drop the wrong metadata under certain circumstances.
    - Fixed an issue where the config for large biomes HCS was not functioning.
    - Fixed an issue where ovens and baskets would render with entirely black insides in certain circumstances (for real this time!).
    - Fixed an issue where launching a firework rocket would crash the game.
    - Fixed an issue where kiln blocks did not count as being mortared for the purpose of sticking loose blocks to them.
    - Fixed an issue where the carrot on a stick was still using the old carrot for crafting.
    - Fixed an issue where the time would reset on HCS on a server if two people were connected, instead of the intended one person.

    -= Beds =-
    - Fixed an issue where the player would be treated as being up to 3 blocks tall while in a bedroll, leading to mobs seeing the player over walls.
    - Fixed an issue where the player would always face north in a bedroll.
    - Fixed an issue where they player could wake up on the other side of a wall from a bed if that wall left open a block next to the corner of the bed.
    - Fixed an issue where raytracing to find cursor placement did not function properly while in a bed.

    -= Beacons =-
    - Added spider eye blocks and slabs, made by packing 16 spider eyes.
    - Added the ability to construct a beacon from spider eye blocks to prevent jungle spiders from spawning in the area.
    - Changed (increased) the drop rate of spider eyes.
    - Fixed an issue where mobs spawned from beacons ignored the updated mob spawning rules in BTW based on material instead of block shape.

    -= Pistons =-
    - Added the ability to push tile entities with pistons.
    - Fixed an issue where lava pillows would leave lava behind when moved by a piston.

    -= Snow =-
    - Changed (reduced) the amount which snow height affects movement speed when walking through it.
    - Fixed an issue where snow on slabs would render with invisible sides, although it does still render darker than intended.

    -= Logs =-
    - Added separate top textures per log type.
    - Added separate chewed log variants per log type.
    - Changed work stump conversion to be slightly faster, and to occur in two shorter steps rather than one single long step, in order to help with clarity as it could be difficult to tell if the player was doing the correct thing or not.

    -= Wolves =-
    - Changed wolves to no longer require food or produce dung while possessed.
    - Changed wolves to reset their aggression when fed mystery meat.
    - Fixed an issue where wolves would not always update their texture to properly reflect their aggression status.
    - Fixed an issue where wolves aggro'd in a group would very quickly lose their aggression state if they could not reach the player.

    -= Aesthetics =-
    - Added the ability to stick things to the flat face of trapdoors.
    - Added the ability to climb trapdoors which are above a ladder and attached to the same face.
    - Changed trapdoor placement on flat surfaces to be more intuitive.
    - Changed iron spikes and lightning rods to have a slightly larger base when multiple candles are resting on them.
    - Changed fence gates to no longer require a block below when placing.
    - Changed fences, walls, and panes to connect to any solid surface, not just solid blocks, and improved wall rendering.
    - Changed panes to connect to walls.
    - Changed mod stone fences to walls.
    - Fixed an issue where mod fences rendered differently in inventory from vanilla fences.

    /--Creative Mode--/
    - Changed torches to no longer go out in inventory when in creative mode.
    - Fixed an issue where pick block did not work on candles.
    - Fixed an issue where blood wood bark did not appear in the creative menu.

    /--Addon API--/
    - Fixed an issue where addons still needed to be referenced from a base class. They will now be loaded and initialized automatically.
    - Added packet handlers as a more elegant way to handle custom packets. The previous override methods in BTWAddon (formerly FCAddOn) have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    - Added custom entity and custom item entity handlers as a part of the above rework, which have hooks to allow addons to use them as well for custom entities.
    - Added an effect handler to manage custom effects. The previous override method for clientAuxFX in BTWAddon has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
    - Added a hook to blacklist placing blocks against another block.
    - Added hooks for mining charges and explosions to define behavior after the block is set to air.
    - Added hooks to define whether a block can connect to fences, walls, or panes towards a specific facing.
    - Added a hook to detect when an entity steps through a block.
    - Changed command registration to be done through BTWAddon instead of ServerCommandManager, which also fixes an issue where commands were being registered too late on servers.
    - Changed beacon effects to be defined dynamically instead of being hardcoded to allow for addition of new effects.
    - Added hooks to define new local ambient beacon effects (similar to how looting beacons function).
    - Deprecated hooks for block, item, and entity replacement, as fabric mixins replace this behavior in a much more elegant and powerful way. These hooks will be removed in a future release.

    - Updated project compliance to Java 8.
    - Moved all BTW classes into their own packages separate from Minecraft's.
    - Renamed all classes. The FC prefix has been removed (as individual packages make the clarification redundant), and most classes have had their name hierarchy reversed (e.g. from FCBlockStoneRough to RoughStoneBlock).
    - Renamed all methods to no longer use a capital letter. In almost all cases this is the only change to methods.
    - Renamed all fields to remove hungarian notation. Also changed constants to use CONSTANT_CASE.
    - Moved block and item definitions to their own classes, separate from the main BTW class.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 1.4.1 has been released!
    Download here

    Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release!
    - Dawnraider
    - Sockthing

    - Fixed an issue where the game would crash when fishing
    - Fixed an issue where beds did not properly speed up time
    - Fixed an issue where the corpse eye was missing its texture

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 1.4.0 has been released!

    Download here

    Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release!

    • Hiracho
    • Dawnraider
    • Quanteus
    • Sockthing


    • Changed several hardcoded message strings to be exposed to translation files:
      • Steel beacon binding messages
      • Death messages
      • Cannot sleep in bed message
      • Too exhausted to hand crank message
      • Wind mill and water wheel placement error messages
      • Ancient manuscript use message

    • Updated some entries of the German translation.
    • Updated some entries of the Russian translation.
    • Fixed an issue sometimes causing the insides of hampers, ovens, and other blocks to render completely black.

    -= General =-

    • Added the ability to stick swords into companion cubes.
    • Added strata variants for stone products (cobblestone, stone bricks, etc).
    • Fixed an issue where piston packing was ignoring metadata in recipes.
    • Fixed an issue where glowstone could not support falling blocks.
    • Fixed an issue where flowering carrots did not render weeds.
    • Fixed an issue where healing still hadn't actually been made faster.

    -= Beds =-

    • Re-enabled beds. Yes really. Beds now simulate the world instead of skipping time. Thanks to Arminias for originally writing the code for this through his bed addon!
    • Added bedrolls as a new type of bed, crafted shapelessly with two wool knit and a string. Note that you will not regenerate health while sleeping in a bedroll.
    • Changed beds to no longer drop themselves when broken, instead dropping some of the components used in crafting it. However, health will regenerate while sleeping in a bed.
    • Changed beds to no longer explode in the nether or end, and instead simply prevent you from sleeping.
    • Changed beds to no longer set your spawn point. Steel beacons are still the only way to do this.

    -= Candles =-

    • Added a new candle item and block which functions the same as vanilla's candles. Up to 4 candles may be placed in a single block, with the light level emitted increasing with the number of candles present.
    • Changed candles to be made with only a single piece of tallow, producing 4. This keeps the cost per light level the same as before, since candles now individually put off much less light unless combined.
    • Changed old candles to drop 4 new candles for consistency.
    • Removed the light output from redstone torches, repeaters, and comparators as rapid lighting updates in redstone circuits can severely impact performance. Note that redstone blocks will still output light for an early game option, and candles now provide new aesthetic low light options.

    -= Death =-

    • Added the Corpse Eye, crafted with a soul urn, an ender pearl, and a piece of mystery meat, which functions similarly to an eye of ender, but instead points to the location of the player's last death.
    • Changed items dropped on death to last indefinitely, as long as you do not die again. If you die a second time, not counting soft respawns which put you at the same HCS, your items from your previous death will be lost.
    • Changed zombie villagers to drop mystery meat on death.

    -= Snow =-

    • Added the ability for snow layers to be stacked.
    • Added the ability for snow to collect over time during a storm, increasing in depth to follow the terrain.
    • Changed snow to slow you by an amount based on the depth of the snow.

    /--Addon API--/

    • Added a hook to define item textures based on state (like the bow drawing animation).
    • Added a hook to allow special-casing sticking tools into blocks they otherwise would not be able to be placed in.
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    No, BTW versions must match between client and server. Connecting with a BTW client to a non BTW server will cause undefined behavior at best, and crash or refuse connection at worst.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 1.3.10b has been released!
    Download here

    This version largely only affects servers. As such, you do not need to update your client unless you plan on playing on a server running 1.3.10b.

    - Changed server version checking to ignore lettered versions. This means that future versions with the same number and only differing in the ending letter will be treated as server compatible. Do note that this does not apply to 1.3.10. While 1.3.10 clients can connect to a 1.3.10b server without issue, they will still receive a warning when joining.
    - Fixed a crash in multiplayer on startup due to the log file being improperly initialized.

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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 1.3.10 has been released!
    Download here

    - Fixed an issue where the game would load addons installed directly into the jar out of order (note that specifying load order for mods loaded from the mods folder is not yet supported)
    - Fixed an issue where a null pointer error would be logged if no addons were installed in the mods folder.
    - Fixed an issue where the addon loader was percent encoding file URIs leading to it looking for files in the wrong location.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 1.3.9 has been released!
    Download here

    Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this release!
    - Dawnraider
    - Zhil
    - Hiracho
    - slzei

    - Added the ability to load addons from the ./mods folder. Note, however, that addons must declare their main addon class in their own package as the loader will not check the base MC package.
    - Added several new splash texts, and removed a few that no longer fit with the current state of the mod. Thanks to everyone who suggested new splash texts!
    - Tweaked some translation entries for the Turkish translation.

    - Added a config option to disable the HCS radius increase in large biomes.
    - Changed hardcore spawn to try not to respawn the player in the jungle or ocean. Do note that it is still possible to spawn there if no other location is found within a reasonable time.
    - Changed the block dispenser to only place a minecart in the world if one is not already present in front of it.
    - Changed block dispensers to eject minecarts with some velocity if a rail is present.
    - Changed the position at which a block dispenser places a minecart without rails to make it easier to fit them down a 1x1 hole.
    - Changed minecarts with chests to be more predictable when spilling items when broken.
    - Changed hoppers to no longer reset the number of contained souls when the soul sand filter is removed to make it more difficult to circumvent breaking the hopper when not powered.
    - Changed tools to no longer be placed inside of replaceable blocks to prevent using them to put out fires.
    - Changed snow placed during world generation to fill in tall grass and other snowloggable blocks.
    - Changed (increased) the volume of the splash sound when a fish grabs a fish hook.
    - Fixed an issue where crafting crucibles on a turntable did not eject a clay ball.
    - Fixed an issue where carrots required natural light to grow.
    - Fixed an issue where the health regen changes from last release did not get applied to multiplayer.
    - Fixed an issue where some block place events were using the step sound instead of the place sound.

    /--Addon API--/
    - Added hooks to define behavior when entities are consumed by a block dispenser.
    - Added hooks to prevent the player from respawning in certain biomes.
    - Added hooks to change the volume and pitch of different block sounds (place, step, break) independently of one another.
    - Added hooks to define more properties for daily growth crops.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Sorry for the late response :) I've been super busy lately and this thread isn't monitored super often. The forums or discord are much more reliable ways of contacting me or other community members.

    Anyways, I will file a an issue on github for the day reset thing. That's intended behavior for singleplayer, but shouldn't be happening for LAN.

    For tools, placing tools can be done by pressing left ctrl and right clicking. This can be rebound in the controls menu. The functionality of hoes has been changed, and dirt is tilled by holding left click instead of on right click. When the breaking animation finishes, dirt and grass will be converted into loose dirt, and loose dirt will be converted into farmland. Shears work as per vanilla, and can pick up grass by breaking the grass while holding the shears.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Better than Wolves: Community Edition (v2.1.1 - September 13th, 2023) - Minecraft Total Conversion

    Version 1.3.8 has been released!
    Download here

    Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release!

    - Added a German translation. Thanks to Sockthing for providing the translation!
    - Added a Turkish translation. Thanks to slzei for providing the translation!
    - Fixed an issue where grass blocks rendered the grass overlay on top of dirt instead of on top of the base grass texture.

    - Changed the player to go up ladders more slowly when using an item.
    - Changed the player's health to regenerate slightly faster to reduce the time wasted. This should make little difference in combat, but should reduce downtime by a small amount
    - Changed (reduced) the amount of food chickens get from eating items like seeds.
    - Removed the ability for pigs to eat sugar cane in the world, since they are unable to eat sugar cane items anyway, and since pigs eating sugar cane roots has a much bigger negative impact than before sugar cane was reworked.
    - Fixed an issue where blocks with different sounds based on metadata (like sand slabs) would not play their custom sounds on place or break.
    - Fixed an issue where the screw gave back too much iron when melted down in a crucible.

    /--Addon API--/
    - Added a hook for addons to disable HC bouncing without editing EntityPlayer.
    - Fixed an issue where rain particles would spawn during snow in biomes with only partial snow coverage.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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