Hey, is there any kind of tool that takes a colour HEX code, and shows me blocks that most closely match the hex code I gave? I'm trying to build some pixel art and I want to know the absolute best blocks to craft for the job.
It's completely detailed out, the crafting recipe, uses, damage, durability, speed, etc. I like the concept and idea, but there's just one problem. Redundancy.
The Crossbow is a weapon that does 10 damage (5 hearts) but has a slow reload of 12 seconds, and it has better accuracy than a normal bow. This also adds bronze which is used to make the trigger which is an important part of the recipe. (Sorry if the recipes don't look too good!).
Trigger Recipe:
The trigger allows you to actually fire your crossbow.
Attachment Recipe:
The attachment is the thing you attach to your bow or attach your bow to it.
This is the crossbow :).
Crossbow Bolts:
Theese are what you fire. You can replace the cobble with iron to get a bolt with more damage. By doing this you get 16 bolts.
Bronze isn't really a rare ore. It spawns naturally and when you mine it you get bronze ingots.