Where are you from? (Timezone and Country):England
Why would you like to join our server? :I am looking for a community of players i can Record with and more importantly have fun with,
What can you bring to the community? :I can bring some fun to the server and also some more Rp-esk things,
What would you like to get out of being a part of this community?:Some people i know i can play with if im feeling a bit down and i know i can have fun with
Are you ok with being a member of a small, but growing community?:Yes
Describe your Minecraft talents or playstyle.:more redstone Rp things
Well I Am a You Tuber Who is Looking For people to record and play with,
My Channel Is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeJb7VK3rCBkRrQa-y1EaYw?view_as=subscriber
my Discord is:Da True King0#1314