• 3

    posted a message on Sea Arrows

    I was going through an Ocean Monument and I found how much a Prismarine Shard looks alot like an arrowhead. So I was thinking hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could make underwater arrows using these?

    These arrows would have the ability to be fired underwater without getting slowed down by the water. This would make clearing Ocean Monuments easier, but the catch is you would need to go into an Ocean Monument to gather them. Anyways what do you think?

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 5

    posted a message on Make Slime Blocks Less Sticky(adding paper to improve redstone builds)

    Idea is to right click Slime Blocks with paper to make that side of the block not sticky until you break it of course. This will improve redstone builds alot I believe.

    Basic idea is that you put paper on that side of the block basically covering up the slime.

    Technical Info: This would probably require NBT tags seeing that a data tag would require 64 different data tags to account for each of the 6 sides.( Math 2^6). Of course if wanting to use data tags just convert to binary and each digit could count as a side.

    Slime_Block:0 -- Normal, all sides stick

    Slime_Block:63-- No sides stick


    46 = 011101

    2 sides stick, let's say the north and the bottom if we go with a NESWBT rule.

    Anyways who else would like to see this in Minecraft?

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on Make Slime Blocks Less Sticky(adding paper to improve redstone builds)

    I hate to bump my own thread, but I'd like to add some examples of how this could improve builds on minecraft when dealing with slimeblocks.

    1. No longer have to use furnaces or other non-moving blocks next to slime blocks allowing for better ascetics.

    2. Can have slimeblocks next to each other without interacting with each other allowing more compact builds.

    3. Finally be able to have a slimeblock launcher that is flushed with the ground without picking up the ground.

    Finally I'd like to also like to acknowledge that there have been suggestions to color slimeblocks so they don't interact with each other, but I feel this method of adding paper to the sides of slimeblocks would solve this as well, at least for most cases. I could imagine some complex design where this wouldnt work, but colored slimeblocks would, though I imagine this would not be a problem for most builds.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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