I liked the combat update, but I'm seeing quite a few flawed arguments in this thread that I'd like to address.
Why would allowing you to bypass a change that the vast majority of people have no problem with or even like make up for adding a new mob that a majority of people have no problem with or even like?
I disagree with the idea because
One: I like the combat much more now
Two: It can already be done quite easily within game
Three: This splinters any combat related addition from here on because they need to balance for both settings
One is highly subjective, though I suppose it does support your ability to disagree.
Two assumes that you even know how to do this. In order to do it in game, you'd have to:
Find a command block code on a reputable site that hopefully works for your version of Minecraft.
Find an area to put it in the world's spawn chunks (assuming you even know what those are) to put them where they aren't an eyesore or will get in the way.
Drop an item on the ground and pick it up again for every single weapon. In addition, this will only work while the Overworld is loaded, so you can't build tools and weapons in the Nether or the End in Singleplayer.
While this might be more tedious than difficult, you know how easy it would be to remove the cooldown via a gamerule? Basically, a single line of code that checks if the cooldown gamerule is off, and if so, sets the cooldown to zero.
Three, I'll address in the next point.
Quote from VolcanoBomber458»
All of the above, not to mention how complicated (and pointless) it would be.
(Kicks the mic even further)
You have the attack cooldown disabled, and now DPS skyrockets. But with the new armor changes, you'd kill players that much faster. So Protection values would need to be reverted. I forgot to mention how diamond axes deal 9/10 damage, and so they would kill even faster, meaning axes would need to be nerfed back to one half heart lower than swords, and have sharpness removed. Oh yeah, Sharpness would need to be reverted too...
It's too much work just for a pointless revertion. The attack cooldown ends shortly after the invincibility frames end, and enemies can't be hurt during invincibility frames. So spam-clicking is pointless really.
All of that work just for something pointless and that can easily be done with commands is, well, pointless.
When you turn on keepInventory, what changes to rebalance not losing your items? When you turn off mob spawning, what changes to let you still get to End? A gamerule only effects what you tell it to, no more. If a gamerule was made to turn off the cooldown, that's all it would do. Any changes and loss of game balance are your fault and it is not the job of the developers to rebalance it to fix it for you. However, the removal of the cooldown is all that these people want, and I doubt they would have a big issue with axes suddenly being overpowered.
As for spam clicking being pointless because of invincibility frames, that's only true if you're only fighting one enemy and you never miss. Otherwise, you'll have difficulty learning how to deal with hordes or recovering from missteps. Some people (myself included) have no problem learning these. However, for others, this simply isn't fun for them. I see no reason why not to spend two seconds to give them what they want.
Quote from laserguy345»
If Mojang makes a game rule for everything a few players didn't like, there would be game rules for every thing in the game. They would get constantly badgered about other things if they did this.
Slippery slope fallacy. One cannot assume that just because Mojang adds one gamerule, they will add a hundred more, or that people would just constantly ask for more gamerules, at least, more than they do now.
Even if it was true, what's the real issue? Minecraft is supposed to be a game that's fun for you and is what you make of it. I see nothing wrong with getting full customization of features.
Quote from Mastermined»
The game would also become a nightmare to code, with every new feature not only having to be optional, but everything needing to be tested in every possible combination, to spot any potential issues and bugs. Updates would take years to come out and offer every little content because of tht amount of time it would take to implement them.
Remember that they don't need to rebalance the game around gamerules. The only rebalancing that needs to take place is that with the default settings. Anything else that breaks the game is the fault of the player, and it is up to them to determine whether they are willing to deal with the loss of balancing in order to have the features they want.
I feel we need more curses in Minecraft and this one would be a fun curse to add. When you die you will hiss like a creeper and then explode like a creeper. This would destroy all items within your blast radius(so a good amount of your items) and damage all mobs and players around you, as well as leaving a nice creeper hole where you died.
-You damage mobs where you died
-You damage players where you died
-You lost alot of your gear if not all
-You left a creeper hole where you died
-You damage players where you died
So to clear things up there would be a warning before the explosion takes place. This warning would be the hissing sound and your body flashing. About 1 or 2 seconds later you explode. The explosion would not increase in power or radius with multiple cursed items. So if you were to have all your armor with this curse it won't make a bigger explosion.
I think this would add a new layer to PvP giving the losing player 1 last laugh(though a well prepared PvP player could block this with a shield or get out of the blast radius)
Any changes with this curse? Maybe instead of a curse make it a Totem? Or just a crazy bad OP idea?
I was thinking with the complexity of redstone we need a way to test contraptions without having to play a block, button, lever, etc. The idea is when you right click redstone dust with a redstone torch you would get a 1 second (20 ticks) pulse on the piece you clicked on.
The way this would work is the game would pretty much set that 1 dust you clicked on to 15 power for 1 second then go back to 0.
This would add a way to test certain lines without having to activate your entire contraction or for more compact designs, breaking blocks or redstone. This would also give way to a new way to input without having to place down the torch.
Anyways this crazy idea is so small I don't see why not, I currently see no harm in this idea.
As much as I'd like this, I must respect those who own capes and say this idea wouldn't work. The Elytra currently takes on the patterns of capes as you may be aware of. These capes are often given to the most dedicated of players such as those of Minecon and those who have helped the Mojang team in a great deal. Also given for occasions such as 1 millionth purchase of Minecraft(could be wrong about that one). This idea goes along with using banners as capes. I feel it's a bad idea.
Anyways to do this would devalue the capes. I do not owe a cape and would love one, but know that I'm not likely to ever get one as I'm way too busy to ever go to Minecon.
Now I would love to be able to buy a cape, not the ones currently out, but a different cape. To add a banner to Elytra though would mean I could possibly replicate a cape design or come close with the crazy amount of combinations banners have.
Anyways those who support Minecraft as much to go to Minecon or translate the game and those who have given a great contribution to the game should have something to call their own I believe and therefore with how Elytra currently takes on texture of cape wearers there is no room for this idea... In my opinion.
All these Terracotta additions are crazy, but you know what would be crazier? If there was a way to make the textures animated scrolling. I would do this by animating if powered.
Imagine you are building a redstone machine, you want to indicate power being sent from the lever to a light. Place the redstone on purple terracotta and the arrows will flow in the direction they are facing.
We could really make some psychedelic imagines dude. It'll be like whoa!!
Just wanted to say sun flowers only have 1 direction they face. I think it's always East.
I like to say I believe this could be done with 1 block I'd and making it a block entity. If it's a block entity you could just use a nbt tag to tell the game which block texture to use. Only downside would be it's limited render distance. This would end the fact that you would be doubling block ids.
Also you won't see it until you are close up so that might make it not so overpowered when it comes to secret base entrances, yet still requires a keen eye to find it.
I for one see nothing wrong with the idea, but can tell you I probably wouldn't do anything myself with it.
With new birds in Minecraft I was thinking it would be nice if we could control them from a 1st person perspective. This could be by using some new item/totem. Think of it as a voodoo doll, but 1st control.
While you have control of this mob you (Steve) will not move and can be attacked. While using the mob control the durability of the "doll" will go down, perhaps giving you about 30 seconds of control, then will disappear from inventory. Unbreaking will increase the time allowed, but would need to be achieved by book (think elytra for enchantments)
So upsides to this item would be:
Surveillance, easier mob control, and ability to
view structures from New perspective without Elytra
Unable to move while in use making you vulnerable, inability to attack while using (including as the mob) and people wanting to tame you as a pet 😣
If this isn't added to the game, I would like to at least see a mod with this feature. I mean Mojang added spectating as mobs possible, so I only feel this to be the next step and more now than ever with parrots.
Also could we add taming Bats?
Why don't they use the dragon egg to do this? You defeat the Ender Dragon and get the Egg, what do you do with the Egg now? Fly at top speeds with the Egg in your hands to teleport to the Sky Dimension! Bam solved it. 😀
How do people follow you being only 1 egg? A portal appears for 30 second where you disappeared which others can follow into.
I'm not as excited as other people are about dying beds. Sorry I know it is a popular idea that has been around forever. But now that beds will be block entities(such as chests) this means they could potentially make this even better.
My suggestion is to dye the covers for the bed using blocks. The bed covers would then take on the textures of said block. I don't think this would be hard to do with a simple nbt tag and a little coding. I would love to see someone post some pictures with this idea in place. I would probably redye my bed using obsidian to make a messy look.
So I was thinking there should be iron and gold buttons, perhaps even levers. The way they would work is the longer it's held down the greater the redstone power would stretch. This would make timing easier, down side is you have to hold the button. Though if this was a lever then that problem is not as bad. I know there are ways to accomplish this via redstone and the components we have now, but seeing that function in a button or lever sounds awesome.
Perhaps iron could require you to hold the button and gold would just increase in power until it's 15 then revert back down.
Anyways I doubt this idea will get much support and I do know that people like the challenge of redstone being part of the game.
Also maybe they could change gold/iron pressure plates to use this idea, I mean do people even use those any more, not for their intended purpose at least.