I liked the combat update, but I'm seeing quite a few flawed arguments in this thread that I'd like to address.
Why would allowing you to bypass a change that the vast majority of people have no problem with or even like make up for adding a new mob that a majority of people have no problem with or even like?
I disagree with the idea because
One: I like the combat much more now
Two: It can already be done quite easily within game
Three: This splinters any combat related addition from here on because they need to balance for both settings
One is highly subjective, though I suppose it does support your ability to disagree.
Two assumes that you even know how to do this. In order to do it in game, you'd have to:
Find a command block code on a reputable site that hopefully works for your version of Minecraft.
Find an area to put it in the world's spawn chunks (assuming you even know what those are) to put them where they aren't an eyesore or will get in the way.
Drop an item on the ground and pick it up again for every single weapon. In addition, this will only work while the Overworld is loaded, so you can't build tools and weapons in the Nether or the End in Singleplayer.
While this might be more tedious than difficult, you know how easy it would be to remove the cooldown via a gamerule? Basically, a single line of code that checks if the cooldown gamerule is off, and if so, sets the cooldown to zero.
Three, I'll address in the next point.
Quote from VolcanoBomber458»
All of the above, not to mention how complicated (and pointless) it would be.
(Kicks the mic even further)
You have the attack cooldown disabled, and now DPS skyrockets. But with the new armor changes, you'd kill players that much faster. So Protection values would need to be reverted. I forgot to mention how diamond axes deal 9/10 damage, and so they would kill even faster, meaning axes would need to be nerfed back to one half heart lower than swords, and have sharpness removed. Oh yeah, Sharpness would need to be reverted too...
It's too much work just for a pointless revertion. The attack cooldown ends shortly after the invincibility frames end, and enemies can't be hurt during invincibility frames. So spam-clicking is pointless really.
All of that work just for something pointless and that can easily be done with commands is, well, pointless.
When you turn on keepInventory, what changes to rebalance not losing your items? When you turn off mob spawning, what changes to let you still get to End? A gamerule only effects what you tell it to, no more. If a gamerule was made to turn off the cooldown, that's all it would do. Any changes and loss of game balance are your fault and it is not the job of the developers to rebalance it to fix it for you. However, the removal of the cooldown is all that these people want, and I doubt they would have a big issue with axes suddenly being overpowered.
As for spam clicking being pointless because of invincibility frames, that's only true if you're only fighting one enemy and you never miss. Otherwise, you'll have difficulty learning how to deal with hordes or recovering from missteps. Some people (myself included) have no problem learning these. However, for others, this simply isn't fun for them. I see no reason why not to spend two seconds to give them what they want.
Quote from laserguy345»
If Mojang makes a game rule for everything a few players didn't like, there would be game rules for every thing in the game. They would get constantly badgered about other things if they did this.
Slippery slope fallacy. One cannot assume that just because Mojang adds one gamerule, they will add a hundred more, or that people would just constantly ask for more gamerules, at least, more than they do now.
Even if it was true, what's the real issue? Minecraft is supposed to be a game that's fun for you and is what you make of it. I see nothing wrong with getting full customization of features.
Quote from Mastermined»
The game would also become a nightmare to code, with every new feature not only having to be optional, but everything needing to be tested in every possible combination, to spot any potential issues and bugs. Updates would take years to come out and offer every little content because of tht amount of time it would take to implement them.
Remember that they don't need to rebalance the game around gamerules. The only rebalancing that needs to take place is that with the default settings. Anything else that breaks the game is the fault of the player, and it is up to them to determine whether they are willing to deal with the loss of balancing in order to have the features they want.
With some tweaking I think this idea could improve single player though I'm not exactly for this. If you add mailboxes this would work in single player by letting you send stuff to different places though the mail instead of going there.
Personally I think adding this functionality to the bird sounds better instead of adding a mail man.
So when you get a compass out it points to the spawn. I think it would nice if you could set a compass to point to the center of a map instead.
My thinking is if you have a compass out it points to the spawn, if you have a map in your inventory though it'll point to that map's center or the 1st banner marked on the map.
It'll work like arrows and bow, the compass would look at offhand 1st for a map then hotbar, then inventory if no maps found it points to spawn, otherwise it points to 1st map it finds.
I believe this will make exploration better.
If I understand this right, you want a GUI for OPs on a server to make it easier to customize the server? If this is the case 100% support. I mean /gamerule and other such commands are useful, and many of what you want can be done with command blocks, but I'm all for easier controls and more customization.
Having to type /gamerule or coming up with a command block solution is not intuitive for most players. Yes, they have made commands much easier, but it doesn't mean adding other ways of customizing a server is a bad idea.
Seeing the attention the Book and Quill are getting now and days I figured I'd add some features I'd like to see.
1) Ability to add images of items to the Book via Alt+hotbar slot or by dragging said item over the Book when typing. This would not consume the item.
2) Maps would be added to Book talking up most of the page(Maps are stored via map_id so this should take very little data).
3) Colored texts, though this can be done right now it's not intuitive.
4) Custom book covers via banners?
Anyways, what do you think of these ideas?
which are good?
are they all bad?
Either way I'm excited for 1.14. woot!!
I wouldn't have it give any XP while mining, also a down side to this is redstone and lapis would only drop 1 when using this such as if you smelt those items. Clay would give terracotta and netherrack would give nether brick.
But what I like about this idea is mainly the 2 items that would help speed up building, the sponge and sand/glass. Think how much running back and forth you do when clearing large amounts of water. If you are draining a water Temple you will likely run back and forth clearing each room and drying your sponges.
Basically new enchantment that gives you the smelled version of the items you mine. This will save alot of time seeing that you won't have to run to the furnace anymore.
-Cut down a tree and get charcoal
-Dig up sand and get glass
-Break a wet sponge and it's instantly dry
-Mine stone and get...stone...
-Harvest Potato then eat cooked potato, too bad you can't replant you fool
Basically it's like the flame enchantment for tools
I would actually like to see this for everything. Mobs, Recipes, Weather and so forth. This would be great for all versions of Minecraft, easier customization without the use of commands or mods.
A game should not depend on a public wiki in order to enjoy fully. We have moved far passed the days of instruction manuals and Minecraft has grown far from it's days of being for a niche audience. Anything to make the game more accessable to everyone is always welcomed in my "book".
This is like saying something like "get rid of cell phones, in my day we used a land line when calling people and went to the library to look up information".
This is not hurting anyone, it is only helping. This is not even changing the game in anyway except now you don't have to alt+tab, look up a recipe (if you knew how to find it) and then alt+tab back.
Plus you don't like it, don't use it.
This will be really good because as of now you have to shutdown the server, disable command blocks, start the server, find the command block, break it or change it, shutdown the server, enable command blocks and start the server again.
Another nice feature would be a F3 + [something] to disable command blocks targeting yourself. This would only work if OPed.
Also would be nice to get command block locations somehow so you know where these commands are taking place. When working with a big team there can be bugs and like most programming IDEs, you are given the location of the bugs.(at least the ones the IDE's debugger can find)
I often work with teams to build and sometimes you get these people who for some reason TP @a 0 500 0 on a repeating command block.
So your idea of adding the command disable and/or a F3 + [insert key here] to disable such commands from targeting you would be priceless.
95% support
This curse would hide your hunger and health and perhaps your hotbar along with the rest of that area. Of course you can get your HUD back by unequipping this, it's just there to be an annoyance. As I said before I would love to see more curses in the game, though coming up with curses can be tricky.
Any other curse ideas? Is this curse a bad idea? Really should just start a curse/enchantment suggestion thread?