I liked the combat update, but I'm seeing quite a few flawed arguments in this thread that I'd like to address.
Why would allowing you to bypass a change that the vast majority of people have no problem with or even like make up for adding a new mob that a majority of people have no problem with or even like?
I disagree with the idea because
One: I like the combat much more now
Two: It can already be done quite easily within game
Three: This splinters any combat related addition from here on because they need to balance for both settings
One is highly subjective, though I suppose it does support your ability to disagree.
Two assumes that you even know how to do this. In order to do it in game, you'd have to:
Find a command block code on a reputable site that hopefully works for your version of Minecraft.
Find an area to put it in the world's spawn chunks (assuming you even know what those are) to put them where they aren't an eyesore or will get in the way.
Drop an item on the ground and pick it up again for every single weapon. In addition, this will only work while the Overworld is loaded, so you can't build tools and weapons in the Nether or the End in Singleplayer.
While this might be more tedious than difficult, you know how easy it would be to remove the cooldown via a gamerule? Basically, a single line of code that checks if the cooldown gamerule is off, and if so, sets the cooldown to zero.
Three, I'll address in the next point.
Quote from VolcanoBomber458»
All of the above, not to mention how complicated (and pointless) it would be.
(Kicks the mic even further)
You have the attack cooldown disabled, and now DPS skyrockets. But with the new armor changes, you'd kill players that much faster. So Protection values would need to be reverted. I forgot to mention how diamond axes deal 9/10 damage, and so they would kill even faster, meaning axes would need to be nerfed back to one half heart lower than swords, and have sharpness removed. Oh yeah, Sharpness would need to be reverted too...
It's too much work just for a pointless revertion. The attack cooldown ends shortly after the invincibility frames end, and enemies can't be hurt during invincibility frames. So spam-clicking is pointless really.
All of that work just for something pointless and that can easily be done with commands is, well, pointless.
When you turn on keepInventory, what changes to rebalance not losing your items? When you turn off mob spawning, what changes to let you still get to End? A gamerule only effects what you tell it to, no more. If a gamerule was made to turn off the cooldown, that's all it would do. Any changes and loss of game balance are your fault and it is not the job of the developers to rebalance it to fix it for you. However, the removal of the cooldown is all that these people want, and I doubt they would have a big issue with axes suddenly being overpowered.
As for spam clicking being pointless because of invincibility frames, that's only true if you're only fighting one enemy and you never miss. Otherwise, you'll have difficulty learning how to deal with hordes or recovering from missteps. Some people (myself included) have no problem learning these. However, for others, this simply isn't fun for them. I see no reason why not to spend two seconds to give them what they want.
Quote from laserguy345»
If Mojang makes a game rule for everything a few players didn't like, there would be game rules for every thing in the game. They would get constantly badgered about other things if they did this.
Slippery slope fallacy. One cannot assume that just because Mojang adds one gamerule, they will add a hundred more, or that people would just constantly ask for more gamerules, at least, more than they do now.
Even if it was true, what's the real issue? Minecraft is supposed to be a game that's fun for you and is what you make of it. I see nothing wrong with getting full customization of features.
Quote from Mastermined»
The game would also become a nightmare to code, with every new feature not only having to be optional, but everything needing to be tested in every possible combination, to spot any potential issues and bugs. Updates would take years to come out and offer every little content because of tht amount of time it would take to implement them.
Remember that they don't need to rebalance the game around gamerules. The only rebalancing that needs to take place is that with the default settings. Anything else that breaks the game is the fault of the player, and it is up to them to determine whether they are willing to deal with the loss of balancing in order to have the features they want.
The current way the server works(I think) is every tick the game checks all "fully loaded" chunks for blocks that need updating, such as fire, crops, saplings, etc.
Steps for firetick would be something like:
Does fire spread?
Where does it spread?
Can it spread there?
Does fire extinguisher?
This can lagg the server alot since nothing else can update at this time. (Just explaining for people who might not know)
If this tick was handled on a separate thread the resources would likely take more RAM, but with that you free the rest of the server up.
A downside I can see is that more fire could make fires last longer just because it would have to wait the same time as if the server was lagging due to fire. That being said it would free up resources for other things.
This ought to be applied to not just fire, but Mobs and plant growth as well.
Implementing this would be great and I 100% support this. This could also help improve lagg from changes in light levels as well.
You can add torches, lanterns, lamps and countless other sources of light, but there will always be problems of having to change up your build aesthetics in order to get proper lighting. This isn't only useful to prevent mob spawning, but also enhances the looks of these builds.
I propose to add invisible light sources, much like we have barrier blocks. In order to see the invisible light source you would need to be holding it. Perhaps the item could just be a 2d lightbulb. Unlike barrier blocks this "block" can be walkthrough.
Only problem I see with this is not being able to build in an area that has one of these light sources. Maybe you could place a block in them which would overwrite them(much like placing a block in water).
I do understand that part of the charm of Minecraft is being creative with the limits that are given to us. This "block" should therefore be a creative only block used for map makers.
I got it, a boss that'll drop diamonds. The Diamond Golem. To fight this new boss, place 4 diamond blocks in a T formation and place a carved pumpkin on its head. It'll immediately attack you and when it dies drops 1-3 diamonds.
Sometimes traveling to the nearest stronghold is a pain especially when it's tens of thousands of blocks away, over oceans, pass mountains, etc. You've already been there, defeated the dragon and maybe even collected a few elytra. Why can't the portal be closer at this point?
My idea is to have the ability to craft end portal frames using supplies from the end. These frames will look just like the one in strongholds, but will be breakable via pickaxe. When broken the frame will lose the eye of ender in it and just drop the frame.
Just like the normal end portal, you will need to place eyes of ender in each frame and construct in the 5x5 area just as you would normally. Breaking one frame though would destroy the portal.
How to craft this frame? Simple... Take 5 end stone in the shape of a boat and place 3 popped chorus fruit on the top row. This means you would have most likely already defeated the ender dragon or made a bridge stretching around 1000 blocks to get to the outer islands, either way you proven yourself(...or cheated with creative at which point you can already do this without this addition)
So with this I can save time by not having to walk many blocks and then kill myself just as fast because I get a tad careless in the end.
What do you think? Any ways to improve on this idea or should we not have this feature?
I'm totally behind sorting shortcuts for inventories and chests. Sure I could build a sorting system via redstone, but that's not intuitive. I do like the shortcuts to move multiple items of a specific type, but that's also not intuitive to most players.
We can pick up stacks, split them, take single items, move stacks, move all of the same type of an item.
The game is filled with shortcuts to do these things, but I feel there could be better ways of handling this than what we are given.
Personally I think they should add a sort of menu selection option for sorting and doing all of the above, not replacing what we have now, but giving us another option, though not sure how to implement it at this time.
I'm just hoping you can hook the bell up to redstone, maybe powering the block it's attached to.
This would make for a good doorbell alternative. (Even if you could make a doorbell with note blocks)
Idea is to expand the beacon to give it more uses not sure of what tier these effects would be or if there should be an alternate way of getting these effects. Here's a few I've thought of:
Increase in plant growth in area. Plants with limited heights will have their limits increased by 1.5x. Sugarcane and cactus would grow to 4 blocks.
All undead mobs won't spawn in this area. If an undead mob roams into the area they will be reduced to 1 HP.
All blocks in this area will get increased hardness making it harder and sometimes impossible for tnt and creepers to destroy blocks. Blocks would also take longer to mine, but would require same tool.
Outlines mobs that are within 20 blocks from the player. This would also work on other players.
I'm sure some of these seem OP if not all of them, but I feel this is fair being a late game item. Perhaps they could all be tier 4 or have increased effects at tier 4. Maybe even have it be an addition to beacons and give these effects a timer such as fuel in a furnace.
Any more ideas?
How about instead of stackable, we use max-stack or stack-size, thus we could define the size of the stack. If not stackable it should be stack-size=1. If below 1 it'll act as stack-size: 1 and if above 64 maybe defaults to 64, though it would be interesting to have custom stacks above 64.
I think they should run from villagers that have priest profession.
When had Minecraft been realistic with what could be held? Anyways I think a pigeon works for historical value, if we were to change to a different (more magical) bird I'd go with an owl, for the Harry Potter reference.
As for this not working due to chunk loading, you could have a chance of failure if the person is logged off or drop off the items at the bed of the player.
Now dropping in non loaded chunks doesn't need to load the chunk to do so. The way to solve this is to place the item in a quarry which can load when the chunk is loaded or the player logs on or respawns.
This quarry can just be a file listing items waiting to mail and can quickly be scanned to check for undelivered items. This literally be done with a few lines of code. Perhaps this could even be added to the player day files which is used to tell the client the inventory and position of the player when they login. I don't see deaths, log outs or dimensions slowing things down nor requiring chunk loading.