Well don't get me wrong, i think the idea is nice: Problem it already exists. ModPE script has originally been created by treebl for ioS and the scripting language (which is javascript) has been ported to Android by 500ISE. Now treebl stopped supporting the modpe scripts. So the reasonable thing to do would be to port modpe script back to iOS which sounds like much work, but it really isn't :3
I agree with you there. ModPE do already exist. But, this can be maybe a more 'advanced' version of ModPE. So its not really noob friendly but there will be lots of good mods instead of spam topics like: "Super wand mod [Instakill]"
Hi guys its me DDM here and yes I'm back! If you don't know me I'm a decent modder who retired 4 months ago! Anyways this is not were going to discuss about! Today I bring you MCPE CUSTOM KEYBOARDS MOD!
Yes it looks pointless and boring but look at this!
Isn't it AWESOME! You have to admit is awesome.
Thats only the beginning! You can suggest in the comment down below what kind of theme you want it to be and I'll try to pick most of it!
Its Work In Progress!
When the mod comes out it will be themed black and white. If you want more themes you need to comment down below
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.
I'm so sorry I just went AFK suddenly guys Im SO SORRY I will be making mods once in 2 months? Or so. I just want you guys to except my apologies
~Best wishes DDM
Hi there, this is just a small idea of passable blocks. So in your mods you can have something like cloud blocks or something Anyways feel free to copy the code if you give me credit But BEWARE its a idea it might not work :| People might have better ideas but I think I'm the first to post about this.
function modTick(){
var PlayerPlaceX = Player.getX();
var PlayerplaceY = Player.getY();
var PlayerPlaceZ = Player.getZ();
if(getTile(PlayerPlaceX()+1, PlayerPlaceY(), PlayerPlaceZ()) == 1){ //If block front is stone
setPostition(getPlayerEnt(), PlayerPlaceX()+0.2, PlayerplaceY(), PlayerPlaceZ()); //Set Players position towards block
setVelX(getPlayerEnt(), 1); //Pushes player if stuck.
//Repeat this with rest of the coordinates (y and z)
I'll be honest, I didn't even realise that it said MCPE
But yeah, invisible bedrock'll work just as well, I assume.
Invisible Bedrock is a hidden block in MCPE, it doesn't exist it PC 146 is actually the ID for locked chest in MCPC but since its MCPE it glitched out and became invisible and indestructible, that's why its called invisible bedrock.
Sorry to rain on your topic but.. First of all this mod doesn't have a purpose. Secondly it wont work. ModPE.leaveGame() then clientMessage? Instead of clientMessage try using print() instead
If any mob has a block above it anywhere in the column, it won't start burning. However, I think the best way to do this would be to put a piston extension block (block 34?) on the mob's helmet slot, so it's wearing a hat, but you shouldn't be able to see it.
Are you a PC player? Because piston extension blocks are not available in MCPE :)Try putting invisible bedrock in the top of the mobs head. ID: 146
I agree with you there. ModPE do already exist. But, this can be maybe a more 'advanced' version of ModPE. So its not really noob friendly but there will be lots of good mods instead of spam topics like: "Super wand mod [Instakill]"
Sorry, you cant have the code.
Yes, Yes I can!
Note: I'm having issues in school, so its hard to manage my time. There will be a major delay in this mod.. SORRY
I wouldn't
Yes I think so.
Copyright ©
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.
~Best wishes DDM
Lol no
Invisible Bedrock is a hidden block in MCPE, it doesn't exist it PC
Are you a PC player? Because piston extension blocks are not available in MCPE :)Try putting invisible bedrock in the top of the mobs head. ID: 146