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    posted a message on Epic Prison Map For Prison Owners | Over 5000+ Downloads |
    This map is great!
    I was just wondering, where are blocks F-J? I can't find them :l It would be nice if you could put coordinates to the places where all the blocks are clumped together.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Epic Prison Map For Prison Owners | Over 5000+ Downloads |
    This map is great!
    I was just wondering, where are blocks F-J? I can't find them :l It would be nice if you could put coordinates to the places where all the blocks are clumped together.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on 1.7.2 Spigot Server : java.net exception Host is Down
    I'm running a 1.7.2 Spigot Minecraft server for me and my friends to play on. My parents recently got new wifi, and before, on the old wifi, I was able to run servers just fine. But now, whenever I open up a server, they can't get on because the 'host is down'. (I am using a Mac)

    I am using port map, and have port forwarded :25565.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on New Pixelmon Server! Looking for Gym Leaders and Staff!
    Hi MinecraftForum moderators, I was wondering if you could delete this topic. This server will not exist, and I am sorry to everyone who applied. It might be back up, so check back in the 'Servers - Looking For' section soon and it might be there.

    Sorry again,
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on New Pixelmon Server! Looking for Gym Leaders and Staff!
    Quote from AsianDumplings


    AsianDumplings, refer myself as AsianSquirtle

    Role Applying For:
    Moderator. I am actually fine with any position but I really do want Mod.

    I have no skype but I have a email. My parents are very paranoid.

    Experience with Minecraft or Pixelmon:
    I am very expierenced, I have played Pixelmon for 1.5 years. I have also played Minecraft for 3 Years. I love Pixelmon a lot! Its my favorite type of Minecraft mod.

    Plugin Recommendations (If you have any): I do not have any plugin recommendations, I am fine with whatever you have. Its not really my job since I don't think that I should control what you do.

    sounds great! will provide you with IP asap.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on SG Craft: Need Beta Testers, YouTubers and Moderators [ALL BETA APPS ACCEPTED]
    Channel Name: MrSmevens

    Subscribers: 7 (Will get more with a good server to record on)

    Skype: minecraftman630

    Average Minecraft Videos Per Week: 1-2 (again, will have more with a good server)

    Are you willing to advertise our server and post gameplays of it on your channel? YES!

    Would you want to use the 1 GB server for recording? Sure, if other people still can play.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0


    NAME: Carter

    AGE: 12

    IGN: cws2002

    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN OUR TEAM: I can help out a lot and like to work with thriving servers.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on New Pixelmon Server! Looking for Gym Leaders and Staff!
    Quote from joshsayers12

    Name: josh
    IGN: joshsayers12
    Role Applying For: gymleader ( i would like to be water)
    Skype: joshsayers12
    Experience with Minecraft or Pixelmon: ive played micraft for a year and pixelmon since beta i am also a very active player playing around 12 hours most days

    i'm sorry , I already have a water gym leader position filled by one of my IRL friends.
    are there any other types you like?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on New Pixelmon Server! Looking for Gym Leaders and Staff!
    Quote from djfizz5

    ok ummmmm I wanna be fire or lightning but I also wanna be Dragon xD

    i'll just put you down as dragon for now ok?
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Vulcan's Wrath [1.7.2 Bukkit] - Medieval RP - Looking For: Admins, Moderators, Chat Mods, Builders, Web Developers, and Plugin D
    Web Developer-
    Name: Carter

    Age: 12 (mature for my age)

    IGN: cws2002

    Method of Contact: Skype (minecraftman630) or email (will PM you)

    Time Zone: US Central

    Time Able To Be Spent: A few hours on weekends, and about an hour on weekdays.

    Previous Experience [Provide Proof]:
    have worked with servers making enjin sites: click here (sadly many servers I work with go bankrupt because of little funds)
    and have created banners. click here

    Links To Past Work:
    I hyperlinked them above.

    Reasons For Applying:
    I want to work with a server that looks good, hopefully will not crash and one that I would love to play on and just have fun working with.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on New Pixelmon Server! Looking for Gym Leaders and Staff!
    Quote from Lilcity42

    Name: Lydia

    Role Applying for: Gym Leader

    IGN: lydia9531

    Skype: No, but it's best to interview me on the server.

    Experiences on Minecaft/Pixelmon: I'm an admin on Lewcraft and chatmod on pixalcraft, I used to play pokemon... ALOT!

    Plugin Recommendations: The chairs plugin would be pretty cool

    And I'm online most of the day, but may be on a different server at some times, thanks for listening!

    One more thing... I'm on YouTube as 'LilCityGaming' Subscribe if you want...

    Do you have a type (fire,electric,etc.) that you want to be a gym leader for?
    Your application is great and you can be a leader once i get your type of gym.
    (also , if you give me a link to your channel i will subscribe)
    Quote from djfizz5

    Name: Dylan
    IGN: djfizz5
    Role Applying For: Gym Leader
    Skype: djfizz5
    Experience with Minecraft or Pixelmon: been playing minecraft for 10 months now, and I've never actually played a pixelmon server before but I learn things fast

    ok, that's great. so you know, my skype is minecraftman630 when I add you.
    Also, please tell me the pokemon gym you want to lead (fire, grass, electric, psychic, dragon, etc.)
    Just in case you didn't know, you have to download the pixelmon mod to play on this server.
    How to install:
    Quote from FishyMackerel

    Name: Phillip
    IGN: FishyMackerel
    Role Applying For: Gym Leader
    Skype: FishyMackerel
    Experience with Minecraft or Pixelmon: I play Vanilla MC for a year or so, and Pixelmon for around a few months. I know what is super effective or what is not.
    Plugin Recommendations (If you have any): I'll think about it when I know what theme of the server is. But I think the Grabling Hook would be cool, if it's like an RPG I guess.

    Looks good! just in case...
    you have to download the pixelmon mod to play on this server.
    How to install:
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on New Pixelmon Server! Looking for Gym Leaders and Staff!
    Welcome to the thread of MrSmevens' / cws2002's Pixelmon Server!
    If you would like to apply for the role of Gym Leader, builder, or plugin helper please use the template below:
    Email me w/ any questions: [email protected]

    Role Applying For:
    Experience with Minecraft or Pixelmon:
    Plugin Recommendations (If you have any):

    Thanks for viewing this and good luck with your application! :GPA:
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 1

    posted a message on New Pixelmon 2.5.2 Server Looking For Staff PokeMaster's Pixelmon!
    Name: Carter
    IGN: cws2002
    Age: 12
    Role Applying For: gym leader (Electric?) / builder
    Experience: Playing MC for 3 1/2 years! I love building / working with plugins and mods ( like pixelmon ) and I want to help out with this server. Also have hosted many pixelmon servers (I actually found this thread trying to download 2.5.2 for my own server)
    Skype: minecraftman630
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [True 1.7.4] ---{ Raiders Craft }--- Fresh Map (1-3-14) | Factions | FFA | Economy | Raiding |
    Can i be a member? my in game name is cws2002
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Prison Server] Hellbreak Prison Beta [1.6.2]
    Quote from MAXIMUSSPRIME

    I'll give it to you now :D
    Also, I don't do guard apps, that's Tandemsrevenge.

    Ok, thank you!!/
    Posted in: PC Servers
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