Quote from wheatbeatsbbg»
Name: haley
In-Game Name: Wheatbeats69
Age: 26
Country: Canada
Favorite Aspects of Online Play: Exploring and making friends in the community
Least Favorite Aspects of Online Play: i kinda suck at pvp but its still fun!
A bit more about yourself: just looking for some servers to kill all my free time with hahaReferral by Apollo Player (if applicable): QueenBrit
Added, welcome to Apollo!
Hello, this is a mindcrack like server, i've always wanted to start one so now i am. If you would like to join just message me your application on xbox or here. My Xbox GT is: cufufy
Mic not required.
*Don't build to close to spawn
*No spawn killing
*Pranks are allowed just no lava, fire, or TNT.
*No taking items from other peoples chests or griefing.
1.) GT
2.) Age
3.) Reason