I'm a little behind on this update stuff (i don't really like any MC version except PC) but it seems like the community is almost as torn up about this as when the whole EULA thing happened a while ago. I will admit it feels like they are leaving the newly named "java edition" behind but I think it will all be ok when it comes out and if not they will more than likely listen to the community on what to change and as for the original post this new version of MC doesn't seem inferior although it's not going to be "original" like the PC is it definitely is not going to be inferior. the only thing I'm upset at here is the community for responding the way it has to this update IT'S JUST CHANGE AND IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME and that PC isn't in on the BTU.
Thanks so much to everyone whos shown interest! its super nice to have all you friends in here!

We've grown a bit and still looking for a couple more people! At 21 now!
Welcome to ClassiCraft!
We are a brand new, whitelisted, 18+ SMP minecraft server as of November the 18th, 2024! We are currently on 1.21.4, but if you see this later, we are always on the latest version!
Our goal is to create and uphold a friendly, closeknit, and small community of wonderful people! We are designed for friendly players seeking a true and kind community. We are active and have friendly people ready to chat! Embrace classic SMP style gameplay in a safe environment where everyone can relax, build, and get along. Join us and experience the joy of Minecraft with mature and welcoming players.
It is a Vanilla+ server running the latest version of paper. We have very few plugins and datapacks like coreprotect, sitting, and geyser!
Feel free to join on bedrock or java!
Please join the discord for more information: Discord
We are looking to stay small, maybe 30 players max and we are at 18!
Thank you for your time!
Name: Kay
In-Game Name: cufufy
Discord Name: @JustK#1009
Age: 20
Country: USA
Favorite Aspects of Online Play: Community
Least Favorite Aspects of Online Play: People may not respect boundaries
A bit more about yourself: I've played Minecraft since 2010, I love coding. Coding for Minecraft, discord bots, etc... you name it. When i get into a project I don't stop. I love playing Minecraft too if i click with the server, I'll often grind 48 hours in a game and stream it. I really love the game and Brit seems really chill so I'm hype to see how the rest of the community is.
Referral by Apollo Player (if applicable): Brit
Thanks for the heads up guys! Fixed my discord accepting!
I am looking for Streamers/YouTubers to join me on my nostalgia-craft server! Starting as early as possibly imaginable and every month the server updates a major version. I have everything set up, I'm just looking for people to play! If you are interested please add me on discord @ JustK#1009
A little about myself: I am JustK! I'm A 19-year-old dude as a somewhat starting streamer with a dedicated follower base. Lately streaming the same old server has become a bore for me so I'm seeking something new and adventurous! Trust me, you'll wanna be a part of this!
I currently have 3 people signed on to do this, myself included, all ranging from 100 followers to 3 thousand. Anyone can message me, I prefer affiliate streamers but anyone can message as long as you're dedicated and professional as well as being able to have fun!~
(required) Discord: @JustK#1009
(required) Minecraft IGN: cufufy
(required) Age and gender (not incredibly important and likely won't affect whether we let you in, we would just like to know): 19 Male
(if applicable) Youtube Channel/Twitch channel/Other (send a link): https://twitch.tv/justkaayy
What's your experience in minecraft? Do you mostly play survival servers, creative servers, singleplayer, modded, etc.: I play tons of survival and modded, singleplayer and multiplayer.
How long have you been playing the game?: I've played minecraft since 2010 (I believe more specifically April)
What's your timezone and what country are you in?: I'm New York TimeZone (EST)
What would you say you're best at in minecraft? Building? PVP? Something else?: Im best in mining/building. I LOVE building and making natural looking builds like mineshafts and entrances and cliffs and such.
How often do you think you could play? Pretty much everyday unless I'm called into work for overtime.
Anything else you'd like to let us know? N/A
Vetus Gloria SMP
Just like Mindrack or HermitCraft! Bringing back the nostalgia of the old Minecraft we all love. We strive to make sure everything stays vanilla and old. Old is better in some cases
We are an SMP with small quality of life improvements, active members, EST time zone, American Servers, latest version, Beta Resource pack preinstalled for nostalgia, small plugins to make the modern day seem like good old beta days, and more!
>Java Latest Version
>Over 10+ active players
>Already up and running
>Friendly community
>Discord all set up
>Market place
>No Server Lag
>Simple features to make it seem nostalgic
>And More!!!

1. Please respect everyone and no harassment of any kind.
We know you aren't all the same, but that doesn't mean you have to fight because you are different.
2. Please keep all content in the contents respective channels.
3. Please do not spam.
If you don't know what this is, look it up or PM.
5. Please, no attention seeking, suicide threats, and things of that sort.
6. Please DONT advertise your Twitter, YouTube, or other social media’s in any channel except #media (discord rule)
You may not announce/post your discord server if you do you will be warned. You may not advertise/post your discord server if you do you will be informed.*
7. English mainly, please.
We all would prefer you to speak English as we all do. Saying some things in other languages is all right, but primarily use English, please.
Listen to the mods; they know what's up.
9. No Massive farms
Farms are alright, but we need to make sure the server will not crash, please check with staff to make sure it is okay if you think the farm is big. There is an AFK limit of 5 hours, use it wisely
10. You must be in the discord to be whitelisted.
11. No griefing.
Griefing includes Stealing, destroying, placing, or any other way to damage property.
we want a friendly community here, guys
Everything we do is for a community, if you do not want to work as one we do not want you.
14. Please don’t mess up the spawn. Please live at least 150 blocks away before you start digging and mining to keep it beautiful
Allowed Client-Side Mods:
PM me on Discord if you are interested in joining!
Discord: @JustK#1009
***Vestus Gloria SMP***
Bringing back the nostalgia of the old Minecraft. Come and join!
>25 player slots
>already up and running
>friendly community
>discord all set up
>server all set up and running
PM me on discord if you are interested in joining: @JustK#1009
3 people accepted! Still more spots open!
-In-game name: cufufy
-Your age: 17
-Your gender: Male
-The country you currently reside in: USA
-Do you have access to Discord: yes
-How long have you been playing for: since Alpha 1.2
-What are your best skills in-game (redstoning, building, farming, etc.): im better at redstone but im still good at building
-The amount of time you can be on the server: 2-4 hours a day
-Any questions, comments, or concerns: not really, just something to note on my youtube channel i have not uploaded in a while and i wanted to use this to get back into it as i have only streamed recently
Hello! Thank you for reading this short little post about my server. I hope you enjoy this and are open to join, just please read all the way through.
Hello! Welcome to ArmageddonRealm SMP! A bedrock SMP for all versions of Minecraft bedrock including Windows 10/Xbox One/Phone/Switch/and more! We are so happy to hopefully create a big active community.
I do unfortunately have to quickly say it is not currently up, it will be up within the next week at the most if everything goes to plan, I just need to see how many will join to see which plan I am going to get.
1.) Please respect everyone.
We know you aren't all the same and that's good! Just please be respectful of people.
2.) (discord specific) Please keep all content to their respective channels.
3.) Please, no slurs!
Cursing is ok, just not slurs.
4.) Please, no spam!
5.) No attention-seeking, please!
No fake suicide threats or whatnot to try and get pity.
6.) Please, no advertising other servers!
7.) English mainly, please!
8.) (discord specific) Please use the @ "here" if it's something you want to tell everyone. ONLY EVER USE THE @ "everyone" IF IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT. If it is anything else please tag people directly.
If you would like to join please join the discord here and you will find a link to the application to join. We hope to see you all there!
Just in case the link above does not work here is the discord link in full for you all:
link: https://discord.gg/Dc7dM5E
code: Dc7dM5E
KaiauluCraft SMP is, obviously, a SMP. It will be almost exactly like MindCrack. If you don't know what MindCrack is, it is a community based SMP that HAS to be active. We are looking for people to join and possibly record with other people. We are looking for people 15+. You can record but you do not have to.
- 15+
- Must have SKYPE
- Can Have Discord
- Must have Minecraft (obviously)
- MUST BE ACTIVE (Please be on for at least 1 hour over the span of three days)
- Must be friendly
- Cursing is allowed
- Preferably live in USA (BUt you don't have to, just make sure you are on when the rest of us are)
What we will do:
- We will do a basic SMP in a community fashion. We will help each-other and be nice.
- After 1 season (when we get bored of current world) We will restart and most likely (it will be a vote) start a modpack world.
- PRANKING IS ALLOWED There are rules. NO TNT, NO stealing Items, NO griefing, NO Fire, NO lava.
- Some of us will record but YOU DO NOT HAVE TO!
We hope to see you there. Add My Skype: cufufy