- crozone1999
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 8 months, and 13 days
Last active Sun, May, 29 2016 16:03:02
- 181 Total Posts
- 6 Thanks
Draghi posted a message on [Please Close] Draghi's Custom Flatmaps-- Sorry Flatmaps gone, Custom Flatmaps are Implemented in game --Posted in: Maps -
Lilariel posted a message on Challenge - The Tree SpiritPosted in: Survival Mode
Table of Contents
1. Credits and Creation
2. Challenge Lorebook
3. Challenge Description
4. Rule Summary
5. Extra Optional Challenges
6. Tips and Tricks
7. News and Announcements8. Three-Spirit friendly Mods
9. Tree-Spirit SMP Server list
10. Challenge Artwork, player skins and banners
Credits and Creation:
First off, credit for creating this challenge goes to Cthulhu725! He thought it up, created the concept, but didn't have time to respond to the overwhelming popularity the challenge recieved. Since then, we've collectively clarified and added new rules, collected artwork and stories, and seen interest for it rise quite greatly. So much so, that rules and their descriptions were eventually spread out over a great number of pages, and we thought it better to make a new topic, and collect everything in a new post.
Challenge Lorebook:
Not all trees have a spirit to watch over them, many die to old age, drought or flood, disease or flames, and many other (un)natural causes. But some trees, do have a guardian spirit, they are blessed by your presence. You shall make it grow and prosper, spread your roots far and wide, eventually shadow over all the other trees and become a monument in itself.
In this challenge you take on the role of a trees very essence. You will become a dryad, a tree spirit, a tree's soul, the God in the tree. It has many names, but common to them all is this: They can never leave the tree, and if one of them dies, so does the other. And just as a tree's reach is limited by the height of it's branches and it's length of it's roots, so is a tree spirit limited. You will become an extension of the tree, just as it becomes an extension of you. The spirit will direct the growth of the tree, digging roots to valuable minerals and precious water, branching out to bask in the sun.
But remember, you are not alone in this world, the tree spirit can never rest. It must protect it's tree from all things. The darkness brings nests of spiders, the extremely dangerous Creepers, maybe even other tree spirits - everything is a potential threat. Even when they are gone, a single spark of flame can reduce a spirit to ash, and sometimes even the sky itself will try to erase your very existence.
How will you survive?
Challenge Description:
The first core aspect in this challenge as you might have guessed by now, is to grow a world tree.
It all begins when you join a new world, there's no need to pick a specific seed for your map. The first thing you do, is to find and pick a single tree to become the blessed grandfather tree. It can be any kind of tree you like, of any size and shape, on any location. When you find one you want to bless, chop down the tree, and gather all saplings and logs that drop, but you must leave the bottom log of the tree standing. This bottom log becomes the heart and life of your world tree - if it is destroyed, be that by creepers exploding or fire, the challenge is lost, and the tree will die.
When you have done this, hop up on your tree heart, and begin the challenge proper! From now on, you cannot leave your tree any longer, you are now linked to it. You can only mine or harvest anything you can reach while touching a log. With the saplings and logs you harvested from your grandfather-tree, you will be able to plant and grow new trees, offspring of your first, which you again can harvest completely. Then you repeat this process over and over again, while you try to grow your tree into a big, awe-inspiring creation!
The second core challenge aspect, lies in using no resources but those you can reach while touching part of your tree, be that a log or a leaf directly connected to your tree, through a series of other logs. Let's illustrate an example with pictures:
The right tree, is your world tree, and you want to pick up that flower. However, the tree spirit cannot leave it's tree, and the flower is too far away to reach! How can we pick up the flower? The answer is roots! The tree spirit can direct the growth of the world trees roots to where they need to go, simply by placing logs grown from the sapling offspring of the original tree. So to reach that flower, the tree spirit would make a path of logs, symbolizing the growth of roots, for example like this:
By using this simple concept, the tree spirit can reach anything! It can grow roots to water, expanding to encompass a greater area, or even dig deep down into the core of the earth to find precious materials like coal, iron, or even diamonds. Remember though, the roots must be directly connected through a string of logs to your tree heart.Placing a log for every second block and jumping from log to log does not leave you with a direct link, and is not allowed.
These two aspects form the core rules in the challenge, and open for a surprisingly interesting and refreshing play-style, where absolutely everything you find becomes extra precious.
The third core aspect, while not a rule in itself so to speak, rather more of a suggestion is; whatever way you decide to attack this challenge, do it in a way YOU find fun! If you think a specific rule is too frustrating, or don't like the idea of something, play it differently! Make up your own limitations. Yours is the drill that will pierce the heavens after all, and you won't pierce the heavens if you're not having fun.
Rule Summary:
1: Begin the challenge in a new world, using any seed you like. Alternatively if you want to play in your main world, drop everything you have in a chest and run far into the wilderness without picking up anything.
2: Pick a single tree of any type, in any area, and harvest all saplings and logs from it except the bottom Log, which will become your Heart-log. (If you're extremely unlucky and the tree drops no saplings at all, just punch leaves on other nearby trees until you get one, or simply dump your logs and pick a new tree.) When you have done this, jump onto the Heart-log to begin the challenge proper! From now on;
3: You cannot move away from your tree. You cannot dig or mine blocks or items unless you are standing on, or directly next to either a log or leaves directly connected to your Heart-log through other logs. Pretend that you at all times need to be able to reach out an arm and touch a log or a leaf belonging to your tree, whether the log is above, under, or beside you. This includes killing animals too, you can't run off your tree to go hunting! You can however leave the log a few seconds to pick up the fallen blocks, but only to collect the items, not to mine or travel further away. And since it's a common question: Jumping is allowed!
4: You can chop other trees down, but you cannot use wood from a tree that is not the offspring of the first saplings you harvested. If you must chop down other trees, throw it's logs and saplings away, or turn the logs into planks, sticks or charcoal, or any other otherwise "dead" material. A tree cannot grow by absorbing other trees after all. It can only conquer them!
5: You can use and build with any other "dead" materials for decorations etc, like fences, wool, cobblestone, iron tools, etc as long as you have obtained it according to the rules above. Remember though, you're growing a tree, not building a castle. How would a tree create a wall, for example? Try to think of something creative and different!
6: Play at least on Easy or Normal difficulty. Peaceful not only removes a large aspect of the challenge, but it also removes your only source of an important resource: Bone Meal!
7: Replacing the Heart-log with a more distinguishable block for aesthetic reasons is fine - as long as you replace it with a fragile block like wool, glass, or the most popular Glowstone. Don't replace it with indestructibles like Obsidian, however. You want to keep it as a fragile, easily destroyed block to retain the feeling of needing to protect it from the elements. It is after all your heart!
Extra Optional Challenges:
1: "Hardcore mode" - If you die even just one single time, the challenge is lost, and you must start over again. You should try to aim for this challenge when you begin even if it's optional, try to survive as long as possible! Discover your fear of the dark all over again.
2:Build a working fireplace inside your tree! It's not easy, it's incredibly risky, but it is possible! This Topic has a lot of useful information about how fires spread, as well as some other Tree Spirit related tips for fire prevention. It will help you out.
3: Reach the Nether! Grow roots "through" the portal by placing roots at both sides of it, and expand your tree into the furnace of hell itself. But be careful, you don't want to get stuck on the wrong end of a burning root!
Tips and Tricks:
The first week can be very hard to survive even on easy, but don't give up! Even if your tree is blown up and you end up showered with arrows, which you almost certainly will at least once, don't let that stop you. That tree was probably old and weak anyway, so go find a new one to bless!
The first night, dirt is your most easily accessible means of construction, as you're unlikely to get enough logs to be able to build a shelter. A small dirt hut is a great way to keep both you and your heart-log safe when night falls. And make no mistake, as soon as night falls, you will need to hide! Keep a small hole open so you see when dawn comes, but be ready to plug it if skeletons spot you. When the sun rises, wait a while before you exit your hut. Creepers don't burn in sunlight, and they might be near enough to attack you when you go out. Give most of them the time to despawn!
The sun is your best friend! Avoid going out at night whenever possible. It will burn zombies and skeletons, and you can use this to your advantage. Try to lure them to you at night without pulling creepers along with them, and block them out from your shelter. They will roam around the walls outside and eventually die in the sunshine, leaving precious resources behind. Feathers for arrows and bones for bone meals are both incredibly useful. You can also leave a 1x1 hole in the roof of your hut open, and safely kill spiders through it. The strings they drop are needed for your bow, but if you're very unlucky with sheep it can also be used to make wool for your bed!
Try to build a wheat-farm as soon as possible, and remember to make sure friendly mobs won't trample the crops. It is your most reliable and easily accessible source of food for healing, as both pork and fish requires cooking first, and coal (and charcoal) are limited resources. Build it near water if you can, and if not, find iron for a bucket so you can irrigate it. The wheat will grow much faster!
You might discover new ways to use wood. Fences make good windows in place of glass, for example! Try to think of other clever uses, and post your ideas!
Be very wary of any kind of fire. When you're digging deep tunnels, expect and prepare for lava before you find it. Always bring a bucket of water with you, and consider making "water-locks" along your roots, where water will automatically flood a root-fire. A tunnel might be safe when you place it, but if lava is close enough it might catch fire later, even from through stone walls where you can't even see it.
A fishing rod is a surprisingly powerful tool. Not because you can use it to fish with, although that's certainly a good bonus too, but because you can use it to pull mobs you can't reach to you! Sheep, cows and pigs have a terrible habit of spawning just out of reach, but a quick pull with the fishing rod can haul them in range of your roots. The same goes for skeletons as well, when you're feeling brave enough to tackle them for their bones.
Finally, good luck brave tree spirit, and most importantly, have fun!
Build the tree of all trees, and share your creations, your experiences, and your discoveries with everyone! -
Methuselah96 posted a message on [V1.1/V1.7.3]CamelMod Alpha 3.3.0[WIP]CamelMod has now been moved to this thread because Methuselah96 has started/joined a new modding team called Magma Modding.Posted in: Minecraft Mods -
Dairuka posted a message on Griefing StoriesPosted in: DiscussionQuote from Frowzy
You make a good point. But my opinion is that it isn't a war, there are the victims claiming war, and the griefers, who are just choosing to enjoy the game in a way people don't like.
The term griefer derives from the word, "Grief" in the sense of "Giving someone grief."
By intentionally and deriving enjoyment out of "giving someone grief" - you are enacting a form of antisocial personality disorder that underlies psychopathy and sociopathy.
Society sees these kinds of people as "bad people". (Psychopaths make up about 90% of hollywood villians. Sociopaths like Casey Anthony and Joran Van Der Sloot were voted the most hated people on the planet.)
You may see it as harmless or even victimless; but time goes into every creation. Time is important to many people, especially those who don't have much time. Would you still think it's funny if you intentionally destroyed the work of someone who was dying with cancer, and only had six weeks left to live? Does it make more difference if you add this addendum? Does it make less of a difference?
Now imagine a ten year old child who was playing Minecraft for the first time, crying, because he saw his creation go up in smoke simply because you thought it was funny. Does it make more difference if you add this addendum? Does it make less of a difference?
The truth of the matter is, there is a story behind every creation; and with every cheap laugh you've earned by destroying them, you've only solidified the fact that you're a bad person.
When your time to feel sorrow comes, just imagine the people you've hurt, enjoying a cheap laugh at your expense. Because humanity as a whole likes it when bad things happen to bad people.
Believe me when I say this, you won't feel good when that time comes.
Maybe it's time you found other forms of entertainment. -
Sacheverell posted a message on Minecraft is Officially Out!Posted in: Minecraft News
After nearly two years of solid development, feature additions and myriad adjustments, Minecraft has finally released as a full game! You can update your game from the launcher as normal, and play it right away! Minecon has only just begun, and the official release of the game is just one of the first major spotlights of this amazing convention. Stay with us as we bring you updates, photos, videos and more! -
kleverkaos posted a message on is the ip.. right? Sorry to sound desperate to find the ip, but i was on this post for an hour, reading it through as much as i could, but alas, i could not find it. I hope this is it.Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server -
Sacheverell posted a message on PAX - 1.8 Game Features!Posted in: Minecraft News
We go into some detail for the new 1.8 features, covering each item as it was presented. Take a look!
Some things that were touched on at PAX, regarding 1.8:
Cobwebs, Mineshafts & More
Notch said that randomly generated, abandoned mine shafts would occur in world generation, many of them with the new cobweb blocks scattered throughout. It was said that exploration would yield rewards in locations like the mine shafts, as well as a new type of dungeon, so keep an eye out for that! Furthermore, some of the NPC villages were shown at the demonstration, and while they were currently vacant, the architecture was remarkable for a world-generated town. Very exciting!
We were shown a detailed look at the elusive Endermen, where it could be seen how they reacted to the player's presence. If a player looks in their general direction (or otherwise refrains from direct interaction), they remain peaceful. However, looking directly at them (with the cross-hairs on them) causes them to become agitated, teleporting to and attacking the player! It was also said that they could randomly pick up and deposit blocks on a whim, and that they would spawn quite rarely upon release of 1.8.
New Lighting
In addition to the day/night cycle being adjustable, light is generated very differently now. The day/night transition will be very smooth, doing away with the "block by block, row by row" light level changes we have now. Also, objects like torches, light stone etc. will generate their own type (and color) of light, making it much easier to distinguish between them, as well as giving players the ability to light an area how they like! Finally, a new Brightness slider was added, allowing players to set the overall lighting of their game to their personal tastes!
Experience, Hunger
The new Hunger bar will take the place of how food heals players currently. The more filled it is, the faster the player will regenerate health. If it dips too low, health will actually start being lost! Notch showed a new "eating" animation to go with the new system, as well as demonstrating the various types of meat being added (such as beef, and apparently zombie meat).
Experience will be gained by defeating monsters and collecting the "Experience Orbs" they drop, which will later be used to purchase goodies for the player. It was not specified what could be bought at this time, but they assured us that it would be worthwhile.
Rivers, Oceans
Rivers and oceans will now be generated in the world, along with existing biomes. The rivers are quite large, and can either span a length of land with a connection to an ocean, or form a "circular" river, that feeds into itself. It was also said that rivers will not flow at this time, but it was being considered.
Expanded Combat
Bows can now be "charged" longer, for higher damage output. Additionally, it will be possible to get critical hits, either from attacking while coming down from a jump, or semi-randomly from a charged bow shot! New impact animations were shown for monsters as well, including having arrows lodged in the monster being shot. Also, it will be possible to sprint for extended periods, and monsters hit while sprinting will go flying. Quite useful for spiders and creepers!
New (and Expanded) Biomes
Biomes will be much larger than before, with more clearly marked borders between them. We saw the transition from a "plains" type biome into a desert, and the difference was much more noticeable. The desert that was shown was massive, enveloping an area that, currently, would hold anywhere from 2-3 biomes at once! There was some talk of a Mountain biome as well, but we weren't able to see one at this time. Keep an eye out for this!
1.8 will add Creative Mode
Since the Adventure mode will be replacing Survival, Mojang has also re-implemented Creative mode! In this mode, players will take no damage, be able to fly, control day/night directly, can spawn infinite items of any type, and can break blocks with one hit!
1.8 is expected to be released sometime in the next few weeks. Keep an eye out for its release, as well as more update information right here!
SnakPak564674 posted a message on Rethinking "Survival" ModeI have been playing Minecraft since it started to grow in popularity, but every time I play I get the feeling that there's just something... MISSING. I don't want a new block, I don't want new creatures, I dont want to make the game easier or harder, and I don't want to take out the creativity of the game. Let me explain.Posted in: Suggestions
When you first tried out Minecraft, you got that first chunk of wood, made your first pickaxe, (or if you were me, didnt build any tools you got overly excited, crafted a door, and punched your way to bedrock for an hour using said door) and you started working out the game's little quirks that make it so much fun. Then the first night hits. You have to bury yourelf into a little dirt hole, not sure if the monsters will break through and find you, not sure if you need to eat food to stay alive and not really sure how to light up this damn 3x3 cave you have to spend the night in. When I got to this point in game, I fell in love. It's an entirely open world of random awesome just waiting to be harnessed.
The problem that I have with all of this though is that after you learn what Minecraft is all about, it stops being this. It just becomes a game of "oh no, a creeper came out of nowhere and now im dead" or "I fell into lava and now all my items are gone" or my personal favorite, "oh no, i died 30 feet from my spawn and now im going to have to keep running to my items and respawning until the sun comes up." This, to me, is A MAJOR PROBLEM that I feel people have grown to accept. I don't think this is the right way to go about a "survival mode." it's not really survival mode as it is a "sandbox game where you dont have all the materials at your fingertips and sometimes you get killed because of an unavoidable situation and now your day is ruined and you lost your 2 diamond you worked so hard for" mode.
Let's cut to the chase:
1. The respawn system is terrible, and needs an overhaul
2. You're alone
3. The food and health system makes little sense
4. Monsters are either laughably easy, or too difficult
5. No incentive to build better structures
6. The difficulty system is just not a proper difficulty system
1. The respawn system is SO bad right now. It really makes no sense as is. If you "die" you just get thrown back to your respawn point with full health and have to race back to your things. This makes less sense in a singleplayer game and needs to be rethought. My vision for a survival mode is exactly that. Your goal is to survive. If you think about why survival is important you get down to the heart of the matter. In the current Minecraft setup, you really only are trying to survive so you don't lose your stuff. You should be trying to SURVIVE! I think there needs to be a creative mode, and a survival mode. Creative mode should NOT be another sandbox mode, but rather exactly what minecraft is now. The real survival mode should be ONE life. This sounds harsh, but with a rethinking of the creatures in a later problem I will go over why it's not that farfetched. We have to unhinge ourselves from the current situation and think of what will make minecraft's survival mode truly great. I also wouldn't be opposed to the idea of a sort of item that works like a fairy in zelda games, that would revive you upon death but would be very rare, or very costly to make. Perhaps you could find lives in dungeons and these lives would let you warp to a safe zone upon death (but not restoring hearts). These would also be very difficult to find or make, but they would be That's up for you guys to decide really, but I think the fact of the matter is that the current respawn system shouldnt be kept.
2. You're alone when you start, and it's kinda sad. ha. The point here really, is that in a survival mode NPCs that you can trade with (I've been playing the YogBox lately so I'm used to having people around) and interact with could yield for a much different play experience. they could maybe join your squad like in an RPG, they could help you train different skills so youre better at sword fighting or makes your crops grow faster etc etc. There could be whole towns that you could visit to rest up and trade at. This is a must in my opinion. NPC's just add a level of depth that you wont be able to get playing alone all the time. Multiplayer is not a subsitute unless you want to tell your friend to sit in the inn all day and let people sleep there occassionally. You get the idea.
3. The food system is really a piece of work. In a real survival mode, food should be a necessary part of your survival. I don't want a simple mechanic of losing hearts over time and you need to eat to not die, I want a hunger meter that when full gives you EXTRA strength and when low makes you extremely weak. You shouldn't really be able to die of starvation but being undernourished should be so unpleasant and make you so weak that you are going to WANT to eat so you dont die. Food shouldnt recover hearts. Time should. SLOWLY. Maybe a 2 hearts per day/night cycle. Can be changed depending on difficulty. Food should also be easier to come by. a pig should ALWAYS return a porkchop. That just makes sense. Everything you kill should be edible. Eating a dead zombie, however, maybe will recover hunger but make you lose hearts etc. Maybe craft bandages that can cure hearts or increase your passive heart gain over time. Be creative with it, im only offering a change in gameplay, not specifics. (also I feel like more hearts should be given. Humans can take a lot of beating before we go down :wink.gif:
4. Monsters are really terrible right now. Creepers sometimes pop out of nowhere and sometimes you're screwed no matter what. With a one life no-respawn system it really can work that way. Let me talk about all the other monsters then we'll get to creepers last. all monsters shouldnt walk up to you and just hurt you. I'm going to cover the common ones here.
Zombies should latch onto you, slowing you, and slowly drain hearts until you beat them away with a few hits like a zombie from a horror movie. They should actually stagger when hit, not just bounce back a square.
Skeletons are one of the ridiculously difficult creatures. They're strangely accurate with their bows unless youre constantly moving. I don't feel like they should be able to just shoot you to death as soon as youre in sight. sometimes terrain isnt optimal for running in a straight line and if there's more than one of them, forget about it. Skeletons should have a sort of archer mechanic to them where they will back away if you come up close (or pull out a sword and fight you that way) to them but they will constantly try to shoot you from a great distance. Also, arrows should hurt less if youre farther away, they should have smaller hit boxes and move faster, be slightly inaccurate (especially while moving) and not fall so quickly. These are obviously global bow changes, but it works for a real survival mode skeleton. While im at it, Skeleton riding spiders should be left alone (save for the individual spider and skeleton changes)
I don't really have too much of a problem with spiders, except maybe the speed they crawl on the walls at. that should be slower. Also, they shouldnt jump. Spiders the size of horses shouldnt jump. They can crawl up walls; they have no need to jump. I also feel like their attack should be more spider-like. They should bite you which injects you with a poison that will hurt you over time for a heart or two.
Ah creepers. These changes are probably going to get the most criticism, but if you think of survival as a 1 life scenario then you come to realize that these guys are just too unfair. if they pop out of nowhere and you're not packing significant armor, you might be screwed. There is really only one thing I've found frustrating about creepers. It bothers me that they will only ever explode if theyre in damaging range. if they arent going to do damage theyll keep coming after you until theyre in range. when a creeper starts hissing, it should start a fuse and explode every time. Its not even a fair fight when they are guaranteed to do some number of damage to you if you arent packing a bow and have good distance. Here's my suggested changes: Creepers really shouldnt do enough damage to kill you, but i think they would be much more interesting if they were really the saboteurs of the Minecraft enemies. I would increase the range of their explosions. Maybe triple what it is now. They should also explode when it would be productive to break through walls to get to you. I dont really think a creature that bangs on walls is so great, but using creepers as a way to get the hordes in would add so much more depth. the AI would need a bit of improving to accomodate their new tactics, but I think it would be better than just exploding on people. Think about the Lord of the Rings suicide bomber. That sort of idea. In short, they should be primarily used by the enemy as a way to get trough to you, blow up a larger radius, and deal minimal damage to you. Blowing you back further would be good as well, so being close to the explosion runs the risk of blowing you off of a cliff. the explosion shouldnt be their primary source of damage.
5. The incentive to build a dirt house is really high right now. In a survival mode, especially one with my suggested creeper changes, it would make a lot more sense to have to upgrade from dirt to wood to stone to iron to diamond walls (if you have that kinda cash lying around). Obviously this has been thought of, but in my proposed version of survival, you have to keep the goal of survival in mind and that just being able to die instantly would ruin your whole game for no reason, and that just sitting inside of a dirt hole wouldnt allow you to live forever.
6. The ability to set your difficulty to whatever you want whenever you want is just silly for this version of survival. You should choose your difficulty at the beginning and try to take on the high score, or try surviving for X days etc. Most importantly though, regardless of difficulty chosen, the game should get PROGRESSIVELY harder as time goes on. Every couple of days they should increase in number, the weather should get worse, (causing less sunlight and more monster spawns) and maybe they could get a slight upgrade occasionally. This should ramp very slowly, so it is possible to gather resources and food, which would now be necessary.
Those are my proposed changes, take em or leave em. I just dont feel like survival mode is what it says it is. It's more like annoying sandbox with monsters. Also, this would make co-op be extremely fun. I want it to be your typical surviving from day to day scenario. Nights will be spent defending the hordes, and days spent gathering weapons, repairing defenses, and gathering food. This would provide something for the people who dont feel like playing in a sandbox style mode. This is how I thought minecraft was going to be when I started playing it. I still feel like there is a whole game mode being ignored. Hope to hear some good feedback on this ^^ Keep on creepin' on guys.
Enotho posted a message on Minecraft FlatmapsPosted in: MapsFlatmaps
All kinds of flatmaps, with different types of blocks, at different layers, and much more. Just choose below:
It may take a few weeks until I make all the type of maps. I try to make one type of block (5 different layers) per day, but just replying and downloading would support me! Please check out often for more maps!
Each map is 1028x1028 blocks or 64x64 chunks (height varying).
Normal Empty (Grass Flatmap with Stone under)
Normal Resource (Grass Flatmap with Stone and Resources and Caves under)
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Download
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Wooden Planks
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123 - With spawn platform
- Layer 96 - With spawn platform
- Layer 64 - With spawn platform
- Layer 32 - With spawn platform
- Layer 1 - With spawn platform
- Layer 123 - With spawn platform
- Layer 96 - With spawn platform
- Layer 64 - With spawn platform
- Layer 32 - With spawn platform
- Layer 1 - With spawn platform
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Gold Ore
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Iron Ore
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Coal Ore
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Oak Log
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Pine Log
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Birch Log
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Lapis Lazuli Ore
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Lapis Lazuli Block
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
White Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Orange Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Magenta Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Light Blue Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Yellow Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Lime Green Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Pink Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Gray Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Light Gray Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Cyan Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Purple Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Blue Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Brown Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Green Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Red Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Black Wool
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Gold Block
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Iron Block
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Double Stone Slab
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Mossy Cobblestone
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Wooden Stair
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Diamond Ore
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Diamond Block
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
Redstone Ore
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
- Layer 123
- Layer 96
- Layer 64
- Layer 32
- Layer 1
I often use flatmaps, and I found Draghi's ones are very useful. However, I needed a variety of different types of flatmaps, and since he discontinued them, I started making my own on MCEdit. I decided to published them here for everyone. -
Sacheverell posted a message on 1.8 Updates: First Ravines, Now RiversPosted in: Minecraft News
In this recent tweet, we can see the first released image of a game-generated river! It's a safe bet at the moment that it will face similar height restrictions as default water generation, but that may change in time - after all, we already have legitimately generated waterfalls!
We will keep you posted as more information about rivers is released. - To post a comment, please login.
Ip please?
you have some great ideas, hope you're reading Notch :smile.gif:
all i find is stupid diamond ore