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Discord: fetta notter 4184
IGN: Crossracc
Age: 17
Time Zone: EST
How Long You’ve Played MC: about 8 years, started playing on the xbox 360.
What You Like to Do in MC: i like to do whatever i feel like doing and whatever is on my mind, but if someone needs help with a project i always love to help them.
Discord Name: fetta notter#4184
Minecraft Username: Crossracc
Discord & #: Crossracc#5657[/i]
Minecraft Username:Crossracc[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: i like combat and doing long tasks[/i]
How active will you be: probably really active cause i dont have a social life lol [/i]
Discord: fetta notter 4184
IGN: Crossracc
Age: 17
Time Zone: EST
How Long You’ve Played MC: about 8 years, started playing on the xbox 360.
What You Like to Do in MC: i like to do whatever i feel like doing and whatever is on my mind, but if someone needs help with a project i always love to help them.
Discord Name: fetta notter#4184
Minecraft Username: Crossracc
Discord & #: Crossracc#5657[/i]
Minecraft Username:Crossracc[/i]
What you like to do in minecraft: i like combat and doing long tasks[/i]
How active will you be: probably really active cause i dont have a social life lol [/i]