Recently I was fooling around with the Custom NPC's mod and made a bunch of races and factions with a little lore and stuff.
Just now by looking at this thread and remembering my world I believe a society in minecraft *might* work. Now I won't go into detail on my towns and stuff in the mod but I will say this:
Should everyone be transported to minecraft, after the initial shock many people will group together. These groups of people will become colonies which will eventually rise to factions.
These factions will then make friend and enemies, and as you can guess war will erupt.
So yes a society would work in minecraft but in large amounts and with more distrust between eachother.
I used to every time when i create new survival world,one of first things to do is to find rose and search for place to live (and hold it in my hand),and when i find it,put it at spot where will be my home
Okay, okay. We all get the rose has some sort of sentimental value to you and that you want to kill Jeb for removing it, but you must understand one thing:
No amount of complaining, whining, kicking and screaming, spamming Jeb to re-implement the rose, or just plain moping will NOT do anything to bring back your 'precious' rose.
"Hey Jerry when is the doomsday weapon gonna be ready?"
"Soon Greg. Soon. But we need alot of iron. That player over there looks like he has alot of iron."
"How do you propose we get at it?"
"Wait till he's in his mines at nighttime. Then send in the creepers by the dozen."
Villagers are secretly plotting to a build a doomsday weapon.
*Our nexus is damaged*
Me: Hey guys, you should probably defend the nexus...
Random guy: NEXUS!
*Our nexus is damaged again*
Me: Guys, defend the nexus!
*Guy damaging our nexus is killed*
Me: Guys you REALLY gotta defend the nexus better.
*Nexus is damaged*
Me: I thought we had guards at the nexus?!
*Guy damaging nexus is killed*
Me: Guys, I expect too see at least ONE person defending the nexus!
Later (again)...
*Nexus is damaged*
*Nexus is destroyed*
You may already know this, but theres a thread in Suggestions that is the exact same as this one. It keeps looking like its going to die, but some random guy always ends up bumping it with some stupid little "omg we haz to bring bak teh rose naow" statement.
I was just looking back on the crash report and holy crap, his forge is way out dated. Both of you need a higher forge version. will work
I just checked the forge downloads and the Installer download next to was purple meaning that I have the version of forge you just told me about. I managed to fix the problem by downloading flans development version instead, but I still don't get why the normal release won't work.
EDIT: I just started up my forge launcher and it said
I am now quite confused on which forge version I have, and if I should get another version of forge.
please help, this won't work for me, It will run without content packs but when I add content packs it crashes on launch.
I have that exact same problem! It stopped giving the errors, and worked, and started up normally when I removed the MW package, but I was really hoping to be able to use the 3d guns :/
Can someone enlighten me on whats wrong with the MW pack?
I don't really see a need for it. We already have tons of food. I'm not saying we should remove what we have, I'm just saying we don't need any more of it. Especially when you consider the fact that 8 Wheat could be used to breed and get 4 Baby Cows, which would give you on average 8 Steak.
Let me do the math. Even if the wheat is used to make baby cows instead of bagels. Baby animals take 20 minutes (I think) to grow up. 20 minutes which could be spent waiting for night, killing skeletons, turning bones in bone meal, using that bone meal on your wheat farm, and using all that wheat too make even more bagels. Even if you are in no condition to fight skeletons, 20 minutes is also best spent mining for iron, for armor/weapons, for skeleton killing.
I think it seems a bit obvious that bagels are more efficient.
I didn't said we shouldn't have the other foods. I just though that we already had bread as a "wheat" food, and it's so similar to a bagel.
Also too both of you: You provide good points with the "theres already enough food" argument. But its not like adding two new food items is going to kill a person.
I think this is one of the best ideas I have seen on the forums. Full support if it gets a buff (It could heal a heart and a half)
It doesn't make much sense that a Bagel made out of wheat should give regeneration. I appreciate the enthusiastic support, but adding regeneration powers would be nonsensical, and OP.
1 tip for making a Factions server: Don't make a Factions server.
I'm not gonna stop you, but if you wanna become famous, then don't go with Factions. There overdone to hell, and if people wan't to play factions, they'd rather go search for another Factions server, then go to yours.
On the topic of server names, I had this floating around my head a few years when I just started Minecraft but...Wolfcraft perhaps?
My first night? Well gee this'll be kinda hard for me to remember...
Well I should probably start by saying I purchased the game back in 1.7.3...
So I had just spawned in the game wondering what the heck I had bought and what I was supposed to do. I tried using the WASD and jump keys and decided to walk around. I found some cows and not knowing what to do with them I punched one to death and got some leather. I threw the leather away and decided to punch a tree. I didn't know what to do with the logs so I just kept them. I went to explore a nearby cave and got killed by zombies (even though they we're zombies I still to-this-day think they we're some sort of gargoyle or whatever.). So I respawned and came across a little pool (or maybe a lake.). And just sat their playing around with sand. When it turned dark then zombies came. I punched a few to death and grabbed their feathers. Then for no reason at all I dug down to bedrock, got stuck there, and had to delete the world.
I actually made several first-time-in-minecraft worlds. One of em was where I was in a snow plains biome. Around nighttime it started to snow. I don't know what happend to that world. And there was another one was where I made a huge wall of dirt near the side of a steep hill and pushed all the local sheep inside for no apparent reason. I do remember one occurence in which I made a small cube-like house on some sort of plains biome like thing. It had no roof and when night came a creeper blew up part of it. Oh and I also found out about spiders in that world. Come to think of it I think that world was the one with the snowy biome thing.
So yah. We we're all noobs when we started playing minecraft but I think my story is the noobiest.
Just now by looking at this thread and remembering my world I believe a society in minecraft *might* work. Now I won't go into detail on my towns and stuff in the mod but I will say this:
Should everyone be transported to minecraft, after the initial shock many people will group together. These groups of people will become colonies which will eventually rise to factions.
These factions will then make friend and enemies, and as you can guess war will erupt.
So yes a society would work in minecraft but in large amounts and with more distrust between eachother.
*Jumps out of chair and dances wildly whilst chanting "Hallelujah!"*
Okay, okay. We all get the rose has some sort of sentimental value to you and that you want to kill Jeb for removing it, but you must understand one thing:
No amount of complaining, whining, kicking and screaming, spamming Jeb to re-implement the rose, or just plain moping will NOT do anything to bring back your 'precious' rose.
What the villagers are saying:
"Hey Jerry when is the doomsday weapon gonna be ready?"
"Soon Greg. Soon. But we need alot of iron. That player over there looks like he has alot of iron."
"How do you propose we get at it?"
"Wait till he's in his mines at nighttime. Then send in the creepers by the dozen."
Villagers are secretly plotting to a build a doomsday weapon.
It seems to lift up more, the more difficult/dangerous the parkour is. I also lean forward slightly.
*Our nexus is damaged*
Me: Hey guys, you should probably defend the nexus...
Random guy: NEXUS!
*Our nexus is damaged again*
Me: Guys, defend the nexus!
*Guy damaging our nexus is killed*
Me: Guys you REALLY gotta defend the nexus better.
*Nexus is damaged*
Me: I thought we had guards at the nexus?!
*Guy damaging nexus is killed*
Me: Guys, I expect too see at least ONE person defending the nexus!
Later (again)...
*Nexus is damaged*
*Nexus is destroyed*
Every. Single. Time
You may already know this, but theres a thread in Suggestions that is the exact same as this one. It keeps looking like its going to die, but some random guy always ends up bumping it with some stupid little "omg we haz to bring bak teh rose naow" statement.
I just checked the forge downloads and the Installer download next to was purple meaning that I have the version of forge you just told me about. I managed to fix the problem by downloading flans development version instead, but I still don't get why the normal release won't work.
EDIT: I just started up my forge launcher and it said
I am now quite confused on which forge version I have, and if I should get another version of forge.
I have that exact same problem! It stopped giving the errors, and worked, and started up normally when I removed the MW package, but I was really hoping to be able to use the 3d guns :/
Can someone enlighten me on whats wrong with the MW pack?
Let me do the math. Even if the wheat is used to make baby cows instead of bagels. Baby animals take 20 minutes (I think) to grow up. 20 minutes which could be spent waiting for night, killing skeletons, turning bones in bone meal, using that bone meal on your wheat farm, and using all that wheat too make even more bagels. Even if you are in no condition to fight skeletons, 20 minutes is also best spent mining for iron, for armor/weapons, for skeleton killing.
I think it seems a bit obvious that bagels are more efficient.
Also too both of you: You provide good points with the "theres already enough food" argument. But its not like adding two new food items is going to kill a person.
By your logic, we shouldn't have apples, cake, cookies, steak, porkchops, chicken, or fish because "We already have bread. Isn't that enough?"
It doesn't make much sense that a Bagel made out of wheat should give regeneration. I appreciate the enthusiastic support, but adding regeneration powers would be nonsensical, and OP.
Judge by the title alone do ye? You can't give an opinion, if you didn't even look at what I'm suggesting.
I'm not gonna stop you, but if you wanna become famous, then don't go with Factions. There overdone to hell, and if people wan't to play factions, they'd rather go search for another Factions server, then go to yours.
On the topic of server names, I had this floating around my head a few years when I just started Minecraft but...Wolfcraft perhaps?