- creeperlink
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Member for 14 years
Last active Thu, Jun, 4 2015 15:28:27
- 407 Total Posts
- 14 Thanks
Mar 28, 2013creeperlink posted a message on Community Creations - Legend of Zelda, a Block to the PastI've seen replicas of video game maps before, but I've never seen something like this. This must have taken a long time to build, especially with all that redstone.Posted in: News
Nov 5, 2011creeperlink posted a message on 3D Character Skinning UtilityThis looks like a good replacement for SkinEdit.Posted in: News
Sep 17, 2011creeperlink posted a message on 1.X Updates: Nether Brick?They're adding more stuff to the nether? I might actually go there now.Posted in: News
Sep 1, 2011creeperlink posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Textures Released!I was thinking about making a texture pack. I guess I should use this instead of the 1.7 textures.Posted in: News
Aug 25, 2011creeperlink posted a message on 1.8 Updates: First Ravines, Now RiversNow I can make small bridges that go across rivers instead of huge ones that go across oceans. AWESOME!Posted in: News
Aug 23, 2011creeperlink posted a message on Digital Diamond: Truly Grand PianoDid the creator of this send it to SSundee for Top 5 Minecraft Creations? If he didn't he should, it would make it for sure.Posted in: News
Aug 15, 2011creeperlink posted a message on Digital Diamond: Boat LauncherThis would be pretty usefull. I hate it when my boats break when I crash into the side of an island.Posted in: News
Aug 13, 2011creeperlink posted a message on Digital Diamond: HogwartsThis must have taken FOREVER to build.Posted in: News
Aug 12, 2011creeperlink posted a message on 2 for 1 Minecraft!Congrats Notch. :smile.gif:Posted in: News
Aug 6, 2011creeperlink posted a message on Bethesda, Mojang & "Scrolls"Nobody can own a word, this is just stupid.Posted in: News
Jul 23, 2011creeperlink posted a message on Mod Spotlight Update - Aether is Out!Posted in: NewsQuote from ThesaurusRex84
Glowstone is from the nether, which would make the portal kind of odd. It would be cool if the portal was made out of something custom as well, like a glowing crystal block or something.
They want people to go to the nether before they go to the aether. Since glowstone is only found in the nether, they decided to use that. - To post a comment, please login.
I guess I could use both. Only one would be able to Mega-evolve at a time, though.
I guess I could use both. Only one would be able to Mega-evolve at a time, though.
A digimon fan? Come on guys, let's get him!
I'm joking, of course. I doubt you'll get attacked.
Shiny M-Metagross looks pretty cool. Now I'm unsure of whether I want to use M-Sceptile or M-Metagross.
You're not alone. I'm choosing Sceptile too.
Gen 2: Chikorita (This was a tough decision. I like them all.)
Gen 3: Torchic (Again, I like all of them, but I like the other two more.)
Gen 4: Turtwig
Gen 5: Tepig
Gen 6: Chespin (Again, I like all three of them.)
((Take as long as you need. There's no rush.))
I'll try Empoleon and see if it works better. As for Defog, I think I'll stick with Mandibuzz.
He then turned to Harley. "That's us. Let's go."
Nick went through the door, and Harley followed close behind.
Harley looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of something. "Um...can you help me out, Nick? I can't think o' nothin'."
"We could be Team Oasis or somethin' like that."
"No, let's go for somethin' different...Oh! I got it! Team Sandstorm...wait, I got a better one...Team Dust Storm."
"Team Dust Storm?"
"Yeah, 'cause we come from the desert. Dust storms happen there all the time."
"Alright, let's go with that."
"How long before the crowd's gone?" Harley asked.
"Not too long, now that things are gettin' done. We just gotta wait a little longer."