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    posted a message on Minecraft Youtubers that annoy you
    sky... AND HIS FRIENDS

    bajancanadian and jerome: 2 people who think they are good at pvp when they get op stuff and crap also no one wants to kill them cause they are popular youtubers

    donnables: she just kinda acts annoying and she sends a vibe thats annoying

    deadlox: hes not even good and encourages #tysfoot but still like donnables is on the vibe side

    ssuande: just hate is voice sorry a bit picky XD

    trumu and antvenom are the olny ones i think are honest and good at mc
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Exploding Snowballs
    when u said this would ceartainly make pvp more intresting i almost ripped my hair out it would be abused in pvp more likely nerf the damage maybe like 1 heart per snowball but this idea is to op no support unless changed and rethinked
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on To the Moon!
    ughhh im gonna.. hurl .. rainbows.... BLARRRRRGHHHHHHHH .... no and its wither btw not weather also this is already in tekkit
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Help! Water Texture Is Messed Up!
    what type of computer do you use i use a mac and i had an acer and it didnt do this?

    try fancy graphics and set all ur settings to where they originally were and if this dosent help delete minecraft and re download it.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on New Minecraft Biome [Candly Land]
    its a island right... RIGHT WE NEED MOAR ISLANDS IF DIS IS A ISLAND SUPPORT make it rare
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Knockback of arrow depends on how far pulled back

    not to mention those poor souls who try to get out of pvp arenas but can't get out because a team of people constantly shoot arrows at them while the others kill him with a sword.
    i was one of those poor souls once until they shot me in the knee enough D: but yeah im annoyed with arow spamming punch 2 archers
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Will Minecraft ever get old?
    it ends in craft starCRAFT world of war CRAFT are still around why not minecraft so id say about ehhh 5 years from now by that time we have blackops 7 (the day that happens is the day i blow a fuse)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on An open letter to the Heartless Soul who hacked my account
    he changed ur skin.... so just change it into a buisness creeper or somethin and if it keeps goin send a notifications to mojang no need to kill the guy
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Rum!
    kids play minecraft you must come from roblox where the community already supports inappropeate stuff we want our community clean
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Oh no.... not a creeper... *kills creeper* TNT!
    i would support because all the overworld mobs exept enderman and creeper have yet to have a 2nd drop so why stop there -support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Kid friendly mc vids
    etho and sethbling are the most kid friendly they are educational and dont swear but they re kinda boring but hey WE HAVE SCHOOL
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Don't you hate donaters on servers?
    yes they sorta are on CERTAIN SERVERS

    EXAMPLES:mcpvp and shotbow they are the most greedy networks ive ever seen in my life they give op perks (private servers and kits that are op) uberminecraft = i think they were drunk but i dont hate them that much XD supergaming has olny 1 advantage in 1 game (mcinfected) which is classes but again the high rankers can sill cream you but unlike shotbow they have games like minez thats just encourages donors being dicks and keep getting iron armor (todisnicgames and nick at least exploit secrets for us >:3)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Jeopardy
    can i see a video of it or atleast send me a link I NEED PROOF/BRAGGING RIGHTS!!!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on rain
    i geuss i support i mean it always bugged me when rain falls from space....
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bubble Gum Block (Alt Texture: The SoulBubble)
    uhhhh to complicated for vanilla but i belive u can make great mods spaceboot :3
    Posted in: Suggestions
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