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    posted a message on has this generation of minecrafters gone bad
    Quote from JarvaCoder

    There is a nodus remake already out so the kiddies can still say they are uber haxors.
    oh god

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Desert temples should use hardened clay instead of wool.
    you have my support because ive always wondered did acient egyptians really use wool on pyrimids clay makes ALOT more sense
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Village Guards
    Quote from ULiopleurodon

    Lots of people consider peaceful cheating, and its not as simple as building a wall of dirt.
    i get the peaceful thing but when i said wall of dirt u probally think i meant a 3 block stylish wall nope i meant 2block old dirty wall made with no style what so ever get about 3 stone shovels and get to work!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Village Guards
    im going to think logically now.... peaceful mode/build a wall of dirt if ur not as lazy as i think you are
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on has this generation of minecrafters gone bad

    Generation of gamers in general has gone bad, if you ask me. The reasons above aren't why, though.
    you do have a point i mean look at cod thats a prime example of gaming after 2010 XD
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on has this generation of minecrafters gone bad
    hi ive noticed some things the past year that look bad:

    1.pvp has tooken over its always FACTION FACTION FACTION PVP PVP PVP im getting tired of it if you say they enjoy competitivity minecraft to me is about being a community not barbaricly slaughetering eachother for a few daimonds and if they want competitivity theres still cod

    2. youtubers have gotten annoying: sky antvenom bluexhephos chimmneyswift syndicate

    3.minecraft is now known everywhere im proud but still its MINECRAFT MINECRAFT now at my school and it really erks me that they think they are cool because they play it

    4.people follow in skys footsteps and go BUDDR everywhere

    5.many hackers these days D: god dammit nodus

    6. servers are starting to get a bit unlegit i mean look at all the plugins these days ik some are required like anti cheat and esstentials but thats kinda it..

    i probs missed alot out but you can name more
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Village Guards
    Quote from Letholas3345

    What if you had to use your iron for something else? What if you were extremely early in the game? What if you didn't have enough? That would be a problem.
    Also, one iron golem again is not Superman, and can't protect everything and everyone.
    if i was early in the game id just loot the village and run and if i used my iron on something else id just mine more (iron is very common) also if you really wanna protect them that badly help the iron golem ur self then again i gotta think in a bad pvpers point of veiw... nah thats to hard
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why Is Minecraft So Great?
    cause it can also people who say its repeptive are haters for 1 either that or their 10 yr olds who cant download mods minecraft is endlesss so many servers so many mods so many redstone projects and builds and all the custom maps its truly one of my favorite games next to halo
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on why does people talk about trading/selling/buying when its free?
    Quote from Archikuus

    Because they are lazy, loaded with money and don't care about anything. It's sad.
    uhhhh did u read the op he meant trading MATERIALS to build stufff

    well back to the point not all servers are on creative and some players like legit building
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Village Guards
    uhhh dude when villages dont have a iron golem make one i could cough up 36 iron if i wanted to no support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on funniest bans ever -almost 200 crackup ban hammers that spoken-
    Quote from Kawashi

    I got banned for "hurting nature and betraying Hitler."
    Seriously, what does Minecraft have to do with Hitler?
    probally some nazi server with nazi zombies and okay i should stop talking now
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Leather Horse Armor + Exclusive Horse Armor Enchants + Dyeable!
    support if u remove enchantable then we can encorporate team horse racing
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on book cabinets in Minecraft
    well maybe it would be like a chest 5 books on the top row and 5 on the bottom then you click the book shelf and drag them in there
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft PG Mode (Now Hot!)
    Quote from koopachris

    Yeah, teach those darn kids not to be playing those E-rated games!

    I'm sorry, but I just really despise that sort of philosophy. Always immature "adults"
    going around talking about sex and drugs, using the excuse "I think you should have
    to be 16+ to play SMP". No, how about YOU keep YOUR shiz together while you're
    playing a game rated as appropriate for kids, huh?
    go on xbox WHAT DO I SEE I SEE THAT ITS NOT E ITS E 10+ minecrafts community is a less annoying version of cod we have small and old kids but most servers like adults also kids that play minecraft are usually skyfanboys so we dont want them stinkin up the server and when i mean scare i mean say GO AWAY KID/SKYFAN
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why I don't donate to a server

    What do you mean by abusive? You mean as in making you pay a subscription? If so, then I REALLY hate those systems, they're not even called "donations" because you don't get access to everything unless you pay for a few months.
    that and i meant being a jerk donor like the ones on minez :(
    Posted in: Discussion
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