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    posted a message on World record? MOST FRIENDS ON MC FORUMS!
    so basicly push dat button and lets see how many friends u get 1 friend recived:from mom

    nope not gonna push dat button
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Subsealevel Valley Biome
    side affects may cause:computer explosions,mojang dying of to much coding,laaaaaag,people ranting about lag,and much more..
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bring Back Our Old Friend
    Quote from Badprenup

    I so do not want to support this based solely on the fact that people are using hash tags, either ironically or because they don't understand them. Luckily I'm not that petty.

    However, I also don't want the Poppy to be removed, I like it. So how about a compromise? Keep the Poppy, Keep the Rose Bush. Add the Rose again, but make so it is obtainable by breaking the Rose Bush, either by hand or by Shears. Once you obtain the Rose, you can use it just like you would in the previous version. Then do the same thing for the new Peony and Lilac bushes.
    i think thats the point we dont care if the rose bush/poppy is kept we just want our rose back PLEASE MOJANG HAVE MERCY ON OUR VERY SOULS DONT LET US DOWN LIKE 1.8 MERCY!!!!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on I NEED HELP
    have you tried the forgot password button?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Which is better gold or chain armor
    chain armor lasts longer gold armor was good until sky fanboys came along *sigh*
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Melon Rock Band
    please make a squid rock band and then shove it in a sky fan boys face! or just make way more of this!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on links to wiki and mcforums in options
    Quote from shinystrike

    Still third-party.
    That's like linking to a CoD community forum in Call of Duty Black Ops II.
    uh whats wrong with that... ur logic is faulty
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on links to wiki and mcforums in options
    in the options menu there should be a 2 buttons with links to the minecraft forums and the wiki this would let players find out a crafting recipie quicker and also report bugs quicker.

    if this suggestion is to simple all i have to say its meant to be that way also if mojang made it so links would work in chat they could probally do this
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Tool and Weapon Camos
    problem with this it would be abused some guy could dye a daimond sword green and say this is my green wood sword and totally beat the crap out of you no support unless there is a way to tell the differance
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Excluding Newbies, and why it's Wrong
    but i must say excluding noobs is wrong but they are so annoying that i wanna just run sometimes

    1.multiple times on my favorite servers they just give away my location and they just follow me EVERYWHERE i know he looks up to me like a god but i need my own space

    2.this is the typical noob not newb a typical noob will be like BUDDR WHERS SKY SQUIDS SUCK!!!! HOW DO U MAKE A STCK!!! DURRRRRR>> U CHEATR U HAVE SHNY ARMR SDGFKGFAKB,SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM!!!!

    3.they sorta ruin my focus sometimes and they also are kinda distracting

    4.im a bit odc and when they start mining diamonds with a wood/stonepick it erks me so bad

    5. they complain they die all day sorta irrates me but we gotta give them time

    i dont like to exclude them but some times i need to let my RAGE out
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Hacker strikes. Fight back Hackers!
    best way to get rid of hackers: ask a staff from the shotbow network to set up and anticheat so good that a hackers computer will blow up or just call the hackers mom (most hackers are like 12 XD) and tell her to take away her sons computer...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Villager Mercenaries
    hmmmm well i geuss i mercenarie to just stand outside and guard ur house it makes sense but the dishonor and grave system just seems to complicated and more like a rpg 50/50 support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bring Back Our Old Friend
    roses were in my opinion basicly the main backyard/lawn decoration in minecraft it would be a shame if they remove this you have my support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minecraft "haters"
    haters will be haters dont listen to them but yes i agree haters do use stupid reasons to just troll the minecraft community but in my studies ive found that most are call of duty fans
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on has this generation of minecrafters gone bad
    Quote from enderthehelper

    SCREW YOU GUYS!! Minecraft has gotten rather rotten but it is still Minecraft. Plus i really enjoy Skydoesminecraft :D
    who said we hate him we think hes just not as good as every one saids also you said minecraft is still minecraft did you even read the thread i said the minecrafters today have gone bad in my opinion not minecraft
    Posted in: Discussion
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