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    posted a message on I need to convince my dad to buy me minecraft...
    tell him that its not call of duty in any single way and gets good ratings from gamers and tell him sky is one guy and that every kid in school has it BECAUSE THEY DO right?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minigame servers these days......
    id say go play on shotbow.net these are all the guys who coded it originally so its better than the ones you find
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Save The Roses!
    lets all remember people dont like change because change sucks a** like in irl
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on What new 1.7 features do you like or dislike?
    1.7 may be laggy but the olny thing i have a 2.5% problem about is roses im sad but once my computer blows up with the new biomes ill be fine
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Cola Jetpacks; Jetpacks that suit Minecraft!
    Quote from yoshi9048

    Derailing this for an even more awesome idea.

    Carboats are awesome! Amphibious vehicles are greater than you!
    sorry for the bad spelling fixed it :D
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on petiton:re add rose
    before you rant on this may i just say i dont care if rose bushers or poppys are removed for not they can co exist with the rose all im saying is i just want the rose to be re-added

    poppys just dont fit in with golems roses just feel more loving and its been in the game scince beta (as long as i can remember). roses made more sense its a plant that every one knows irl and ig even 3 year olds know what a rose is. roses are the 'love flower' and i dont wanna go into detail with that because it envolves that internet dating junk.

    i really dont care what happens with the other flowers i mean maybe you can pick the rose from the bush or maybe you can find them with a patch of poppys they can all co exist you know.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm not happy that roses are gone.

    lol i respect ur opinion but in my opinion the poppy dosent look right
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Mob Idea Suggestions
    cant be something from mo creatures that all i have to say
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bring Back Our Old Friend
    to all the people that are like its just a flower! think of it this way

    minecraft is a state and a state has a state flower well the rose is our state flower just like the pig is our state pig.

    so if mojang were to lose thus we would lose our state flower now would you like that to happen?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Cola Jetpacks; Jetpacks that suit Minecraft!
    heres the recipie for soda/cola basic ingredients:sugar,water and CARBONATION,

    there is no carbonation in minecraft nor is there a way to get it with out making another item this just wouldnt fit in minecraft and jet packs are op because then hop on a skybase when ever you want
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on why does huskymudkips love tnt so much
    he probally has a dark past as a professinal greifer
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on links to wiki and mcforums in options
    Quote from Mistahtokyo

    I'm with shiny here. Having links to third party sources from in-game could open up potential security risks. People could distribute modified jars/alter the link paths to scam sites asking you for your user name and password, or worse. It's also worth noting that The forums/wiki are community, not developer, run. They may be approved/endorsed, but Mojang doesn't own them (pretty sure Curse own the forums). So again, third party source. If you're that lazy, set up a link shortcut on your desktop or taskbar. You can then go to any site you want in seconds.

    Edit: don't forget that account security was already compromised once with migrated accounts. I'm not too fond of trusting Mojang to handle web-related things.
    im pretty sure curse hasn't hacked anyone also the minecraft wiki is literaly a wiki.. and you can put links in chat already so why not this
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on funniest bans ever -almost 200 crackup ban hammers that spoken-
    Quote from cherryberry986

    I once got banned for logging onto a server that was posted on Minecraft Server List so it was obviously public. And they argued for a good few minutes and then they banned me saying.

    "Logging onto our private server"
    If it's private then why did he post it online! -_-
    maybe his mom wouldnt let him whitelist and wanted to be FILL OUT APPLICATION server
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on We were all noobs once. What is your minecraft noob story?
    i thought peaceful had mobs so basicly i would hide in my ugly make shift fort all day
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Achievement Rewards
    the reason i try to do the achivements on xbox is because i want the "g" so this will prompt people like me to acctually stop building that picture of ur brother AND MAKE A RAIL THAT GOES 1KM
    Posted in: Suggestions
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