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    posted a message on Mob Teams
    i geuss people like seth bling and hypixel will enjoy this = more maps for the community to enjoy = more people following on this= STAR CRAFT IN MINECRAFT!!! BUM DUM BUUUUM!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why do people think Herobrine's real?
    noobs trolls and plain old bums will always bring about herobrine just let them past and let the mods take care of it
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Natural disasters/weather events in Minecraft
    no just no -_- minecraft is about building not running from disasters all day
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on French Fries
    Quote from 0_Zippy

    Yeah, kinda like how you pooped out your "potions on armor!" thread.

    As for the idea, yeah, it's totally fitting and awesome. I'm sure this thread is very serious. McDonalds and Minecraft are two things that just seamlessly fit together. Maybe if you give some villagers an extra emerald they throw in combo meals.
    are u sarcastic? thats for disscussion :P
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Gamerule: torch burn out
    Quote from TwinBuilder

    Tons of people use torches for lighting purposes, and many use them for finding their way in caves. If torches could go out after a certain time, then the player could be lost. If the torches went out in a house, monsters could spawn. People leave torches as reminders for places, and if they could go out, it wouldn't be very good. That's why I think torches burning out is a bad idea.

    (This idea, actually, was going to be implemented in Minecraft when the Halloween Update, which introduced the Nether, was released. But, the feature never saw the light of day.)
    either you need glasses or your an idiot its a GAMERULE if you dont know what it is well ­heres a guide /gamerule (false/true) man people need to read more carefully
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why are there so many hate videos out there?
    Quote from Arkenor

    I've never seen a hate video about Minecraft. This may be because I didn't go looking for them. Why would I? I'm sure I could find videos that hate just about anything.

    There aren't "so many" minecraft hate videos. There's some, certainly, if one searches for them, but they're a tiny tiny proportion of minecraft videos.
    try typing in minecraft sucks now theres stupidity at its finest
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Please help us
    try posting this on the minecraft forums video section.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on What Are You Worst At In Minecraft?
    red stone is so complicated god dammit!!!! and thats why i dont make adventure maps D:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on SkydoesMinecraft Fan Topic
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Ever Get Complimented?
    in teh server mcinfected (prestige 2 ­>:3 !!!) i go on massive skeleton sprees (normal skeleton) all i get is a bow and arrow they are always like arrgggh skelly I HATE U SKELLY XD even though they can hop back down from there camping spot and kill me just goes to show some have skill and others dont
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Small green monster
    grass glitched out grass or maybe IT WAS A FLOWER DUN DUN DUUUUN!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Redstone under half slabs. Make your hidden redstone doors easier!
    i dont use redstone dosent affect me in anyway but support anyway because if i ever do thats less digging
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on French Fries
    this guy sounds like he wrote down the first thing that popped in his head no support its to random unlike potatoes and carrots seeing that they added melons we knew it was comming.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Gamerule: torch burn out
    eeeeeehhhhhhhhh support...

    but seriously im on the border line on this but it will make horror maps easier to make :P
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Why are there so many hate videos out there?
    ok i have a new question does minecraft deserve this hate or are they just robloxians in secret XD
    Posted in: Discussion
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