yea another junk pvp raiding server looking for members. cowards wont say what they are in post since they no dif than the other hundred join my server posts for pvp.
this is a joke they got protection set way out so got to walk a for a while to find unprotected land and then its mostly ocean. the owner set 70% of the lands as his personal place to build and other players out of luck. Hate when owners do this and then wander why they got no one on their junk servers. best to look else where.
am looking for a server to play on but so far seeing to many pvp or raiding servers. Am looking for a pve server with creeper block damage off to build on. I can kick up to 40$ a month to fund a server. But i got a few pet peeves that will cause me to leave real fast. Hate admin and mods who dont do any server managing they let the map get run over with junk and random builds. i seen servers were a person joins gets all these big build ideals then leaves a day lator with a bunch of junk never to be finished. Am mostly looking for a server that wants to grow who been up for a while. If you need players i can fill up a server easly. Dont want to admin or run a server just like to play in peace. So if you got a server and need help funding lets skype and see were it goes. my contact info is srzmain8000 please dont waist my time with junk out maps and pvp or 8 man servers. looking for 20-200 range server in need of help.
Well am looking for a server to play on but so far seeing to many pvp or raiding servers. Am looking for a pve server with creeper block damage off to build on. I can kick up to 40$ a month to fund a server. But i got a few pet peeves that will cause me to leave real fast. Hate admin and mods who dont do any server managing they let the map get run over with junk and random builds. i seen servers were a person joins gets all these big build ideals then leaves a day lator with a bunch of junk never to be finished.
Am mostly looking for a server that wants to grow who been up for a while. If you need players i can fill up a server easly. Dont want to admin or run a server just like to play in peace. So if you got a server and need help funding lets skype and see were it goes. my contact info is srzmain8000 please dont waist my time with junk out maps and pvp or 8 man servers. looking for 20-200 range server in need of help.
so you got to lie i see. was only one on the server when you came on so how could i speak with friends you are a total scum bag trying to lie to make your server look good. you realy are a loser. i left because you were abusive and could not handle people with complaints. you attack them and make up lies. so go ahead and live in your little world why rest of us play are real servers.
well this server is not worth the time. they got anticheat set so hi its lagging out the server. and you get auto kicked even doing the basic things. the so call owner is rude and abusive so cant even say anything about the server with him freaking out. best to skip this mess and go to a more stable server with people who want players.
Am mostly looking for a server that wants to grow who been up for a while. If you need players i can fill up a server easly. Dont want to admin or run a server just like to play in peace. So if you got a server and need help funding lets skype and see were it goes. my contact info is srzmain8000 please dont waist my time with junk out maps and pvp or 8 man servers. looking for 20-200 range server in need of help.
Am mostly looking for a server that wants to grow who been up for a while. If you need players i can fill up a server easly. Dont want to admin or run a server just like to play in peace. So if you got a server and need help funding lets skype and see were it goes. my contact info is srzmain8000 please dont waist my time with junk out maps and pvp or 8 man servers. looking for 20-200 range server in need of help.