love how Spificator and MasterF0x troll me and call me a greifer just for wanting to sponser a server they even are calling for a ban. nice player base you got there. am pointing them out since they are ruining a server with uncalled for trolling.
hello am giving some info on me. i am looking to sponser a server for a while and you seem to meet what i am looking for.
this is my old post i put up a while ago explaining what i am looking for
its simple i dont want or need anything to do with admining just a place to play on am willing to donate 60$ a month.but you got a problem with your player base trolling me and acting like they own the server. will move on if you dont get them in line. dont like being insulted and trolled for asking basic questions. let me know if you need help with funding am srz8000 in game. and again doing the sponsering because you got a mcmmo server i can play on dont want nothing else.
well he posted and then leaves. so us new guys cant do anything because he got a fricken greylist up that blocks the most basic of things. this is no way to run a server.and if you look at my post am looking to sponser a stable server. but this guy is showing players no respect at all with stunts like this.
Minecraft Username:srz8000
How did you find us?:on mcforums
What do you like the most about us?:was on before a long time ago was only stable survival server at the time and came back for 1.5 and saw you were updated to it.
Any suggestions for our server?:nothing i can think of rite now
What world should be used for gathering wood/mining (hint: read our features)?: farmworld
well i posted a few times what i want help with or need but every post so far is skipped or not fully read and they post and pm me things so far from what i ask its getting insane. how hard is it to read a post on the forums. people post clearly the problems or requests and you get people who do these random replies. we post because we got specific problems or requests that we can use help with. sorry but got to rant because i just replied to 2 that were so far left field to what i posted it was sad so sad.
well how hard is it to read a simple post. i say dont pm me advance concepts or rpg but so far most ignor that and show me these over built servers were 2 guys went nuts with creative and now want others to pay for upkeep. just want to help a simple pve survival server with funding and that is all.
am not looking for admin or anything just a place to play.
but you got a asze who is ruining the server chasing off people junebug109 wen i logged on he is greifing people and killing. then he talks smack. ave player will just leave so server wont get any members at all with him around
this is my old post i put up a while ago explaining what i am looking for
its simple i dont want or need anything to do with admining just a place to play on am willing to donate 60$ a month.but you got a problem with your player base trolling me and acting like they own the server. will move on if you dont get them in line. dont like being insulted and trolled for asking basic questions. let me know if you need help with funding am srz8000 in game. and again doing the sponsering because you got a mcmmo server i can play on dont want nothing else.
How did you find us?:on mcforums
What do you like the most about us?:was on before a long time ago was only stable survival server at the time and came back for 1.5 and saw you were updated to it.
Any suggestions for our server?:nothing i can think of rite now
What world should be used for gathering wood/mining (hint: read our features)?: farmworld