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    posted a message on Wanting to build a map and then play it like I was never there.

    Whatever state you are left (creative, survival, etc.) that is what the player will spawn into

    Also yes when you delete the files and a player loads up the world, they are recreated for the player. The best thing to do is set your spawnpoint at where you want the player to spawn, enter whatever gamemode you want to enter, then quit. After that delete the playerdata, stats, and advancements file.

    After that create a copy of the world externally (copying the world file and place it somewhere on on your computer)
    Then test the world to see if everything works ^-^
    Once tested and you are sure that version of the world works, then just upload the copy!

    If this is still happening, use an NBT Editor to manually change/fix these issues

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Wanting to build a map and then play it like I was never there.

    Delete your playerdata, stats, and advancements folder within the world file in .minecraft
    Everything else such as commands and such will be saved, you could also get an NBT editor to further edit the rules of your world
    (For example, a colored map name)

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Aberrant Worlds - A Minecraft 1.12.2 Adventure Map - Up to Four Players!

    Aberrant Worlds V1.1 Change Log
    Thanks for Everyone's In-put!

    o Slowed down some Dialogue
    o Changed Dark King a bit, in someways we buffed and im someways we nerfed
    o Added more trades to the Item Scavenger and removed them from the Light World
    o Patched a inescapable hole near the beginning
    o Fixed the Pillars in the Dark World Castle
    o Fixed Wilson taking your item
    o Fixed bug where players would have infinite saturation
    o Fixed Assassin Boss not Starting sometimes
    o Included Enderchests throughout the map
    o Fixed a few spelling errors
    o Slight nerf to Assassin
    o Fixed a few OoB Exploits
    o Added indication message to Cavern Checkpoint
    o Nerfed the Swamp area
    o Locked hoppers during King Scene
    o Included some more Easter Eggs

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Aberrant Worlds - A Minecraft 1.12.2 Adventure Map - Up to Four Players!
    ForumJelly Presents:

    What is it?
    This is a project ForumJelly has been working on for quite some time, which is an adventure map made for 1.12 that will allow up to 4 players and include several things such as side quests, a conflicting story, bosses, custom trades, custom mobs to battle, areas and builds built by us, custom traders, Easter eggs, and more!

    There was once two separate realities, The Light World and Dark World. They peacefully co-existed without contact, until one day the Light Kingdom was assaulted by dwellers of the Dark World. The Light Kingdom was crippled and both worlds are now aberrations. One ruined, the other twisted. Whoever was behind the operations was a dark power which dwelled in the other world, seeking the energy of the light. They found a rift between worlds and breached the barrier that separated them...

    The Player’s Role
    You are a soldier of the Royal Guard, whom at the start of the adventure, you report to the King and he tells you about a weapon which grants the ability to shatter the portal between the two worlds. While he is speaking, the attack happens. You survive, but the King vanishes... You, as the Hero, will traverse the Light and Dark worlds to find out who is behind all this and restore order.
    Travel worlds, find secrets, complete quests, uncover Easter eggs, trade with custom traders, slay bosses/mobs, and more...

    Important Additional Info/Settings
    All of these are required, make sure you follow these settings!
    Players: 1 - 4
    Minecraft Version: 1.12 - 1.12.2
    Playtime: About 1 - 2 hours
    Render Distance: 12+
    Clouds: Off
    Music: Off
    Ambient/Environmental Sounds: 75% - Max
    Difficulty: Anything but Peaceful
    Gamemode: Adventure
    Particles: All
    Time set: Night
    Commands: On

    Director: craftdiamonds
    Lead Builder: craftdiamonds
    Lead Developer: Saltasaur
    Lead Redstoners: ArcGurennLagann & CheatTriggers

    Builders: craftdiamonds, Saltasaur, NetherRecker, PhilMC_, TechGamerZ, joshua123_4, SH5RP, CheatTriggers, Diomancer, and WatchDowge

    Development Team: craftdiamonds, Saltasaur, PhilMC_, CheatTriggers, s2eforme, SH5RP, and ArcGurrenLagann

    Redstone/Command Blocks: craftdiamonds, getpermedbanned, PhilMC_, CheatTriggers, and ArcGurrenLagann

    Beta Testers: craftdiamonds, NetherRecker, Diomancer, VideoMaster, OpticAlex, CheatTriggers, bunnno, TkTubro, Sekai-Chan, Saltasaur, ArcGurrenLagann, Alendite/ButIFna, and PhilMC_

    Download - https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/aberrant-worlds-adventure-map/

    Map Trailer/Pictures

    Found a bug or have any comments?
    Tweet to https://twitter.com/crafdiamonds
    Join our Public Discord - https://discordapp.com/invite/Xt5p6YH
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Xenomorphic Sierra (Terraforming Island Build)
    Xenomorphic Sierra

    Hello and welcome to another map I made for the Planet Minecraft Contest! This one is titled Xenomorphic Sierra. First and foremost I worked through 17 different drafts before coming to what we have here. Many of them were completely different than the final result. It was fun and I hope everyone had fun too. Enough Rambling, let's see how Steve parred with this Isle...
    Click here for Story

    Programs/Shaders/Build Packs/Brushes Used

    - World Painter
    - World Edit
    - Voxel Sniper
    - McEdit
    - Sildurs Vibrant Shaders
    - Wisdom Shaders
    - Ecfio Brushes
    - Jeracraft Brushes
    - Custom Tree Respiratory
    - Conquered_ (Tree and Rocks BO2 + Schematics for Terraformers)
    - Custom Brushes

    World Painter Process

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Grand Lucky Block Race (Unique Tracks) (1.8) (PopularMMOs)

    Disclaimer: This map Features a lot of redstone and was thoroughly test TWICE to ensure it is fun!

    Welcome to the Grand Lucky Block Race.

    This is a map that includes 14 different lucky block race tracks!
    Each of them being unique in terms of gameplay and in it's own style.

    The map also has 14 classes and 14 different types of lucky blocks!
    Let's go over a few things to get started!

    A Note for People who want to record this map: Even though all the tracks are short and this map is not long at all, I do recommend splitting this into two parts if possible!

    The Tracks

    The tracks in this map are pretty short.

    The map features 14 different track but is split up into 2 races.

    Let me explain.

    So even though this map has 14 tracks, it really only has two races.

    The first race is track 1-7, the first player to get to the end of the first 7 tracks is the winner of the first race, then everyone will battle, once everyone is done battling (you can end whenever) you are able to continue and do the second race; tracks 8-14. After that everyone will battle again.

    *Note* Each Track has a sign at the start of it that allows you to set your spawnpoint and refill on blocks, however, if the sign somehow breaks from a lucky block, do /spawnpoint to set your spawn*

    The Classes

    There are 14 different classes featured in this race!

    Each class represents a lucky block (in a way)
    Every Class will give you a set of full gear

    Every Class will give you a special lucky pickaxe that is equivalent to iron and is Unbreakable

    Every class will also give you special obsidian which when held grants the player Anti-Knock back, meaning they will not take knock back!

    Beware though, once you start the races, you are unable to change your class afterwards!

    The Lucky Blocks

    This map features 14 different lucky blocks!
    These include...

    Original, Spiral, Rainbow, Creeper, Endermen, Dr.Who, Emerald, Astral, Night, SuperGirlyGamer, Blue, Nether, Video Games, and Dream Lucky Blocks!

    Please download the lucky blocks in order to actually play the map and the Required mods!







    Lucky Block Mod (1.8)

    Loot++ Mod (I used V1.0 for 1.8 but you could try another Loot++ Version for 1.8)

    PotionCore Mod (1.8)

    DWA Mod (For Doctor Who Lucky Block)

    DOWNLOAD MAP: Grand Lucky Block Race

    Planet Minecraft Profile Link - https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/craftdiamonds


    Here are some pictures for the tracks!
    (Creeper Lucky Block Track has Creepers Spawning on the track itself and the Dream Lucky Block Track does include jump boost to allow you to jump from cloud the cloud)

    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on ,-Removed-,

    I don't really know

    Tryna get used to it's mechanics but it would not work out :(

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on A Hero's Journey 2 - Elements of the World

    Adventure through out the world to defeat Winter and Save the World. Find secrets to upgrade your items and defeat mobs in several parts of the world. Fight multiple bosses and collect items to win.


    Long ago there was a world of just Void...
    Until one day 4 powerful elements emerged.

    They created a wonderful world that flourished with life...
    The people and animals that inhabited this new land loved the four elements for providing them with warmth, land, food&water, etc.
    Soon other beings emerged from the original elements such as Wind, Heat, ice, etc.
    The people all loved the elements except one...

    The Element of Winter
    Dubbed "Winter" the people despised him for bringing long winters that would kill them, their crops, and livestock. Winter always caused famine and it caused the people to become extremely upset.
    Miffed by the people's rage "Winter" retaliated and broke the world into islands and blocked the passage way for the people to reach the other elements. He also put the peoples world into an eternal winter. It was just too dangerous...
    All the other elements decided to Seal "Winter" away and used special crystals to hold him back. Thousands of years Winter's power grew and grew...
    Your Mission is to collect the four elemental blocks and defeat "Winter" head on to bring back order to the land.

    What is in the map
    This map includes a custom built terrain featuring the worlds of the four elements. Within these worlds are an assortment of several different mobs that you will have to battle against to make it to the crystals.

    Each area gets progressively more difficult so there are custom trades for you to obtain better gear, weapons, and tools. Find secrets within the world to aid you during battle and to upgrade your items. The only way to upgrade your gear is to find secret upgrade items. After clearing each area you will encounter a boss.

    The map is also equipped with a custom resource pack that changes a few items and the music. The map includes several different soundtracks.

    It is not required that you play the first map, there may be just some references you may not fully understand.

    Map Info & Settings
    Render Distance: Min of 11
    Graphics: FAST
    Texture Pack: ON (You may use any other texture pack just make sure the map pack overlays this one) (please note that the pack will work even though it says it is for an older version)
    Version: 1.12
    Estimated Play Time: 1 - 4 hours

    It is worth noting that this map can be up to FOUR players. It is recommended you bring a friend or friends for the adventure!

    Download - https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/a-hero-s-journey-2-elements-of-the-world/

    =Tools Used=
    Structure Blocks (ig)
    World Painter
    Nova Skin
    OGG File Converter
    Minecraft Tools
    Minecraft Command Science

    Command Creator
    Dig Minecraft
    Minecraft Armor Stand

    Hypixel Forums

    Original -https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/a-hero-s-journey-adventure-map/

    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on ,-Removed-,


    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on A Hero's Journey (Adventure Map)

    Appreciate your criticism

    It is my first time making something like this and yeah I know I need some work

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on A Hero's Journey (Adventure Map)

    - Removed Unused Song
    - Added Song for Plains
    - Fixed Bug with first boss
    - Removed Fire in first boss
    - Added Trails in Swamp Area

    - Remade some Signs
    - Fixed First Track Not playing
    - Made the Last Diamond a easier to find
    - Minor Changes to Chat

    - Remade Final Boss
    - Fixed Music bug Not playing in 2nd Village

    - Minor Bug fixes
    - A few typos fixed

    - Fixed First Boss Looping Soundtrack
    - Fixed Ability to go into creative
    - Fixed Final Bosses Abilities

    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on Ana's random reviews

    Nice Review!

    Still Waiting on the one for my map too ;)

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on A Hero's Journey (Adventure Map)

    - Fixed Bug where final boss would not spawn

    - Fixed Issue with first boss looping music

    - Fixed Final Boss Abilites

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on A Hero's Journey (Adventure Map)


    Looking forward to it :)

    Also If you are doing it single player I recommend you do easy.

    As I learned from your previous review ^

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on A Hero's Journey (Adventure Map)

    Welcome to another Adventure Map called A Hero's Journey!
    *Note - Custom Texture Pack is included in the map .zip *

    File Size: 61.70 MB

    The world of the Everlands was at peace on a dark and stormy night.
    Until a brutal King names King Pixel wreaked havoc on the town of hiddenburg.
    He killed many of the town and kidnapped Princess Clover.

    The few that were still alive were converted into Minions which King Pixel placed around the world to wreak havoc on the lands!
    You (and possibly your friends) will have to defeat many of his minions and save Princess Clover and the Everlands!!

    ~This Map Includes~
    -Side Quests
    -Custom Mobs
    -Custom Trades
    -Custom Items
    -A Small Custom Resource Pack
    -Custom Music

    This map includes four classes that all have different move sets

    Knight - The defensive class that is equipped with a shield
    Swordman - The attack class that comes with a powerful sword
    Archer - The range class that comes with a bow and speed
    Mage - The mixed class that has abilities such as fire, knockback, and damage.

    ~Side Quests~
    This map has many side quests which you will find in the map <3

    Please Make sure you have these settings or the map WILL bug
    This map was beta tested many times to ensure good gameplay

    Render Distance - Min of 14
    Jukebox and Records - 35%
    Clouds - OFF
    Graphics - FAST
    Texture Pack - ON
    Version - 1.11.2

    Players - 1-4

    Estimated Play Time - 45-60 Mins

    DOWNLOAD - https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/a-hero-s-journey-adventure-map/

    ~Special Thanks~
    Map made by - craftdiamonds
    Beta Tested by - Diomancer
    Beta Tested by - NetherRecker
    Beta Tested by - jhmaster2000
    Beta Tested by - Snadro
    Beta Tested by - HypixelVirus
    Beta Tested by - Anemeethious
    Special Thanks to - IcyClover
    Special Thanks to - The Forum Jelly Guild
    Special Thanks to - The Hypixel Forums

    ~Tools Used~
    Structure Blocks
    Texture Pack Created with - http://minecraft.novaskin.me/resourcepacks
    Classes and Trades Created With - https://minecraftcommand.science/
    Mobs/Chat/Bosses/Title/Custom Signs/Player Heads - http://minecraft.tools/en/

    Many tracks were used in this map and are youtube appropriate
    These are non-lyric songs

    Custscene/End Scene - Fnaf World Pinwheel Circus Noteblock Re-Mix
    Forest - General Forest Sounds
    Wetlands - Spirit Of the Wetlands Piano Tiles 2
    Elvin Town - Elves of the Night Piano Tiles 2
    First Boss - Adventures End Noteblock Re-Mix
    Final Boss - Through the Fire and Flames Noteblock Re-Mix

    Plains - Dance Of the Fire Flies Piano Tiles 2


    Posted in: Maps
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