This is my Second ever Minecraft World ! I had so much joy in playing it ! But then 1 Day It got Corrupted and some Area/Chucks Where missing ! f anyone could help i would very appreciate it
Here is a Link to the World if you want to check it out and mabye Fix it !
May I introduce, the Lucky Block Creeper! This block contains several drops, however, be wary as many of them will result in catastrophe! On the other hand, if you are lucky, something good may come out of it!
How to Install
#1 Download and set up the latest version of 1.8 or 1.8.9 forge. (Your choice of what version)
#2 Download the1.8 lucky block mod (or 1.8.9)
#3 Download the Lucky Block Creeper
#4 Go to .minecraft
#5 Create a mod folder if you do not have one
#6 Open Minecraft 1.8 forge in your launcher and start Minecraft (or 1.8.9)
#7 Close Minecraft
#8 Move the lucky block mod into the mods folder
#9 Open and close Minecraft again
#10 Move the Lucky Block Creeper into a new folder called addons
#11 Open 1.8 forge on the Minecraft launcher and start playing
Due to Minecraft Forums bugging, copying + pasting the Mediafire link into another tab may be necessary*
Change Log: Remastered Edition
o Removed almost all stolen drops; I tried to remove as many stolen drops that I remember stealing
o Fixed nearly all bugged drops, meaning that opened lucky blocks should no longer yield "nothing", to do this I tested every drop individually, it was tedious
o Remastered the Lucky Sword, Bow, and Potion textures
o Removed copied crafting recipe; duplicate
o Removed any duplicate drops
o Tweaked the luck on drops accordingly
o Fixed any spelling or grammatical errors, which includes making things sound better
o Added some new but simple structures
o Tweaked natural spawning so that the chance for lucky blocks is higher, plus the lucky blocks have a chance spawning in with a structure
o Altered a few drops to make them a little less powerful and wild
o Downgraded some of the drops to avoid lagging issues
o Downgraded drops to be a little less annoying
o Tweaked prices for villagers to a more manageable state
o Straight up removed bad drops
o Drop count is now ~150
1.7.10 Lucky block Creeper
[Remaster is currently not planned for this version as of right now]
Well, you can read? Basically the 1.8 Creeper Lucky block but in 1.7.10
How To Install
#1 Download and set up the latest version of 1.7.10 forge
#2 Download the new 1.7.10 lucky block
#3 Download the Lucky Block Creeper
#4 Go to .minecraft
#5 Create a mod folder if you do not have one
#6 Move the Lucky Block Mod into the Mods folder
#7 Open Minecraft and select the New 1.7.10 forge File and play Minecraft
#8 Close Minecraft
#9 Go to .minecraft
#10 Delete original LuckyBlockProperties.txt from .minecraft\config\lucky
#11 Move the LuckyBlockProperties.txt (from this zip folder, creeper lucky block .zip) in .minecraft\config\lucky
#12 Go in .minecraft\mods and open the lucky block mod's .jar file
#13 After you opened it, go in mod\lucky\files and replace the original LuckyBlockProperties.txt with LuckyBlockProperties.txt from
#14 After that in \assets\lucky\textures\blocks and replace the original lucky_block.png with lucky_block.png from this zip folder
#15 Close everything and play!
Hello and Welcome to the Burning Cake !
This is a Burning map !
In this map your mission is to survive the burning structure the longest ! Longest one alive wins !
I have added a Couple of Kits to Make it More Intreesting ! They are 4 Kits ! But i wont spoil them
No Mods are Required but if you want to use mods it is okay !
Must play in 1.8.8 or 1.8 Forge (if you are using mods)
And in this Map i have made this map based on PopularMMOs Burning Series !
I hope you enjoy this very On fire Map !
Also worth Metioning i have added some trolls to the map ! >:D
Hope you Enjoy !
Also Please if you record this Map Please My download Link in Your Video discription !
And Metion my YT name in the Vid. Thanks
Hello everybody thus is my Lucky block race I have made using minecraft 1.8 spiral and normal lucky blocks. Loot++ is needed. This map with the mods can be 1-2 players and what you have to do is try to race to the end as fast as you can ,first to the end wins . Open all wells and Lucky Blocks. This map is inspired by popularmmos and his lucky block race series.
Hey Pat i Made a Lucky Block too Think you could check it out
Part 2 Of this Map ! I love it !
Part 1 Of This Map
(Sorry for not using right Texture Pack)
This is my Second ever Minecraft World ! I had so much joy in playing it ! But then 1 Day It got Corrupted and some Area/Chucks Where missing ! f anyone could help i would very appreciate it
Here is a Link to the World if you want to check it out and mabye Fix it !
Pics Before Corruption !
Lucky Block Creeper 2.0 is out now !
#11 Move the LuckyBlockProperties.txt (from this zip folder, creeper lucky block .zip) in .minecraft\config\lucky
#12 Go in .minecraft\mods and open the lucky block mod's .jar file
#13 After you opened it, go in mod\lucky\files and replace the original LuckyBlockProperties.txt with LuckyBlockProperties.txt from
#14 After that in \assets\lucky\textures\blocks and replace the original lucky_block.png with lucky_block.png from this zip folder
#15 Close everything and play!
Creator of the Camel Lucky Block
All Rights Reserved
Hello and Welcome to the Burning Cake !
This is a Burning map !
In this map your mission is to survive the burning structure the longest ! Longest one alive wins !
I have added a Couple of Kits to Make it More Intreesting ! They are 4 Kits ! But i wont spoil them
No Mods are Required but if you want to use mods it is okay !
Must play in 1.8.8 or 1.8 Forge (if you are using mods)
And in this Map i have made this map based on PopularMMOs Burning Series !
I hope you enjoy this very On fire Map !
Also worth Metioning i have added some trolls to the map ! >:D
Hope you Enjoy !
Also Please if you record this Map Please My download Link in Your Video discription !
And Metion my YT name in the Vid. Thanks
Craftdiamonds YT -
Download -
<------ Click here !
Click Here for The Planet Minecraft Page with Photos of the Map
-Burning Cake
I Tried to make a Lucky Block Addon for my own use And it wont appear in minecraft . Did I do something wrong ? Please help !
Here is my addon please help Block Diamond.rar
Hello everybody thus is my Lucky block race I have made using minecraft 1.8 spiral and normal lucky blocks. Loot++ is needed. This map with the mods can be 1-2 players and what you have to do is try to race to the end as fast as you can ,first to the end wins . Open all wells and Lucky Blocks. This map is inspired by popularmmos and his lucky block race series.
Download Link
If you have any question or need help installing please tell me.