Okay, the big circle is the part that makes the sky light up during a fireworks explosion, that way Mojang wouldn't have to add lighting changes out of nowhere.
For the stuff under potion swirls, those are two different styles of fireworks particles.
I totally forgot about fireworks; sorry, dude.
The real crit particles are to the right of note block particle. The first one is regular crit (jumping, etc) and the second one is enchant crit (bane of arthropods, smite).
Regular hits don't have particles.
Sweet! Thanks for clearing that up for me. Helps a lot!
...The rest of the particles are straightforward, and the ones that aren't are the critical hit stuff.
Thanks,but not so straightforward, or I'm dense. What's the large gradient circle to the right of flame and sparks used for? And are the ones below potion swirls the regular hits and below that the crit hits?
I'm working through the particles and I have a few questions that I hope someone here can help me with.
Does anyone have a current LABLED version of the particles file?
There are two particle files in the 13w04a snapshot ( this may not be new or unique to this snapshot, just specifying where I'm seeing these. ). One at the top level and one within the GUI folder. Any info on when the GUI/particles.png is used? It appears to only have smoke in it.
I have decide to fully refresh Sanguine. I've gone through the entire pack very meticulously and revised almost all of the textures. Sanguine is still clearly the same texture pack, but far more refined and consistent. I still have a lot to do, Mobs are still default, there are still items and blocks to update, but I'm getting there! And I'm personally FAR happier with the pack now! Thanks for the encouraging words and good advice Glimmar!
I will release Sanguine v.5 as soon as Minecraft 1.5 ships. I've reformatted Sanguine for the new texture pack file structure and this has allowed me to greatly reduce the file size for better, snappier performance!
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and I hope that you enjoy the new improved Sanguine!
So I'm looking to update my texture pack for the new 1.5 texture file format and I don't see the cracks used for mining progress anywhere. Has anyone seen where they went?
There's so many blocks!!! It usually takes me a few hours per block. I'm picky. Since I still have a lot to just get the texture up to date, I'll just punt and roll out a beta that uses default blocks where I haven't finished yet. Couple hours
Hi everyone! So sorry to leave you all hanging out there in minecraftia without any updates or posts to explain why!
I've been unable to spend time on this lately due to having to deal with a legal matter. It's been far higher on my radar than this texture pack but I haven't abandoned this at all. I hope to have an opportunity to spend time updating this for 1.6.6 this weekend. Sorry for the long delay and failure to follow up on my prior promised update.
Thanks for the information mods. I'll look forward to the changes...patiently.
I hope you all will take my comments not as bombast and bluster, but as a sincere warning. I was moved to post this after watching these issues accumulate over a long period of time, not rashly.
While adf.ly is fine for use by creators of content, it is not acceptable for people who create compilations of others work to do this unless you have the creators permission (and can provide proof of said permission).
You may only link to adf.ly if the content you're linking to is either you own, or you have permission. Any people not following this will have their topics removed.
You could enforce this rule ( it's not even posted in the texture pack subforum ) and clarify that this rule disallows texpack remixes as well as code reuse in mods.
Why is the bar for uncredited re-use set at monetizing downloads? Shouldn't it simply be dis-allowed?
But then you'd have to moderate the forums at a level that I don't think you can achieve.
I'm not suggesting that user momentum is easy to overcome at all. I'm quite aware of the incredible difficulty in that task.
I'm also not suggesting I have any leverage in this area. I am suggesting that it will arise.
see myspace for a reference or geocities or AOL.
Are you suggesting that I shouldn't bother commenting on this obvious ridiculousness of the current status here and should just shut up? I agree. I'm just choosing to disregard thte uselessness of pointing out this site's obvious fail.
Seriously, this place has ridiculously high traffic, monetizes it for Curse and the search has been "temporarily" out for weeks now with a fricking "use Google" solution post in it's place. What a joke.
Rebuild this cheep-ass dorm-room-project BBCode forum into a world class site ASAP or IT WILL BE DONE BY SOMEONE ELSE!
The moderation here needs to get serious about enforcing the rules. The owners need to demand better technical support and new development from the new simi-owners and make the random collection of unsearchable sub-forums and threads into a modern website.
Or you can just watch someone else step up like a proper business serving a community of several hundred thousand users in a market of more than two million game owners and take it to a professional level.
Now, I expect you to lock this thread and go build a lighthouse or something. I have NO confidence that posting on this sub-forum will have any effect whatsoever in fact, I doubt you'll be able to find this post in a day. Sad really.
Hey, is it okay if i borrow the way your sheets overlap the edge on your bed in my standard 16px texture pack?
That is fine with me. Happy texturing!
Quote from wolfen420 »
I have tried many textures packs in the 32-128x range. So far I find myself always coming back to yours. Thank you for such a nice feeling pack.
Thanks! I do too :wink.gif:
Quote from Robtova »
I love the cobblestone texture!
It's the first texture I made and it's the best part in my opinion. Works great and really defines my structures .
Quote from [Tonyd48 »
]Amazing and very easy to download but MASSIVE lagg
All 128 pack introduce some lag. But I've done a great deal of work in photoshop to reduce the file sizes as much as possible given to engine's requirements. I run Sanguine on a 6 year old high end gaming system with a three year old high end graphics card (ATI 8500 gts IIRC ) the graphics card is a crucial element in getting good performance from my system, but my AMD 3700+ really shows it's age. I get 25-120 fps depending on what's happening.
Quote from daxtron2 »
Great pack! Just a couple of "complaints"...
First, DO THE ARMOR. PLEASE!!! That's one thing that really bothers me.
This other one is more of a nitpick. Could you make it so that, in 3rd person and to other players using the pack, the iron sword looks like you are gripping the hilt and not part of the crossbar?
Thank you. I started Sanguine while unemployed and have a ridiculously demanding job now. I'll be working in photoshop all weekend on images that I worked on making all week last week. I haven't had any time at all to speak of lately to do anything more than keep it up to date with Minecraft but I hope to be able to finish it completely before summer gets here.
Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I read them all and take them all and take them all into consideration. I'll do my best to wrap Sanguine up soon!
Sweet! Thanks for clearing that up for me. Helps a lot!
Thanks,but not so straightforward, or I'm dense. What's the large gradient circle to the right of flame and sparks used for? And are the ones below potion swirls the regular hits and below that the crit hits?
I'm working through the particles and I have a few questions that I hope someone here can help me with.
Does anyone have a current LABLED version of the particles file?
There are two particle files in the 13w04a snapshot ( this may not be new or unique to this snapshot, just specifying where I'm seeing these. ). One at the top level and one within the GUI folder. Any info on when the GUI/particles.png is used? It appears to only have smoke in it.
Thanks in advance!
I will release Sanguine v.5 as soon as Minecraft 1.5 ships. I've reformatted Sanguine for the new texture pack file structure and this has allowed me to greatly reduce the file size for better, snappier performance!
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and I hope that you enjoy the new improved Sanguine!
PS Yay! Carrots have their own growth tiles!
I pulled my copy of the client from the 13W02B SNAPSHOT READY FOR TESTING!
I know, I know...
There's so many blocks!!! It usually takes me a few hours per block. I'm picky. Since I still have a lot to just get the texture up to date, I'll just punt and roll out a beta that uses default blocks where I haven't finished yet. Couple hours
An update should be available on Saturday as planned.
I've been unable to spend time on this lately due to having to deal with a legal matter. It's been far higher on my radar than this texture pack but I haven't abandoned this at all. I hope to have an opportunity to spend time updating this for 1.6.6 this weekend. Sorry for the long delay and failure to follow up on my prior promised update.
I'll have an update out no later than Sunday night.
I hope you all will take my comments not as bombast and bluster, but as a sincere warning. I was moved to post this after watching these issues accumulate over a long period of time, not rashly.
You could enforce this rule ( it's not even posted in the texture pack subforum ) and clarify that this rule disallows texpack remixes as well as code reuse in mods.
Why is the bar for uncredited re-use set at monetizing downloads? Shouldn't it simply be dis-allowed?
But then you'd have to moderate the forums at a level that I don't think you can achieve.
I'm also not suggesting I have any leverage in this area. I am suggesting that it will arise.
see myspace for a reference or geocities or AOL.
Are you suggesting that I shouldn't bother commenting on this obvious ridiculousness of the current status here and should just shut up? I agree. I'm just choosing to disregard thte uselessness of pointing out this site's obvious fail.
Rebuild this cheep-ass dorm-room-project BBCode forum into a world class site ASAP or IT WILL BE DONE BY SOMEONE ELSE!
The moderation here needs to get serious about enforcing the rules. The owners need to demand better technical support and new development from the new simi-owners and make the random collection of unsearchable sub-forums and threads into a modern website.
Or you can just watch someone else step up like a proper business serving a community of several hundred thousand users in a market of more than two million game owners and take it to a professional level.
Now, I expect you to lock this thread and go build a lighthouse or something. I have NO confidence that posting on this sub-forum will have any effect whatsoever in fact, I doubt you'll be able to find this post in a day. Sad really.
That is fine with me. Happy texturing!
Thanks! I do too :wink.gif:
It's the first texture I made and it's the best part in my opinion. Works great and really defines my structures .
All 128 pack introduce some lag. But I've done a great deal of work in photoshop to reduce the file sizes as much as possible given to engine's requirements. I run Sanguine on a 6 year old high end gaming system with a three year old high end graphics card (ATI 8500 gts IIRC ) the graphics card is a crucial element in getting good performance from my system, but my AMD 3700+ really shows it's age. I get 25-120 fps depending on what's happening.
Thank you. I started Sanguine while unemployed and have a ridiculously demanding job now. I'll be working in photoshop all weekend on images that I worked on making all week last week. I haven't had any time at all to speak of lately to do anything more than keep it up to date with Minecraft but I hope to be able to finish it completely before summer gets here.
Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I read them all and take them all and take them all into consideration. I'll do my best to wrap Sanguine up soon!