He is right, Ursa Major for example is big a hell but his hitbox isn't half of his size thus not lagging since its size is kinda like just aesthetic you can say but this make very weird fighting him since i would be hard to find the hitbox so thats a bad ideia but works on not mae lagging
Okay.... so uh I'm having some technical difficulties. You see, as ProvenBeat said the KG Model was screwed up and it's taken some time to go back and recode it in with the new AI. That wasnt really a problem though. The main issue is literally just a few minutes ago my monitor blew out and I have to get another one!!! That being said, I can't finish coding because I can't see anything! lol. Therefore, me also not being done with adding features this is a major setback. So I have to unfortunately postpone the mod release (this means I will have more sneak peaks so you guys still get updated on it). This being said we have two options. One, I can aim for the release sometime later in the week excluding Battra and the extra mobs I wanted in, OR (this one I prefer) I can aim the release for two weeks and include Battra with not just one new mob but one new KAIJU. Now this kaiju wouldn't normally be included yet but if we go the two week path I will include it along with the mobs I wanted. So basically it comes down to this. We wait one week and get just Infant Island and Mothra, or wait two and get Infant Island, Mothra, Battra, more mobs, and one new monster/kaiju. What should we do guys??? Note: This new Kaiju will not be included until later if we do the one week path; and I mean wouldn't be included for months.
well,i dont know its a cool mod,but being in constant danger of getting hit by any natural disaster possible.i dont want to get parkinson while also dealing with godzilla.jesus that is to hardcore for me,any other mod?
Wow! Congratulations, dude!
And yes, having the Mob Lag gone is quite a treat. What caused it any way? I did some tests and spawned Godzilla underwater, and it appeared that he never stopped attacking the air (because bubbles were going everywhere). Might that have caused it?
So wait your saying have mob lag gone is a threat to the godzilla mod?
oh ok
when i saw popularmmos review on the Mythical creatures mod
theres this mob called the major and its 5 times bigger than mobzilla and causes no mob lag and godzilla does?
godzilla is 5 times smaller than that thing.
lol yeah
oh yeah how about 5000000000 health 6000000000 attack damage and 40000000 defense
There goes my plans with
king kong vs. mothra
impossiblecraft how about that?
so wait its coming out today
if it is then
Srry i miss read it
So wait your saying have mob lag gone is a threat to the godzilla mod?
oh ok thx