I hope not to sound like a complainer, but can we revert /draw to how it used to be but keep action blocks with the the rest of the actions? It's a bit counter-productive to have to go into /a and then /d every time.
So thanks to calzoneman (aka DOC) minerCPP now has water and lavaphysics, a long with deflood that will be used togheter with sponges and another custom block that will soak up any connected floods.
Yeah this is great, but not very stable or tuned at all. Expect an early prototype tonight / tomorrow and a more stable one in sometime this week :smile.gif:
So I got it to compile and it works, but instead of creating a "backups" folder, it creates a folder called "慢正灵s湉瑩慩楬楺杮猠牥敶ⅲਊ" Dunno what it says, but it's basically gibberish.
I doesn't matter what browser I use, which server I join (including my own), or using the WoM client. When I try to join someone's server it stops responding for about a minute, and then logs me in. I have the latest java installed. Is this normal?
I've done that and I cannot compile it. Also there is no Rebuild available, only build. Which just fails.
I get
Error 1 'Sub Main' was not found in 'ConsoleApplication1.Module1'. ConsoleApplication1
*shrug* sounds to me like something isn't right.
you are using VB or C#, not C++. You need to make a C++ project for a C++ program.
Can someone give me the entire new package?
I stopped updating from... Below 400.
And I saw that there are much other files then just the .exe are changed. and I can't seem to work them all out.
When I download the .zip, and then update the .exe, It still doesn't work.
We love you calzonemanga (aka DOC)! :tongue.gif:
Any chance we'll get this soon?
All you really need is the MinerCPP.exe unless you want to compile it yourself.
I have a problem, Instead of only getting a single Link error, I get 28.
They are similar and look like
This is the first "rebuild".
I got the same problemo, using Visual C++.
Just go to http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/minercpp/
and click the "Download GNU Tarball" link below the files.
that or go to the console and command "op yourname"
@bletotum: you can always just go to http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/minercpp/ and click "Download GNU Tarball" to get the whole thing. Just extract it (maybe twice).
I second that rules.txt