congrats look at when my post started.
so technically mine existed first.
oh and lets see that mod does a lot more stuffz in different areas then what I have planed for mine
public static String ITEMS_PNG = "/mod/FirstMod/items.png";
public static String BLOCK_PNG = "/mod/FirstMod/block.png"; stuff was overwrote in minecraft 1.5 EDIT: FOUND IT
public void func_94581_a(IconRegister iconRegister)
iconIndex = iconRegister.func_94245_a("(your base mod name):(texturefile name)");
Mine looks like this: (BaseMod:indi);
This is for blocks
public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister)
this.field_94336_cN = par1IconRegister.func_94245_a("(your base mod name):(texturefile name)");
} The reason why the outdated texturefiles don't work anymore because all blocks and items are seperated now. First you had a 256x256 sheet for the blocks but now it's just 1 block for a texture, 16x16 (same goes for items).
Once you've done the above you should put a folder named blocks and a folder named items here:
%modname% is the name of your mod. You should put the folders blocks and items in there. And put your texture files in the blocks or items file.
I hope I helped you out, and sorry for my bad english
on clientstart.bat it still does error out but on entering in the game and looking at it in question it works
Wow.... I can not belive it... I've been trying to solve this problem the whole day... and just when I was about to give up, 4.30 o'clock in the morning, here I find a post from 9 months ago which solves my problem! I can't thank you enough!
Hmmm what do you know... 1 year and 1 day old post and it helps me...
Please guys can u help me? I want to record timelapses from 3rd person using this mod. But i also want to use sonics either unbelievable shaders but it is only for 1.2.5 . Problem is, that you cant record on that version. So guys, can you help me with finding a solution? I want to install that shaders mod too, because that really looks amazing! For example in Yogscast Sjin videos....
it would be possible with tekkit but would require a lot more gui's I think because of how tekkit works it would require manually editing the modpack file.. to add the code into the files that forge and or others use
I'm going to try using the legacy version to do that
There was a mod called MineChem (the most recent version appears to be here, but it's for 1.3.2) that pretty much did what you're suggesting. Might want to take a look at that.
the basic of it is the same taking elements out of blocks chemical compounds. but other than that I'm planing on actually making it realistic where elements or compounds are solid they will be solid etc, the machines are going to be powered by some form of electricity something that mod doesn't do according to the picture.... there are some things in that mod I didn't think of and so its going to stay that way.. I'm also not planning on releasing any chemical recipes as its supposed to be "scientific" experimenting learning compounds etc etc
congrats look at when my post started.
so technically mine existed first.
oh and lets see that mod does a lot more stuffz in different areas then what I have planed for mine
public static String ITEMS_PNG = "/mod/FirstMod/items.png";
public static String BLOCK_PNG = "/mod/FirstMod/block.png";
stuff was overwrote in minecraft 1.5
on clientstart.bat it still does error out but on entering in the game and looking at it in question it works
Hmmm what do you know... 1 year and 1 day old post and it helps me...
their should be a 1.2.5 version .... OH HERE IT IS..
I'm going to try using the legacy version to do that
a ore (not sure what it will be yet)
and then the hot plate currently being invisible
Sure that would be Great...