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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] xChaikitty's CTM/Adventure Maps
    Impressions so far of Blitzkrieg: Playing in 1.6. Get ready for a wall of text. Chai, CONSULT THIS POST ONLY, not all the others. I'll update it when I make more progress.

    First Impressions:
    • Use the default texture pack in your pics. Keep the ones that you have taken, but show us what it looks like in the regular style.
    • See obvious brush strokes in several of the pictures.
    • 1,000,000 ghasts. Hope it's balanced.
    Painful Passages
    • Lots of spawners in first room, died.
    • Tried to regain my stuff, but zambies pushed me back. Took all my stuff with me xD, I couldn't pass thru the wall of mobs.
    • Restarted the map, this time it went smoother.
    • Regeneration potions could not stop me from drowning in maze, probably a change in 1.5/1.6. Make regen potions more powerful. 1 death.
    • Minecart ride. :unsure:
    • Aesthetics are okay, just boxes. Ersh.
    Intersection 1
    • Obvious brush stroke is obvious. Block variation and just better design key.
    • I can get to I6 without a key, might want to do something about that.
    Monument/Base Area
    • Not really much to say, walls could be fancier though
    • Probably should give wood, etc just in case
    • Another obvious brush stroke is obvious.
    • Good challenge getting diamond chestplate on bottom.
    Forests of Frustration
    • The design of the area is poor. Very poor. Natural minecraft terrain with regular trees, ungrown saplings. Entire thing is floating, and a leaf wall surrounds the entire thing.
    • I noticed that mob griefing is off. May want to turn it on. It is a CTM map.
    • Like the fact that you put a key on a tree: good to reward exploration
    • Took me 10 minutes to find an unmarked dirt cave due to trees and lack of guidance. What makes the forests frustrating is where the wool is. It's hiding.
    • Went into dirt cave, fought 1 spider, got wool, walked out.
    Dual Islands.
    • Sandstone flat wall, as usual. Obvious ellipse brush strokes everywhere.
    • Got key and diamond leggings, so I have 2 diamond pieces of gear. If you give me a hat and boots, this'll become extremely unbalanced, since we are at I2 right now.
    • Oh, you sneaky bugger with that trap. now I dont have my diamonds xD. 2 deaths. But still.....
    • Unlike the first area, I feel there should be less spawners, 3 spawners on each side in a lengthy hallways seems like a lot to me.
    • Now I see why you turned MobGriefing off. I don't like it.
    • Creepers and Silverfish. Way too many spawners. Best ways to tackle this area is to bridge across.... running on ground level won't work. Because of this, it is a sharp difficulty curve from Forest/Castle, which I reviewed here. vvvvvvvv
    • Yai wool. Finally I have a farm key.
    • Just wheat. Nothing else. No trees. Guess I'll get wood from FoF.
    Castle Cobble
    • O.M.G. Ersh. The castle is bland, unoriginal, etc. It's pretty just walls of cobble. Bordered with... cobble. Walls of... cobble. It does not have any depth or detail whatsoever inside or outside. Make the castle look prettier, have more block variation, etc. Really. Least favorite area thus far.
    • The entire area is 3 blocks: lots of cobble, netherrack, and bedrock.
    • The gameplay is terrible also. It takes you 10 seconds to get to the wool, spiders start swarming you, and you run out. Easy compared to Dual Islands, and I think you should make the dungeon longer.
    • Looks almost the same as the first and second... obvious circular brush stroke with crossroads, just like the other two.
    • Area names sound cool though
    • Went back to base. Got blown up. Restarted map. You know what happened.
    Barren Wasteland of Pain and Hallway to Hell.
    • Regular soul sand borders, and the overall area is nothing special, but this is a lot better of an area than the previous ones. Maybe a bit more stone on the hills and walls.
    • It's just plain, there are no structures or anything. Just a mob infested soul sand and stone place. Block variation is good compared to other areas.
    • Are there any wool in the wasteland or do I need to go to the Hell Hallway? Couldn't find any.
    • You should use custom mobs instead of just packing spawners.... You can customize potion effects, armor, and weapons for a mob. Very cool.
    • Hallway to Hell: OP. WAY OP. For leather armor and stone sword, WAY OP.
    • Witches should be removed from the spawners, make the hallway larger. 3x3 long hallway with a ring of spawners around it is stupid. + bedrock. Best strategy: run and hope for the best, and you will die. Doesn't require thinking at all.
    • Yai wool, without cheating. :D
    Infested Coal Mines.
    • Aesthetically terrible. The cave doesn't look like a cave. Coal is only in the beginning part of the map. Erode a bit, make it bigger.
    • Silverfish, the stupidest mob in Minecraft, makes an appearance. YAI!
    • Lots of spawners: had to bridge over the actual cave to get to the next part.
    • With MobGriefing false, silverfish can't break blocks. This makes digging through the stone tedious. Went into creative to finish digging. Gameplay is very, very poor this point. Just mindless work.
    • Fin.
    Ruins of Tomar and Ghastly Underside of Tomar
    • Aesthetically the best area so far. Buildings looked ruined and you used MOAR THAN ONE MATERIAL. YES. FINALLY.
    • Another thing to note, some of your areas are square and have square borders, like this one. (I'm also talking to you, Castle Cobble.) This doesn't look natural. Maybe put this into a natural looking cave with mossy cobble and stone?
    • You did it with the buildings. Do block variation with floor and walls, make sure to make the buildings stand out.
    • Maybe populate the buildings with crafting tables, furnace, enchanted loot? (I haven't seen any of that yet)
    • Gameplay wise, the second hardest areas so far. Million ghast spawners with leather armor. Serious.
    • Maybe tone down the spawners a bit.
    • Sneaky hidden ladder, mark it with glowstone?
    • Yai wool. Fin. Overall I3 is better than I2, but WAY, WAY, WAY below other well-known CTM maps.
    INTUHSUCTON 4. I don't want to play any more, but I will.
    • Obvious brush stroke is obvious, needs eroding and block variation.
    • I do not like dat creeper place.
    • Hate the aesthetics. Box like houses with, you guessed it, 1 material! aed;ljdkfjdkas
    • Inside, same stuff inside every house. Dumb.
    • Underwater aspect is cool, but where are the mobs? Make them have water breathing potions attached to them or something.
    • This is my least favorite area, and worst area I have EVER played in a CTM map. I found the wool, but there is no fun searching thru houses that look the same to find it. No fun at all. Just torture.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] xChaikitty's CTM/Adventure Maps
    Deleted this weird post because it has been moved. ^^^^
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [CTM][Collection] xChaikitty's CTM/Adventure Maps
    Remember when I said that Castle Cobble was the worst area? I decided to remake one of the walls, show you what I mean by depth. Looky here.

    Not that good, but still.....
    Posted in: Maps
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