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    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    Quote from WakeMaker »
    Quote from chris0744 »
    Quote from WakeMaker »
    I completely uninstall last version of MoreCreeps, run Minecraft, and my guinea pigs are gone so I know it's uninstalled, I have the achievement mod working as well. I follow the install instructions with this, put those two files in the Mod folder, and the other in the resources-mod-sound folder. Run Minecraft, and I get the black screen. Any ideas?

    two files?

    you have to put the whole .zip (not the .RAR !!!!!) int the .mods folder, not the .mod folder, ITS A BIG DIFFERENCE!

    I read the ReadMe, and the first post, and I put MoreCreeps&Weirdos.zip, and the MoreCreeps.txt into the .mods folder. I thought that is what you're supposed to do.

    no, you put the morecreeps.txt in the minecraft folder. (the same place as the .bin .recources. mods .mod folder etc.)

    Quote from Stylezateyourpie »
    Quote from chris0744 »
    Quote from Stylezateyourpie »
    you are using a HD texture pack, and you need to use the HD patcher to let the texture pack work correctly.

    and you need to first use the patcher and then install the mods, not the other way around.

    How do I work the patcher? Sorry, i'm kinda slow and Don't know what to do. :Diamond: :Diamond:


    its explained there ;p

    Didnt Work. Just said some crap about the HD texture. Nothing i understood about Mods :Diamond: :Diamond:[/quote]

    the hd patcher is for the texture pack, and the thing you see is caused by the texture pack, not by a mod. you need to use the hd patcher to "fix" your texture pack, and after that you can install your mods. otherwise the texture pack doesn't work completely right. and the guy who has made the texture pack has put that text there on purpose so people wouldn't forget to use the patcher!

    Quote from 540howdy »
    Money is still just a collectable item right?

    Or did I read too fast?

    Anyways nice job on the update..

    It sounds like atoms needs a nerf

    25 is the max level for hotdogs right?

    Can you name them of your own choice as well?
    I think Snow Devils need this feature too..

    Snowmen make chicken noises

    P.S. your download includes the class files in another .rar instead of another folder..

    put the .zip (inside of the rar) in the .mods folder without unzipping it, and put the morecreeps.txt in the .minecraft folder, and put the creepsounds folder in the minecraft - recourses - mods - sound folder (or something like that, read the first page)

    you don't need to unzip the .rar to put the .class files in the minecraft.jar =D so its supposed to be in another .rar

    and money isn't a collectible item, it has no use atm.

    Quote from H3RM35ONE »
    Love the update. What are hot dogs? And also I found a bug. I had 2 stacks of wool and put them together and when I did I got one of the bubblescrum achievements.

    hotdogs will be added in the next update! (new mobs =D)

    Quote from H3AvEnLyV0id »
    hey love how to mods looking. i just have a problem with the sound. i also have mo'creatures and i can only have one mod folder in my resources folder so i was wondering if you know what to do. thanks!!! :smile.gif: :iapprove: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:

    you just put the creepsounds folder in the .minecraft - .recources - .mod - .sound folder, and if you have to put something from mo'creatures in there as well, you can also put that in the .sound folder, as long as it doesnt have the same name (wich i think it doesnt :tongue.gif:)

    Quote from MORE CREEPS »
    PLS HELP again i have black screen only i installed everythink how it must and my minecraft crashes i deleted the meta inf must i put it in Minecraft.jar or in Minecraft1_5.jar or in both i just installed everythink in Minecraft.jar

    you put the contents of the .zip folder (NOT THE .RAR FOLDER! BIG DIFFERENCE) in the .minecraft - .mods folder, without unzipping. you put the morecreeps.txt in the .minecraft folder (the place where also you .bin folder, your .recources folder etc. are) and you put the creepsounds folder (the whole folder) in the .minecraft - .recources - .mod - .sound folder.

    Quote from vrosen »
    I keep getting black screen! I was able to install the old one with no badges, but now I just can't get it to work.

    I have a new minecraft.jar with no mods in it.

    I installed the mods you need.

    I but the files from the "RESOURCES" in to .minecraft\resources\
    Then I put the zip and .txt file in to the .minecraft\mods folder

    I did not unzip the files.

    WHAT is it that I'm doing wrong?!?

    Sorry for bad english.

    you put the contents of the .zip folder (NOT THE .RAR FOLDER! BIG DIFFERENCE) in the .minecraft - .mods folder, without unzipping. you put the morecreeps.txt in the .minecraft folder (the place where also you .bin folder, your .recources folder etc. are) and you put the creepsounds folder (the whole folder) in the .minecraft - .recources - .mod - .sound folder.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    ok i tried it again (to see if you guys were right xD) and your right, this time i get an error, i guess i was f*king lucky :tongue.gif:

    i'd like to put this mod on mediafire, (the .rar) but i don't think freakstrich likes that... so you've just got to wait guys :tongue.gif: sorry!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    Quote from WakeMaker »
    I completely uninstall last version of MoreCreeps, run Minecraft, and my guinea pigs are gone so I know it's uninstalled, I have the achievement mod working as well. I follow the install instructions with this, put those two files in the Mod folder, and the other in the resources-mod-sound folder. Run Minecraft, and I get the black screen. Any ideas?

    two files?

    you have to put the whole .zip (not the .RAR !!!!!) int the .mods folder, not the .mod folder, ITS A BIG DIFFERENCE!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    btw freakstrich, do you maybe want a (new) install video? i could make one? =D
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Idea] NPC's
    you guys are pretty stupid -.-'

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!

    i had the link not availble (or something like that) 2 times, just go back to the previous page (with the download link) and click "download from mediafire" (or whatever it says) again.

    i had it 2 times and then it just worked fine :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [IDEA][REQUEST] the mod that all farmers always have wanted
    so nobody thinks that this is usefull? an full automatic weath farm seems pretty usefull to me...
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [IDEA][REQUEST] the mod that all farmers always have wanted

    Everyone who has done some farming knows about automatic wheat farms. but the only automatic part is that you can harvest them automaticly, you cant plant them automaticly.

    well, i'm requesting a mod wich makes it possible to, when you drop an item on a tilled dirt block, that it's automaticly planted. i think that this is possible cause there is also a mod in wich you can trow an item at a chest and it automaticly stores it.

    if you then put seeds in a dispencer and aim it at the tilled dirt, and you add a lever to the dispencer, you can automaticly plant the seeds. if you understand me :tongue.gif:

    now there is another thing i request, a dispencer that shoots thing up, instead of to the side, so you can put dispencers underneath your dirt.

    and it has to be possible that when you shoot a seed from a dispencer wich is under the dirt, the seed is automaticly planted.

    if you then also use risugami's floodgate, you can harvest your crops, and plant new ones, with 2 simple clicks...

    i think this mod is VERY usefull :tongue.gif: so say what you think! i hope someone can make this! =D

    (btw ive got a wheat farm wich looks like this: . so if you make that and put the dispencers under the dirt, and replace the flooder with a flooder from rifugami's floodgate mod, you can plant and harvest with 2 buttons :tongue.gif: and you can make the pipe longer, so it goes to your house or something :tongue.gif:)
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    that's clever :tongue.gif:

    im going to try it out now, but ive got to go in like 15 mins, so ive only got little time :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    freakstrich, how did you get "Risugami's Modloader Version 5 DOWNLOAD ModLoader"

    cause on his tread he has only a v4.... :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    Quote from MORE CREEPS »
    Is it only for donating cant you download it free because my family is poor.And also does it work with this coooooool mod and pls help for the black screen

    this mod is totally free! click the line of text saying "DOWNLOAD More Creeps AND Weirdos v1.98 for MC 1.5.1".

    it will take you to a page, in the right top corner you'll see it counting back from 5 to 1, and then a button comes with "skip add", click it, and you can download :tongue.gif:

    Quote from sambrochu1 »
    PLZ REPLY!!! when i try to throw/shoot things from your mod like flob gun or evil egg etc.... my game crashes and closes :S can u plz help me :Diamond:

    i think that youve not installed it correctly, try installing it again and see if the problem is still there! dont forget to install modloader, audiomod and achievement tab! and download the latest version of more creeps and wierdo's!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    Quote from MORE CREEPS »
    Are there aplle trees with the mod?because i have black screen again when i installed an apple tree mod please help!

    maybe the items have the same id's as the items from this mod? or you've forgot to install something, or youve not installed them correctly.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    Quote from Stylezateyourpie »
    you are using a HD texture pack, and you need to use the HD patcher to let the texture pack work correctly.

    and you need to first use the patcher and then install the mods, not the other way around.

    How do I work the patcher? Sorry, i'm kinda slow and Don't know what to do. :Diamond: :Diamond:[/quote]


    its explained there ;p
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    Quote from Stylezateyourpie »
    Can you please help me? I downloaded all of the stuff, deleted the META-INF folder, installed audiomod, and such needed things, and looked up how to do it on youtube. It keeps saying, on the water, USE THE PATCHER NOOB. I don't know what i am doing wrong. Please Help. :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:

    you are using a HD texture pack, and you need to use the HD patcher to let the texture pack work correctly.

    and you need to first use the patcher and then install the mods, not the other way around.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.2.5] MoreCreeps & Weirdos v2.62 SLOT MACHINES - OLD LADIES - RAGING BULL - PET RADIO - NEW ITEMS!
    haha xD ok then :tongue.gif:. thnx for the help :wink.gif:

    and i think i will protect the bubblescums, uhm, maybe? uhm, somethimes. ok never, I WANT COOKIES!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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