I'm getting a crash when the incubator completes it's cycle
Mods loaded: 27
ModLoader Beta 1.6.6
mod_NewApiTest 1.4_01
mod_HotAirBalloons 1.6.4
mod_Stackables Beta 1.6.4
mod_MPMenu 1.6.5
mod_RecipeBook Beta 1.6.4
mod_NewApiTest 1.4_01
mod_MPMenu 1.6.5
mod_Arrows Beta 1.6.5
mod_RecipeBook Beta 1.6.4
mod_Stackables Beta 1.6.4
mod_PlasticCraft v2.0.2 (for b1.6.5)
mod_HotAirBalloons 1.6.4
mod_Somnia 1.6.6 v9
mod_SpawnerGUI Beta 1.6.4
mod_bowlmilk Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_butterchurn Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_cheesemaker Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_cheeseburguer Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_scrambledeggs Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_chocolate Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_beekeeping Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_nandotab Beta 1.5_01
mod_moretrees Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
mod_SyntheticClay Current Version
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT bc1edb8f --------
Generated 6/9/11 12:03 AM
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.6.6
OS: Windows 2000 (x86) version 5.0
Java: 1.6.0_24, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce FX 5900XT/AGP/SSE2/3DNOW! version 2.0.3, NVIDIA Corporation
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
at TileEntityIncubator.g(TileEntityIncubator.java:173)
at TileEntityIncubator.m_(TileEntityIncubator.java:130)
at fb.g(SourceFile:1131)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1395)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:720)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 3eaf5c4b ----------
Would be really useful if you could point me in the direction of a fix as bees are exceedingly rare on my current test world.
Ignore the double module loads that's just a setup cockup on my part (running from command line) and doesn't contribute to the problem.
please put it in code brackets next time not <code></code>
what version of minecraft are you using? because you are using mods for 1.6.4. 1.6.5 and 1.6.6
also 1 for 1.4_01 and one for 1.5_01 !!!! and that's not good :tongue.gif: make sure you have the right versions of everything!
i got this error
===Simple Minecraft Error Test===
Starting Minecraft...
Jun 8, 2011 9:53:05 AM ToolUtils <clinit>
INFO: [ToolUtils r6] Loaded.
16 achievements
148 recipes
ModLoader Beta 1.6.6 Initializing...
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/boxtop.png @ 30. 87 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/boxfront.png @ 54. 86 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/boxside.png @ 76. 85 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/nesttop.png @ 77. 84 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/nestbottom.png @ 78. 83 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/nestside.png @ 85. 82 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/incubatortopoff.png @ 100. 81
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/incubatortop.png @ 101. 80 le
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/incubatorsideoff.png @ 106. 7
9 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/incubatorside.png @ 107. 78 l
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/honeyblocktop.png @ 108. 77 l
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/honeyblockside.png @ 109. 76
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/waxblocktop.png @ 110. 75 lef
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/waxblockside.png @ 111. 74 le
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/waxblock2.png @ 125. 73 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/waxblock2top.png @ 126. 72 le
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/presstop.png @ 127. 71 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/pressstamp1.png @ 136. 70 lef
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/pressside.png @ 138. 68 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/candle.png @ 139. 67 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/bee_particle.png @ 38. 130
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/bee_particle2.png @ 46. 129
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/queenbee.png @ 61. 128 left
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/honeycomb2.png @ 62. 127 le
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/waxcomb3.png @ 91. 126 left
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/grubs1.png @ 93. 125 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/grubs2.png @ 101. 124 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/grubs5.png @ 102. 123 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/honeydrop.png @ 105. 122 le
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/honeyjar.png @ 106. 121 lef
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/waxpressed.png @ 107. 120 l
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/honey_pork.png @ 108. 119 l
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/honey_porkraw.png @ 109. 11
8 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/beekeeping/beekeeper_helmet.png @ 117.
117 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_beekeeping Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/bowl_milk.png @ 118. 116 left.
[PlasticCraft v2.0.4] Preparing PlasticCraft.props
[PlasticCraft v2.0.4] Reading PlasticCraft.props
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockPlasticBnW.png @ 143. 6
4 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockGooPlastic.png @ 148. 6
3 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockC41.png @ 153. 62 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockC42.png @ 154. 61 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockPlexiglass.png @ 155. 6
0 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockGlowstick.png @ 156. 59
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockJello.png @ 157. 58 lef
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockLatexTap.png @ 158. 57
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockPlexiDoor1.png @ 159. 5
6 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockPlexiDoor2.png @ 166. 5
5 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockPlastic.png @ 168. 53 l
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockMicrowaveFront.png @ 16
9. 52 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockMicrowaveFront.png @ 17
0. 51 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockRubber.png @ 171. 50 le
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockTrampoline.png @ 172. 4
9 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /TehKrush/PlasticCraft/blockAccelerator.png @ 173.
48 left.
Failed to load mod from "mod_bowlmilk.class"
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/butterChurn_top.PNG @ 174. 47 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/butterChurn_side.PNG @ 175. 46 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/butter.png @ 119. 115 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_butterchurn Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cactusstick.png @ 120. 114 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cactus_pickaxe.png @ 121. 113 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cactus_axe.png @ 122. 112 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cactus_sword.png @ 123. 111 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cactus_hoe.png @ 124. 110 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cactus_shovel.png @ 125. 109 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_cactuscraft Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/half_bread.png @ 133. 108 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cheeseburguer.png @ 134. 107 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/hotcheese.png @ 137. 106 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/cheesemaker_top.png @ 182. 45 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/cheesemaker_topmilk.png @ 183. 44 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/cheesemaker_topmilk2.png @ 184. 43 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/cheesemaker_topmilk3.png @ 185. 42 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cheese.png @ 138. 105 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/blockcheese.PNG @ 186. 41 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_cheeseburguer Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Mod Loaded: mod_cheesemaker Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/chisel.png @ 139. 104 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/iron_ore.png @ 140. 103 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/gold_ore.png @ 141. 102 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/diamond_chisel.png @ 144. 101 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_chisel Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/block_barmould.png @ 187. 40 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/block_mouldchocolate.png @ 188. 39 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/block_mouldchocolateready.png @ 189. 38
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/chocolatecake_top.png @ 190. 37 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/chocolatecake_side.png @ 191. 36 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/chocolatecake_sidecut.png @ 196. 35 left
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/chocolatecake_bottom.png @ 197. 34 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/cocoa_block.png @ 198. 33 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/cocoa_sapling.png @ 199. 32 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/chocolate_block.png @ 200. 31 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cocoa_fruit.png @ 145. 100 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/cocoa_dust.png @ 146. 99 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/bowl_chocolate.png @ 147. 98 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/bowl_chocolateh.png @ 148. 97 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/chocolate_bar.png @ 149. 96 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/chocolate_wrap.png @ 150. 95 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/chocolate_ball.png @ 152. 94 left.
Failed to load mod from "mod_chocolate.class"
Overriding /terrain.png with /easyChest/redstone_chest_small.png @ 201. 30 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /easyChest/redstone_chest_large_left.png @ 202. 29
Overriding /terrain.png with /easyChest/redstone_chest_large_right.png @ 203. 28
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/vortex_software.png @ 153. 93 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/vortex_software_v2.png @ 154. 92 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/repair_software.png @ 155. 91 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/repair_software_upgraded.png @ 156. 90
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/magiclock.png @ 157. 89 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/dvd.png @ 160. 88 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/furnace_software.png @ 161. 87 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/destruction_software.png @ 162. 86 lef
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/quantum_software.png @ 163. 85 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/resistance_software.png @ 164. 84 left
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/mining_software.png @ 165. 83 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/healer_software.png @ 166. 82 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/scan_software.png @ 168. 81 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /easyChest/music_software.png @ 169. 80 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_EasyChest 1.6.6
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/icemaker_top.png @ 204. 27 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/icemaker_top2.png @ 211. 26 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/icemaker_top3.png @ 212. 25 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/bowl_water.png @ 170. 79 left.
Failed to load mod from "mod_icemaker.class"
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/itemmask_creeper.png @ 171. 78 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/itemmask_skeleton.png @ 172. 77 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/itemmask_zombie.png @ 173. 76 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/itemmask_pig.png @ 176. 75 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/itemmask_sheep.png @ 177. 74 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/itemmask_cow.png @ 178. 73 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/itemmask_empty.png @ 179. 72 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_masks Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/palmleaves.png @ 213. 24 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/palmtree1.png @ 214. 23 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/palmtree2.png @ 215. 22 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/palmtree3.png @ 216. 21 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/banana_block.png @ 217. 20 lef
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/banana_blockg.png @ 218. 19 le
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/cherryblossom_leaves.png @ 219
. 18 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/cherryblossom_leavesw.png @ 22
0. 17 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/cherryblossom_sapling.png @ 22
1. 16 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/fruit_trees/apple/leaves.png @
224. 15 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/fruit_trees/apple/leaves_apple
.png @ 226. 14 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/fruit_trees/apple/leaves_flowe
r.png @ 227. 13 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/fruit_trees/apple/apple_saplin
g.png @ 228. 12 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/bananacake_top.png @ 229. 11 l
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/bananacake_side.png @ 230. 10
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/bananacake_sidecut.png @ 231.
9 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/bananacake_bottom.png @ 232. 8
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/banana_cake.png @ 180. 71 le
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/palmsapling.png @ 233. 7 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/banana_item.png @ 181. 70 le
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/banana_itemg.png @ 182. 69 l
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/vines.png @ 234. 6 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/vine_branch.png @ 183. 68 le
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/moretrees/item_fertilizer.png @ 184. 6
7 left.
Failed to load mod from "mod_moretrees.class"
Mod Loaded: mod_nandotab Beta 1.5_01
Mod Loaded: mod_NewApiTest 1.4_01
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/pie_apple_top.png @ 235. 5 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/pie_apple_cut.png @ 236. 4 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/pie_pumpkin_top.png @ 250. 3 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/pie_pumpkin_cut.png @ 251. 2 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/pie_pork_top.png @ 252. 1 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/pie_pork_cut.png @ 253. 0 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /nandonalt/pie_side.png @ 0. 0 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_pan.png @ 185. 66 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_dough.png @ 186. 65 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_pot_crust.png @ 187. 64 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_apple_raw.png @ 188. 63 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_apple.png @ 189. 62 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_pumpkin_raw.png @ 192. 61 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_pumpkin.png @ 193. 60 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_pork_raw.png @ 194. 59 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/pie_pork.png @ 195. 58 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_pies Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
Failed to load mod from "mod_PlasticCraft.class"
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/se_notmixed.png @ 196. 57 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/se_raw.png @ 197. 56 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/se_cooked.png @ 198. 55 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_scrambledeggs Beta 1.6.6 - By Nandonalt
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
Starting up SoundSystem...
Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
(The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.or
OpenAL initialized.
SoundSystem shutting down...
Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com
Finished session
Right click, Select all,
Press Enter (This will copy the output to your clipboard).
Then paste the result on http://www.pastebin.com
Press any key to continue . . .
i only get it with beekeeping installed
code brackets next time please!
Failed to load mod from "mod_bowlmilk.class"
Failed to load mod from "mod_chocolate.class"
Failed to load mod from "mod_icemaker.class"
Failed to load mod from "mod_PlasticCraft.class"
so its not beekeeping :tongue.gif:
1: you have installed those 4 mods incorrectly, try installing the mods! (i know it takes time, but do you want them or not?!!!
2: you have the wrong versions of the mods, check if you have all the right versions!
3: they just don't all work together, try deleting some mods! (the 4 with the error maybe?)
Guys! I need help! Im trying to create classic server, but i cant load map wich i made in MCedit. I tried to use dat to lvl converter, but it says that my magic ID sucks. How do i solve this problem??? plz help
ty making a .schematic of your world, and put it in a new world ;P
renaming it to schematic.zip worked :tongue.gif: kind of? xd it just crashed, but thats because there are so many blocks being placed i think ;P happens a lot.
Texture pack: Dokucraft
Patched: You think I'm stupid?
problem: I DONT KNOW
nope, but sometimes people forget it! ( i forgot it too once... and i'm not stupid! right? :tongue.gif: )
well, do you have the latest version of dokucraft? and wich version do you use? there are 3 versions, light hard and classic i thought xd something like that.
try downloading the texturepack again, get a fresh minecraft.jar, use the patcher again and install your mods again :tongue.gif:
When I try to sleep, it starts to "simulate the world", but before the green bar is even half filled, I "wake up" and get a "Bed out of range" error. Help?
EDIT: I no more get the "Bed out of range" error, but when I try to sleep, after a while when its simulating the world, it says "Saving chunks" and then Minecraft blackscreens.
just wake up at the "middle" and then sleep again till the time you want to. It is caused because the game needs to load to much in 1 time, so if you wake up in the middle, it will only need to load a "half" at 1 time :tongue.gif:
Thank you very much :smile.gif:
I still place blocks by myself because I love that <3
But for example to build an gigantic pixelart hall I don't want to spend hours digging the area xD So I love to be able to use your simple programm which took me like 5 minutes to understand :smile.gif:
if you like building stuff in minecraft, maybe sspcommands is also something for you :wink.gif: its very, very usefull! and in combination with this mod you can make fantastic things :wink.gif:
I have a story about my wolf. I had like 10 wolves. After I installed the mod They all disappeared. It didn't matter because I wasn't attached because they didn't have names. When I was looking for wood, I found a small white wolf. he tried to run away and wouldn't accept my bones. After about 40 bones he loved me. We spent the days together. He grew bigger and stronger While I did my thing. One day after some nice cooked pork I was making him some clothes when a glitch began. When he was walking around He would randomly go through blocks and suffocate. I did all I could to stop him but when I came back from the house with some food... He was...gone... His stuff was on the ground. I was in tears. You must fix this glitch so others don't have to deal with the horrors I did. And I'm being serious here.
FINE: Failed to load mod from "mod_moretrees.class"
06-Jun-2011 16:01:23 ModLoader addMod
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ToolUtils$Axe
at mod_moretrees.<init>(mod_moretrees.java:108)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at ModLoader.addMod(ModLoader.java:215)
at ModLoader.readFromClassPath(ModLoader.java:1145)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:823)
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:124)
at tc.<init>(tc.java:60)
at tc.<clinit>(tc.java:9)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:312)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:683)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ToolUtils$Axe
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 16 more
06-Jun-2011 16:01:33 ModLoader AddAllRenderers
FINE: Initialized
as you can see in the first sentence it says : FINE: Failed to load mod from "mod_moretrees.class"
That means it is caused by moretrees.
I don't really know what is causing it, something called "ToolUtils$Axe"...
try getting a fresh minecraft.jar and installing the mods again, make sure you have the right versions!
First up, a seriously sweet mod. Thank you so much simo for rejuvenating my love for Minecraft! :biggrin.gif:
Now to the matter at hand: I wish to use the fly mode for slow camera panning effects in a movie. The default player move and fly speeds are a little too quick for my liking, though setting the 'setspeed' or 'fly' speed values to less than 1.0 yield no slower movement. I've seen super slow camera pans in existing Minecraft movies, but is it possible to achieve such ponderous cinematic with SPC?
Any assistance would be appreciated.
uhm, you can always just slow down the video with a video editting program?
Someone please help me. I was using the tutorial and when he went to the minecraft.jar file mine only said minecraft. It said Executeable jar file to the right if that means anything. Do I just need to reinstall Minecraft?
EDIT: Screw this. Im not going to go file hopping any more. :sleep.gif:
just right click the minecraft.jar (the exeuteable jar file) and click "open with", then select an archieving program (winrar, winzip, 7zip) and open it with that =D
Sorry to say this, but this mod doesn't work for me, I followed the video guide, installed everything exactly like the guy, deleated the META-INF, and when I login, it black screens, I've retried about five times and nothing.
provide a crash report and/or the modloader.txt! (at least the modloader.txt)
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.put(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.put(Unknown Source)
at jf.a(SourceFile:233)
at jf.b(SourceFile:139)
at ka.a(SourceFile:43)
at cy.a(SourceFile:32)
at fs.a(SourceFile:142)
at pt.b(SourceFile:553)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:743)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 100aea61 ----------
Can anyone tell me what's wrong and how I should fix this?
Haha, I apologize, I don't know what to look for in error reports to fix, as I do not have much experience in that area. Previously, I would just ignore mods if they didn't work for me, but this time I used the error reports to find out, because I really wanted to add more flavor to my game and I tried out Humans +, and that was a huge flop (because the spawned mobs would just rape my Millenaire Villagers D:).
If you do know how I could fix my problem, that would be awesome, and if you feel like you should create a video to help more people, I think you should do it, and if freakstritch adds your video to his main post to help others, I'd say that would be dandy.
Sorry, I didn't add all of it because I thought it would just be a waste of space, so here you go:
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to [email protected].
Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT a1dce528 --------
Generated 6/5/11 11:17 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.6.6
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_24, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce GTS 450/PCI/SSE2 version 4.1.0, NVIDIA Corporation
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.put(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.put(Unknown Source)
at jf.a(SourceFile:233)
at jf.b(SourceFile:139)
at ka.a(SourceFile:43)
at cy.a(SourceFile:32)
at fs.a(SourceFile:142)
at pt.b(SourceFile:553)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:743)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT e5b856b7 ----------
That's all it says. I attempted to add MoreCreeps after installing IndustrialCraft (among a few others), but it didn't work, so then I decided to play a bit, and decided that the world needed to grow, so I downloaded, installed, and played with Nature Overhaul with no problems. After the previous post was... posted, I reattempted to install MoreCreeps again, to no avail.
please put it in code brackets next time not <code></code>
what version of minecraft are you using? because you are using mods for 1.6.4. 1.6.5 and 1.6.6
also 1 for 1.4_01 and one for 1.5_01 !!!! and that's not good :tongue.gif: make sure you have the right versions of everything!
code brackets next time please!
so its not beekeeping :tongue.gif:
1: you have installed those 4 mods incorrectly, try installing the mods! (i know it takes time, but do you want them or not?!!!
2: you have the wrong versions of the mods, check if you have all the right versions!
3: they just don't all work together, try deleting some mods! (the 4 with the error maybe?)
i can't think of anything else.
Maybe provide the crash report?...
ty making a .schematic of your world, and put it in a new world ;P
why don't my other mods updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :sad.gif:
*coughs* superdog *coughs* xd
nope, but sometimes people forget it! ( i forgot it too once... and i'm not stupid! right? :tongue.gif: )
well, do you have the latest version of dokucraft? and wich version do you use? there are 3 versions, light hard and classic i thought xd something like that.
try downloading the texturepack again, get a fresh minecraft.jar, use the patcher again and install your mods again :tongue.gif:
just wake up at the "middle" and then sleep again till the time you want to. It is caused because the game needs to load to much in 1 time, so if you wake up in the middle, it will only need to load a "half" at 1 time :tongue.gif:
and we all hate black screens!
use the HD patcher - get another texture pack :tongue.gif:
i use the DOKUCRAFT texturepack (light version) and all my mods show their pictures normally (except minefactory's moving images ;P)
if you like building stuff in minecraft, maybe sspcommands is also something for you :wink.gif: its very, very usefull! and in combination with this mod you can make fantastic things :wink.gif:
nice story :ohmy.gif:
as you can see in the first sentence it says : FINE: Failed to load mod from "mod_moretrees.class"
That means it is caused by moretrees.
I don't really know what is causing it, something called "ToolUtils$Axe"...
try getting a fresh minecraft.jar and installing the mods again, make sure you have the right versions!
uhm, you can always just slow down the video with a video editting program?
just right click the minecraft.jar (the exeuteable jar file) and click "open with", then select an archieving program (winrar, winzip, 7zip) and open it with that =D
for 1.99 you need freaktrich' achievement pages, you will need achievement tabs in the next update.
freakstrich' achievement pages are included in the download package with more creeps and wierdo's.
provide a crash report and/or the modloader.txt! (at least the modloader.txt)
provide a crash report and/or the modloader.txt! (at least the modloader.txt)
provide the modloader.txt please!