I have a Compatibility issue with the "ShockAhPI r5" which is needed by "MoreCreeps & Weirdos". "Single Player Commands" and "MoreCreeps & Weirdos" use the same "dc.class". Is there a way to make them compatible or are they already? The MoreCreeps & Weirdos (and vanilla) class file is way smaller than the one from Single Player Commands, so maybe they are already?
They are compatible, how do I know that? Because I'm already using both of them for a few months :tongue.gif:
first off thanks your very help full to everyone. Next i cant get the crash report because it closes too fast. the .txt file is as follows (its long)
Jul 21, 2011 11:44:34 AM ModLoader init
FINE: ModLoader Beta 1.7.3 Initializing...
Jul 21, 2011 11:44:34 AM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
Jul 21, 2011 11:44:34 AM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Zip found.
Jul 21, 2011 11:44:34 AM ModLoader AddAllRenderers
FINE: Initialized
it all looks good so i dont understand why modloader is crashing the game.
Is that your whole modloader.txt? I don't think so...
I started a new .minecraft and then proceed to add modloader and black screen.
(yes i deleted meta inf)
And there is no modloader.txt
Now I think we need a VERY detailed explanation+vid
Well, I'll make an installation tutorial ok? I'll put the link here when it's done.
True, I was just ready to go to bed at the time. Who cares if I forgot? *shrugs*
On an more mod related topic, nobody else has noticed the banana issue? Maybe I'm a bit impatient but I do want the banana cake for the bakery I'm building. =)
an automatic bakery? or just a bakery? (its still awesome ;o)
I dont know anything about your problem, because ive never tried to make a banana plantation xD
Hi Everyone i've worked out what you have to do when you get a black screen when you install ModLoader. I think Risugami tinkered with something so the OLD Modloader.txt's don't work anymore with the new updated Modloader. So all you have to do is delete the Modloader.txt and ForceUpdate and reinstall Modloader to be on the safe side and hopefully it'll work because that's what i did and it worked. Hope that helps you guys.
You don't need to do that, you can just keep your modloader.txt
I think you just installed modloader wrong the first time, and did it good the second time :wink.gif:
I've made a server, for me and a friend of mine to play costum maps on, and maybe I'll put the server online later for more people you know what I mean.
But are there any plugins wich I must really have? I need a plugin wich gives me some more commands, like fly, instantmine/superpickaxe and that kind of stuff.
And are there also other plugins wich are really good/helpfull/needed?
please tell me what they are, what they do, and the download link :wink.gif:
Just port them here.
- chris0744
O and for I forget, I use craftbukkit :tongue.gif:
Is it happening for anyone else when they click "Show" for any of the mods nothing happens?
If your on Internet Explorer, try the compatibility view (the button is a picture of a piece of paper ripped in half, its on the right side of the address bar in wich you fill in sites)
A Tombstone will be erected at the exact spot that your pet gets killed. When you activate it with the SOUL GEM, your pet will be brought back to life at the current state they were in when they met their unfortunate demise.
If you activate it with anything else other than the SOUL GEM, it will display your pet's name, type and level. For instance "ELBOW MACARONI - LEVEL 12 - GUINEA PIG"
omg awesome! and what is that sword :OOO
EDIT: I think you can make the sword with gems you can find in battle castles :tongue.gif: see how the colours match with the gems? :tongue.gif:
look at the banner of battle castles! (pretty wierd you have put up a banner already before the battle castles are even added, if people click it now they will think 'wtf, where are the battle castles!'.
Last login: Thu Jul 21 17:11:11 on console
Alex-Farmiloes-MacBook-Pro:~ Alex$ cd ~/.minecraft/bin; java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xincgc -cp "minecraft.jar:jinput.jar:lwjgl.jar:lwjgl_util.jar" -Dorg.lwjgl.librarypath="$(pwd)/natives" -Dnet.java.games.input.librarypath="$(pwd)/natives" net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
-bash: cd: /Users/Alex/.minecraft/bin: No such file or directory
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/Minecraft
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)
Alex-Farmiloes-MacBook-Pro:~ Alex$
Is this anything to do with SPC? It might be from Industrialcraft. Minecraft crashes on startup.
Could I get some help Mod Loader+IndustrialCraft? I started with a clean 1.7.3 and followed closely. I got the infamous black screen when attempting to log in.
Jul 20, 2011 1:44:33 PM ModLoader init
FINE: ModLoader Beta 1.7.3 Initializing...
Jul 20, 2011 1:44:33 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
Jul 20, 2011 1:44:33 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Zip found.
Jul 20, 2011 1:44:33 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Failed to load mod from "mod_IndustrialCraft.class"
Jul 20, 2011 1:44:33 PM ModLoader addMod
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BaseModMp
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at ModLoader.addMod(ModLoader.java:267)
at ModLoader.readFromClassPath(ModLoader.java:1104)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:812)
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:183)
at th.<init>(th.java:60)
at th.<clinit>(th.java:9)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:318)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:716)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: BaseModMp
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 20 more
Jul 20, 2011 1:44:43 PM ModLoader AddAllRenderers
FINE: Initialized
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: BaseModMp
Think you forgot to install something, try doing a fresh install.
made multiple attempts at trying to install any of these mods but i keep comeing back to the same problem everytime i install modloader into minecraft.jar(even with a fresh minecraft.jar) as soon as i click login it goes to a black screen no matter what im not sure what im doing wrong but any help would be greatly appreciated as i really wanna play with the biospheres map generator as well as try out a few of the other mods. im not sure what the modloader.txt file is or where its at i am unable to find it also i dont get a crash report from it. it just goes black and sits there help with this is appreciated as ive seen videos of the biospheres and it looks extremely cool thanks
Could you please provide the modloader.txt and if possible also the crash report?
I was installing modloader, using WINrar, did it correctly, and when i started up minecraft it crashed. So i made a fresh new minecraft.jar, installed modlaoder, but with 7zip this time. It worked! Ive been having this weird bug since the 1.7.3 update, and it looks like it doesent work with WINrar. Either that or im really stupid. And i deleted META-inf, before you start qouting me about that. So, if you have the same problem, try 7zip. :smile.gif:
I know, I've seen that occur in modloader as a error also (not mine though). Also winzip works fine too :wink.gif:
the adf.ly link isnt working, at least not for me, it says it cant find the webapge when i click on skip ad
EDIT: i cant download modloader in any way, chrome keeps saying it can't find the webpage. (and yes i am connected to the internet before you ask)
You could always download another web browser...
(you can still keep using chrome but just use the other one to download the mods)
I have started from a completely brand new 1.7.3 (deleted entire .minecraft folder) and i still have the same issue (black screen) And i have lots of mods and use modloader already so dont give me the usual bs of delete metainf folder. I have tried both Winrar and 7zip neither seem to work. i have tried this on three different computers (two 64 bit and one 32 win 7 and xp on the xp) i think it is just a mistake in the upload of modloader. Thanks for any help ahead of time.
I dont get to play on the computer very often because my dad hates them so if anyone could give me help realy quickly that would be great.
Please provide the modloader.txt and if possible also the crash report so I can look at whats causing it.
And it should work on every pc, it's not a mistake in the upload of modloader because I got all my mods (including modloader) working fine.
Answer quickly, i dont understand Spawner GUI Beta 1.7.3, so u can choice like only zombies and skeletons, no spiders or stuff? cuz my 6 years old little brother is scared of spiders, and he wants to play minecraft on normal. but he cant
No, spawner GUI lets you select wich mobs spawn from monster spawners, but mobs don't only spawn from monster spawners, they spawn randomly in certain biomes (zombies, skeletons, creepers and spiders in dark area's). I don't know if there is a mod wich lets you disable certain mods from the game, but I think there is one. And if not you could always suggest such a mod, it's not very hard to make I think because you would only need to remove the code of the spider I guess, I don't know :wink.gif:
I don't know what I'm doing, I opened the mod_PortalGun.properties file in HEX Editor Neo, searched for portalblockID and changed it from 104 to 105 like you suggested. I also redownloaded and installed modloader for 1.7.3 beta.
I'll post the error report once I run with cmd command.
Also I cannot do anything. Once it loads the world it freezes then crashes.
minecraft.exe ERROR
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 1d2fcd87 --------
Generated 7/20/11 10:13 AM
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_26, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family version 2.1.0 - Build, Intel
java.lang.ClassCastException: Portal_TileEntityHEPC cannot be cast to buildcraft.builders.TileFiller
at buildcraft.builders.BlockFiller.a(BlockFiller.java:43)
at cv.a(cv.java:1723)
at cv.l(cv.java:1641)
at mod_BuildCraftCore.RenderWorldBlock(mod_BuildCraftCore.java:121)
at ModLoader.RenderWorldBlock(ModLoader.java:1473)
at cv.b(cv.java:147)
at dk.a(WorldRenderer.java:154)
at n.a(RenderGlobal.java:1116)
at px.a(EntityRenderer.java:557)
at px.b(EntityRenderer.java:431)
at ZER.b(ZER.java:10)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:781)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT d2614615 ----------
CMD Error
58 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalHEPCFloorActive.png @ 158. 5
7 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalHEPTSide.png @ 159. 56 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalHEPTTopActive.png @ 166. 55
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalHEPTTopInactive.png @ 167. 5
4 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalSpawner.png @ 168. 53 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalCheckpoint.png @ 169. 52 lef
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalAFPBottom.png @ 170. 51 left
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalAFPTop.png @ 171. 50 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalAFPBody.png @ 172. 49 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Block_PortalSignTick.png @ 38. 129 lef
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Img_ThroughPortal.png @ 46. 128 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalTurretDefective.png @ 61. 1
27 left.
[Portal Gun 1.7.3v2] Loading properties
[Portal Gun 1.7.3v2] Initializing blocks and items.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 128 for Block Portal_BlockPortal from mod_Po
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 129 for Block Portal_BlockCube from mod_Port
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 130 for Block Portal_BlockGrid from mod_Port
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 131 for Block Portal_BlockHEPC from mod_Port
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 157 for Block Portal_BlockSign from mod_Port
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 158 for Block Portal_BlockPortalSpawner from
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 160 for Block Portal_BlockCheckpoint from mo
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 166 for Block Portal_BlockAFP from mod_Porta
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalRecord.png @ 62. 126 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalRecord2.png @ 91. 125 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_Portal2Record.png @ 101. 124 left
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalGunBlue.png @ 102. 123 left
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalGunOrange.png @ 105. 122 le
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalGunCore.png @ 106. 121 left
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_AdvancedKneeReplacement.png @ 107
. 120 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalHeelSpring.png @ 108. 119 l
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalFizzler.png @ 109. 118 left
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalTurret.png @ 117. 117 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalAPG.png @ 118. 116 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /portalgun/Item_PortalAFP.png @ 119. 115 left.
[Portal Gun 1.7.3v2] Adding statistics and achievements.
[Portal Gun 1.7.3v2] Achievement Pages not detected.
Mod Loaded: mod_PortalGun 1.7.3v2
Mod Loaded: mod_TooManyItems 1.7.2 2011-07-01
WirelessRedstone: Loading Properties.
WirelessRedstone: ReceiverID=113
WirelessRedstone: TransmitterID=115
Overriding /terrain.png with /WirelessSprites/topOn.png @ 174. 47 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /WirelessSprites/topOff.png @ 175. 46 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /WirelessSprites/rxOn.png @ 182. 45 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /WirelessSprites/rxOff.png @ 183. 44 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /WirelessSprites/txOn.png @ 184. 43 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /WirelessSprites/txOff.png @ 185. 42 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 122 for Block BlockRedstoneWirelessR from mo
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:35 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 123 for Block BlockRedstoneWirelessT from mo
Mod Loaded: WirelessRedstone 1.4
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcgearbox.png @ 186. 41 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcplatform.png @ 187. 40 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcwicker.png @ 188. 39 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fclightoff.png @ 189. 38 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fclighton.png @ 190. 37 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcbbqsides.png @ 191. 36 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcbbqtop.png @ 196. 35 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcgrate.png @ 197. 34 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcsawtop.png @ 198. 33 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcsawblade.png @ 199. 32 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fccementwet.png @ 200. 31 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fccementdry.png @ 201. 30 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcpulleyside.png @ 202. 29 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcdispfront.png @ 203. 28 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcdispsides.png @ 204. 27 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcdispt&b.png @ 211. 26 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fccauldtop.png @ 212. 25 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fccauldsides.png @ 213. 24 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcdrailwood.png @ 214. 23 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcdrailobs.png @ 215. 22 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fccompcube.png @ 216. 21 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fccompguts.png @ 217. 20 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcdetect.png @ 218. 19 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcdetecton.png @ 219. 18 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fchempcrop.png @ 220. 17 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcmilltop.png @ 221. 16 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcmillside.png @ 224. 15 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcropeblock.png @ 226. 14 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcAxleBlockH.png @ 227. 13 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcAxleBlockV.png @ 228. 12 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /btwmodtex/fcgearboxfront.png @ 229. 11 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fccementbucket.png @ 120. 114 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcnethercoal.png @ 121. 113 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fchempseeds.png @ 122. 112 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fchemp.png @ 123. 111 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcgear.png @ 124. 110 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcflour.png @ 125. 109 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fchempfiber.png @ 133. 108 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcscoured.png @ 134. 107 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcdonut.png @ 137. 106 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcropeitem.png @ 138. 105 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcanchor.png @ 139. 104 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcdung.png @ 140. 103 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcwaterwheel.png @ 141. 102 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcwindmillblade.png @ 144. 101 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcwindmill.png @ 145. 100 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fchempcloth.png @ 146. 99 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcgrate.png @ 147. 98 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcwicker.png @ 148. 97 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fctanned.png @ 149. 96 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcstrap.png @ 150. 95 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /btwmodtex/fcbelt.png @ 152. 94 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - User selected new ID 246 for FCItemOmniSlab from mod_FCBetter
ThanWolves, returning control with new ID.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - User selected new ID 237 for FCItemCompanionCube from mod_FCB
etterThanWolves, returning control with new ID.
Mod Loaded: mod_FCBetterThanWolves 2.66
Overriding /gui/items.png with /TehKrush/itemHiddenDoor.png @ 153. 93 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_HiddenDoors v1.4 (for b1.7.2)
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 100 for Block BlockRecieverTNT from mod_Deto
Overriding /gui/items.png with /mods/reciever.png @ 154. 92 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /mods/detonator.png @ 155. 91 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /mods/riggedTNT.png @ 230. 10 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_Detonators 1.7.3
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 101 for Block BlockArmor from mod_Armor.
Mod Loaded: mod_Armor Beta 1.7.3
Overriding /terrain.png with /freerun/edge_wood.png @ 231. 9 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 167 for Block frun_BlockEdge from mod_FreeRu
Overriding /terrain.png with /freerun/edge_stone.png @ 232. 8 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 168 for Block frun_BlockEdge from mod_FreeRu
Overriding /terrain.png with /freerun/haystack.png @ 233. 7 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 169 for Block frun_BlockHayStack from mod_Fr
Mod Loaded: mod_FreeRun 1.7.3 v1.2.0
Overriding /gui/items.png with /wolf_clothing/icons/backpack.png @ 156. 90 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /wolf_clothing/icons/browncap.png @ 157. 89 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /wolf_clothing/icons/sunglasses.png @ 160. 88 lef
Overriding /gui/items.png with /wolf_clothing/icons/argylebody.png @ 161. 87 lef
Overriding /gui/items.png with /wolf_clothing/icons/colored_collar.png @ 162. 86
Overriding /gui/items.png with /wolf_clothing/icons/spiked_collar.png @ 163. 85
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/clothing_materials.png @ 164. 84 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/breeding_bone.png @ 165. 83 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_wolfvariations Beta 1.7.3 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /gui/items.png with /nandonalt/wolfchooser.png @ 166. 82 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_wolfchooser Beta 1.7.3 - By Nandonalt
Overriding /gui/items.png with /pokeball.png @ 168. 81 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_Pokeball 1.7.3
Mod Loaded: mod_Eevee version 1.7.3
Mod Loaded: mod_Archer mod_Archer version 0.3
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 98 for Block BlockarcSpawner from mod_arcSpa
Overriding /terrain.png with /archers.png @ 234. 6 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_arcSpawner 1.7.3
Mod Loaded: mod_Knight mod_Knight version 0.3
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 99 for Block BlockkniSpawner from mod_kniSpa
Overriding /terrain.png with /soldiers.png @ 235. 5 left.
Mod Loaded: mod_kniSpawner 1.7.3
Mod Loaded: mod_IDResolver 1.7.2 - Update 1
Mod Loaded: mod_MilitaryMod MilitaryMod V1.2
ModLoaderMP Beta 1.7.3 unofficial Initialized
Overriding /gui/items.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/core/gui/wooden_gea
r.png @ 169. 80 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/core/gui/stone_gear
.png @ 170. 79 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/core/gui/iron_gear.
png @ 171. 78 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/core/gui/golden_gea
r.png @ 172. 77 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/core/gui/diamond_ge
ar.png @ 173. 76 left.
Overriding /gui/items.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/builders/gui/templa
te.png @ 176. 75 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 107 for Block buildcraft.builders.BlockMarke
r from BuildCraftBuilders.
Overriding /terrain.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/builders/gui/marker.p
ng @ 236. 4 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 108 for Block buildcraft.builders.BlockFille
r from BuildCraftBuilders.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 109 for Block buildcraft.builders.BlockBuild
er from BuildCraftBuilders.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 110 for Block buildcraft.builders.BlockTempl
ate from BuildCraftBuilders.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 156 for Block buildcraft.factory.BlockMining
Well from BuildCraftFactory.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 111 for Block buildcraft.factory.BlockPlainP
ipe from BuildCraftFactory.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 112 for Block buildcraft.factory.BlockAutoWo
rkbench from BuildCraftFactory.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 170 for Block buildcraft.factory.BlockFrame
from BuildCraftFactory.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 114 for Block buildcraft.factory.BlockQuarry
from BuildCraftFactory.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 116 for Block buildcraft.pump.BlockPump from
Overriding /terrain.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/pump/gui/pump_side.pn
g @ 250. 3 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /net/minecraft/src/buildcraft/pump/gui/pump_front.p
ng @ 251. 2 left.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 159 for Block buildcraft.transport.BlockWood
enPipe from BuildCraftTransport.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 161 for Block buildcraft.transport.BlockSton
ePipe from BuildCraftTransport.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 162 for Block buildcraft.transport.BlockIron
Pipe from BuildCraftTransport.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 163 for Block buildcraft.transport.BlockGold
enPipe from BuildCraftTransport.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 164 for Block buildcraft.transport.BlockDiam
ondPipe from BuildCraftTransport.
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:36 AM IDResolver ConflictHelper
INFO: IDResolver - Loading saved ID 165 for Block buildcraft.transport.BlockCobb
lestonePipe from BuildCraftTransport.
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
Jul 20, 2011 10:13:37 AM IDResolver ReloadIDs
INFO: IDResolver - Loaded 75 IDs sucessfully.
Commands: 116
[Portal Gun 1.7.3v2] Loading properties
java.lang.ClassCastException: Portal_TileEntityHEPC cannot be cast to buildcraft
at buildcraft.builders.BlockFiller.a(BlockFiller.java:43)
at cv.a(cv.java:1723)
at cv.l(cv.java:1641)
at mod_BuildCraftCore.RenderWorldBlock(mod_BuildCraftCore.java:121)
at ModLoader.RenderWorldBlock(ModLoader.java:1473)
at cv.b(cv.java:147)
at dk.a(WorldRenderer.java:154)
at n.a(RenderGlobal.java:1116)
at px.a(EntityRenderer.java:557)
at px.b(EntityRenderer.java:431)
at ZER.b(ZER.java:10)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:781)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
I really will do anything to get this to work. I love portal and your mod is the best for me.
Edit: I redownloaded both modloader and portal v4 Still the same crashing problem.
[Portal Gun 1.7.3v2] Achievement Pages not detected.
lolled, maybe that's it?...
But it seems that buildcraft is conflicting with portalgun?
java.lang.ClassCastException: Portal_TileEntityHEPC cannot be cast to buildcraft
at buildcraft.builders.BlockFiller.a(BlockFiller.java:43)
at cv.a(cv.java:1723)
at cv.l(cv.java:1641)
at mod_BuildCraftCore.RenderWorldBlock(mod_BuildCraftCore.java:121)
at ModLoader.RenderWorldBlock(ModLoader.java:1473)
at cv.b(cv.java:147)
at dk.a(WorldRenderer.java:154)
at n.a(RenderGlobal.java:1116)
at px.a(EntityRenderer.java:557)
at px.b(EntityRenderer.java:431)
at ZER.b(ZER.java:10)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:781)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
They are compatible, how do I know that? Because I'm already using both of them for a few months :tongue.gif:
Yes, you can't shoot portals on glass by default. This is changeable in the properties file.
nope, dont think so :tongue.gif:
Is that your whole modloader.txt? I don't think so...
Well, I'll make an installation tutorial ok? I'll put the link here when it's done.
an automatic bakery? or just a bakery? (its still awesome ;o)
I dont know anything about your problem, because ive never tried to make a banana plantation xD
You don't need to do that, you can just keep your modloader.txt
I think you just installed modloader wrong the first time, and did it good the second time :wink.gif:
I've made a server, for me and a friend of mine to play costum maps on, and maybe I'll put the server online later for more people you know what I mean.
But are there any plugins wich I must really have? I need a plugin wich gives me some more commands, like fly, instantmine/superpickaxe and that kind of stuff.
And are there also other plugins wich are really good/helpfull/needed?
please tell me what they are, what they do, and the download link :wink.gif:
Just port them here.
- chris0744
O and for I forget, I use craftbukkit :tongue.gif:
np :tongue.gif:
Dont know what is causing it, but I noticed this AGAIN:
So, are the achievements working for everyone? because they arent for me... maybe he made a mistake with the achievements...
If your on Internet Explorer, try the compatibility view (the button is a picture of a piece of paper ripped in half, its on the right side of the address bar in wich you fill in sites)
Its easier to just (multi)quote
omg awesome! and what is that sword :OOO
EDIT: I think you can make the sword with gems you can find in battle castles :tongue.gif: see how the colours match with the gems? :tongue.gif:
look at the banner of battle castles! (pretty wierd you have put up a banner already before the battle castles are even added, if people click it now they will think 'wtf, where are the battle castles!'.
I don't know how minecraft works on a mac, sorry!
Think you forgot to install something, try doing a fresh install.
Could you please provide the modloader.txt and if possible also the crash report?
It is 1.7.3 although it says that it is 1.7.3 every mod on the OP is 1.7.3 :wink.gif:
I know, I've seen that occur in modloader as a error also (not mine though). Also winzip works fine too :wink.gif:
Do you use a texturepack? If yes, then use the patcher. If no, then it's wierd...
You could always download another web browser...
(you can still keep using chrome but just use the other one to download the mods)
Please provide the modloader.txt and if possible also the crash report so I can look at whats causing it.
And it should work on every pc, it's not a mistake in the upload of modloader because I got all my mods (including modloader) working fine.
No, spawner GUI lets you select wich mobs spawn from monster spawners, but mobs don't only spawn from monster spawners, they spawn randomly in certain biomes (zombies, skeletons, creepers and spiders in dark area's). I don't know if there is a mod wich lets you disable certain mods from the game, but I think there is one. And if not you could always suggest such a mod, it's not very hard to make I think because you would only need to remove the code of the spider I guess, I don't know :wink.gif:
lolled, maybe that's it?...
But it seems that buildcraft is conflicting with portalgun?