1) IGN (In Game Name): chris0744 2) AGE: 16 3) Have you ever built large buildings before? Yes, I have. I won't say that I'm very good at it, but decent I think 4) Are You good with redstone? I know the basic stuff,. I've done lots of redstone work, but mostly small things. It's no problem for me to find out how to do certain things though. Youtube and google are my friends. 5) What do you think would be your strong point? Well, I'd say my creativity I often have a big picture in my head, but how to make it is often more difficult. I'm decent at redstone and a fairly good builder. I alsways have lots of ideas about how and what to make. 6) Can we trust you? Well, yes. But just that word doesn't really prove anything I guess You'll just have to.. trust me? 7) Skype Name (Optional) I normally don't put my skype name on forums and such. It's private Maybe I'll give it to you later. 8) Are you familiar with world edit? I've done a lot of stuff with worldedit. Although I've forgotten some commands (haven't used it in a few months) I still know how it works. Actually, I love worldedit. Makes building soooo much easier..
I'm pretty sure Minecraft Forge isn't updated yet, and also, as far as I know, Minecraft Forge only adds more sprite indices for mods that use it. Another thing it does is helps to keep sprites from overwriting each other.
You need to download a modloader fix, Modloader.class is somewhat broken in current version.
I'm pretty sure Minecraft Forge isn't updated yet, and also, as far as I know, Minecraft Forge only adds more sprite indices for mods that use it. Another thing it does is helps to keep sprites from overwriting each other.
I don't know about minecraft forge being updated or anything Haven't done much modding in a while
Here is what I did:
1. Downloaded ModLoader.zip and opened it
2. Opened minecraft.jar
3. Copied files from zip to jar
4. Deleted META-INF
I don't have any mods, but when I open Minecraft black screen appears and after while window closes. Why this happends?
Maybe you still have some old mods in your .mods folder? Try doing 'force update', cleaning out your .mods folder and doing a clean install.
Also, please post the modloader.txt file here, otherwise I can't help you.
java.lang.Exception: No more empty item sprite indices left!
at ModLoader.getUniqueItemSpriteIndex(ModLoader.java:697)
at ModLoader.getUniqueSpriteIndex(ModLoader.java:707)
at ModLoader.addOverride(ModLoader.java:405)
at AnimalBikesLoader.loadWolf(AnimalBikesLoader.java:334)
at AnimalBikesLoader.load(AnimalBikesLoader.java:178)
at mod_AnimalBikes.load(mod_AnimalBikes.java:55)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:922)
at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:169)
at avx.<init>(RenderManager.java:86)
at avx.<clinit>(RenderManager.java:12)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:260)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:516)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 3b956de8 ----------
please help
You've ran out of sprites! You are using too many mods. Minecraft has a max capacity of data it can store, sprites. And mods fill those with their content. You can try downloading minecraft Forge, it increases the amount of sprites (atleast I thought so), or you'll have to remove some of your mods.
IGN: chris0744
If you have teamspeak: Yes
if you will be loyal: Yes
If you will be respectful: Yes, All Hail The Gods.
What weapon do you use in combat: A Bow, but also a sword for close combat.
If you could have one weapon what would it be(doesn't HAVE to be in the game already): Bow and arrow
If you will respect our ways and help us on our quest to expand: Yes.
Anything else to add?: I'm a decent builder and pvp-er, and I like to raid bases and stuff, fortify ours, and making traps
I'll do my best to help the faction get to the top, and become the rulers of the server!
That sucks. Why don't you like bukkit?
Difficulty, creeper and tnt explosions on/off, etc. ?
But is there any info about when it might work with bukkit?
Age: 16
IGN (In Game Name): chris0744
Favorite Pokemon Type: Hmm, I'm not sure. I think water
It may take a loooooooong time till it's compatible with bukkit..
2) AGE: 16
3) Have you ever built large buildings before? Yes, I have. I won't say that I'm very good at it, but decent I think
4) Are You good with redstone? I know the basic stuff,. I've done lots of redstone work, but mostly small things. It's no problem for me to find out how to do certain things though. Youtube and google are my friends.
5) What do you think would be your strong point? Well, I'd say my creativity I often have a big picture in my head, but how to make it is often more difficult. I'm decent at redstone and a fairly good builder. I alsways have lots of ideas about how and what to make.
6) Can we trust you? Well, yes. But just that word doesn't really prove anything I guess You'll just have to.. trust me?
7) Skype Name (Optional) I normally don't put my skype name on forums and such. It's private Maybe I'll give it to you later.
8) Are you familiar with world edit? I've done a lot of stuff with worldedit. Although I've forgotten some commands (haven't used it in a few months) I still know how it works. Actually, I love worldedit. Makes building soooo much easier..
I don't know about minecraft forge being updated or anything Haven't done much modding in a while
Maybe you still have some old mods in your .mods folder? Try doing 'force update', cleaning out your .mods folder and doing a clean install.
Also, please post the modloader.txt file here, otherwise I can't help you.
You've ran out of sprites! You are using too many mods. Minecraft has a max capacity of data it can store, sprites. And mods fill those with their content. You can try downloading minecraft Forge, it increases the amount of sprites (atleast I thought so), or you'll have to remove some of your mods.
What kind of texturepack? :PEh, on the server your faction is called Watermelon.. Explanation please? :s
If you have teamspeak: Yes
if you will be loyal: Yes
If you will be respectful: Yes, All Hail The Gods.
What weapon do you use in combat: A Bow, but also a sword for close combat.
If you could have one weapon what would it be(doesn't HAVE to be in the game already): Bow and arrow
If you will respect our ways and help us on our quest to expand: Yes.
Anything else to add?: I'm a decent builder and pvp-er, and I like to raid bases and stuff, fortify ours, and making traps
I'll do my best to help the faction get to the top, and become the rulers of the server!