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    posted a message on Minecraft Suggestion: The snapper

    Similar to how the sniffer is an ancient creature that needs to be resurrected, the snapper will be hatched from archaeological artifacts

    New items needed to make a snapper:

    Lifestone - from warm ocean ruins and desert temple suspicous sand

    Snapper Head, tail, arm, and leg - Can be found frozen in ice spikes biomes, or can be traded with tundra villagers for a large amount of emeralds

    How to make:

    Build this

    t = snapper tail, h = snapper head, a= snapper arm, l= snapper leg, li= lifestone

    T LI LI H

    LL AA

    This will summon lightning and after it strikes, it will convert the build into a snapper


    The snapper is in a provided image

    As you can see, the snapper does not have eyes, this is to make it more menacing


    If you tame The snapper (with glow berries and/or moss) it will defend you from hostile mobs

    When it wants to attack a creeper, it will calculate based off of the creepers health and how long until it explodes, wether or not it can defeat the creeper before it explodes. If it can defeat the creeper it will attack it. if it cannot, it will hide behind it owner and shiver.

    If you feed the snapper, there is a chance it will reward you


    Depending on where you build the snapper, different variants will appear


    Plains, Birch, & Forest - the one provided in the image, gifts with saplings, leaves, apples, wheat

    Cherry - a pink and purple version, gifts with saplings, cherry blossom things, and rarely emeralds

    Ice spikes, Spruce and Dark oak - a grey and brown variant, gifts with saplings, leaves, snow balls, and rarely totems

    Nether Wastes, Crimson & Warped - a red and orange variant, gifts with fungi, netherack, and blaze rods. Blaze rods will be more common if the mob cap is reached or it is peaceful mode

    Soul sand valley - a brown and blue variant, gifts with ghast tears, soul sand, soul soil, and bones.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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