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    posted a message on ~~ Very new server in need of staff! ~~

    Could You whitelist me

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    posted a message on ~~ Very new server in need of staff! ~~


    Skype (Optional):cheatstar204

    Rank your applying for:I prefer Admin

    How active are you?:2-6 Hours per day

    Why should we choose you?:Because this looks like a upcoming server in minecraft which I would like to help out with.I also think that you are a good owner for a server.I would like to dedicate my time to help this server out.Because Most of you are from the US or the UK I am from Australia which means I can moderate the server while you guys are away so I can keep the server safe from any hackers.If I do get accepted there is more of a chance of the server having staff on 24/7 to keep hackers/spammers away and give everyone a enjoyable time on the server to play on.If I see a Hacker I won't just ban the player instantly like what most people do.I will show proof because he might have been lagging or I have been lagging so I won't ban a innocent player from the server.If I see a spammer I will give them 3 warning by muting them for 3 mins each time they spam.If they do not stop this will lead to a tempban.If the server is looking for any builders I know some people who are good at building.I am good at commands especially the commands in Factions so I will try to do my best to help any players/staff if they don't know how to use a command.I am also a very kind staff that sometimes like to socialize and entertain players and have some fun.I can usually play 2-5 hours per day weekdays but on weekends 3-6 hours.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on ***New Minecraft Server BungeeCord Network*** Need Helper, Mod, Developers, Builders***

    1. IGN:cheatstar204

    2: Age:13 I am very mature and responsible for my behaviors so don't reject me because of my age.

    3. Real Name(Optional):Roy

    4. Can you work under pressure?:Sometimes It really depends on the mood I am in so if I am happy there is most of a possibilty that I can work under pressure but If I am like Angry or Sad there is a less chance.

    5. Why do you want to become a staff member of CSN?:Because this looks like a upcoming server in minecraft which I would like to help out with.I also think that you are a good owner for a server.The server has Factions which I like.I would like to dedicate my time to help this server out.Because Most of you are from the US or the UK I am from Australia which means I can moderate the server while you guys are away so I can keep the server safe from any hackers.If I do get accepted there is more of a chance of the server having staff on 24/7 to keep hackers/spammers away and give everyone a enjoyable time on the server to play on.If I see a Hacker I won't just ban the player instantly like what most people do.I will show proof because he might have been lagging or I have been lagging so I won't ban a innocent player from the server.If I see a spammer I will give them 3 warning by muting them for 3 mins each time they spam.If they do not stop this will lead to a tempban.If the server is looking for any builders I know some people who are good at building.I am good at commands especially the commands in Factions so I will try to do my best to help any players/staff if they don't know how to use a command.I am also a very kind staff that sometimes like to socialize and entertain players and have some fun.I can usually play 2-5 hours per day weekdays but on weekends 3-6 hours.

    6. Can you use WorldEdit?:Yes 1 year of experience I know like //set //cyl and like commands mostly everyone should know.Just telling you I am not a great builder but I know people who are.

    7. Are you staff on any other server CURRENTLY? Nope

    8. Have you been staff on any other server PREVIOUSLY?(If that server is still up, give the IP):yes The server used to be called MouseMC

    9. Please explain to me what you know about BungeeCord (It's fine if you don't, be honest)I think its servers connected together to make a

    huge network like the one you are making so it won't lag as much as it would if you put like Factions Survival Prison all on one server.

    Thanks For Reading My App For the Second Time if you don't mind and I hope to work with you soon

    Signed by Cheatstar204

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on ***New Minecraft Server BungeeCord Network*** Need Helper, Mod, Developers, Builders***

    1. IGN:cheatstar204

    2: Age:13 I am very mature

    3. Real Name(Optional):Roy

    4. Can you work under pressure?:Sometimes If I am Happy

    5. Why do you want to become a staff member of CSN?:Because this looks like a upcoming server in minecraft which I would like to help out with.I also think that you are a good owner for a server.The server has Factions which I like.I would like to dedicate my time to help this server out.Because Most of you are from the US or the UK I am from Australia which means I can moderate the server while you guys are away so I can keep the server safe from any hackers.

    6. Can you use WorldEdit?:Yes 1 year of experience

    7. Are you staff on any other server CURRENTLY? Nope

    8. Have you been staff on any other server PREVIOUSLY?(If that server is still up, give the IP):yes The server used to be called MouseMC

    9. Please explain to me what you know about BungeeCord (It's fine if you don't, be honest)I think its many servers connected together to make a

    huge network like the one you are making.

    Thanks For Reading My App and I hope to work with you soon

    Signed by Cheatstar204

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on !:! MineCraft Factions Server STAFF NEEDED !:! (Helper Mod Admin Manager!) Apply Now !:!

    Rank: Any prefer Mod or Admin but I really don't Mind


    Age:12 I am very mature so don't reject me because of my age

    Contact: Skype:cheatstar204

    Experience:I have been staff on Different servers including Mod Admin.I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years

    Activity: How many hours per day? 2-6 hours

    What commands, rules and punishments are you familiar with: Group manager , Factions , World Edit , Economy and Mostly all the commands you need to know for Factions.I am very good at Factions commands since I have been playing Factions for a long time.Ban Mute Tempban Kick IPBan.No Advertising/Spamming/Hacking.No abusing power.No Racism.No Harassing.

    Why do you want staff:I would like to dedicate my time to help this server out and to grow to become a popular server.I am very kind to staff and players and willing to help them solve issues and do my best to help them out.I will look for any hackers.If I do see a hacker I will show prood then ban.If I see a spammer give some warnings which is mute and then ban.If people are advertising Ban and then clear chat.Because Most of you are not from Australia I will help and keep the server safe while you guys are away.

    What can you bring to the server:I can think of new ideas for Factions since I have been playing Factions on more then 50+ servers.I will bring happiness to people and entertain them.I will keep players safe and this whole server.


    Self staff rating: 1-10 8/10

    Self build rating: 6.5/10

    Thanks For Reading My App and I Hope You Accept!


    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on New Server Looking for Dedicated Staff


    Experience:I have been Co-Owner Admin and Mod on different servers before.I have been playing Minecraft escpecially Factions for 3 years now

    Why do you think you're a good fit?:This looks like a new upcoming server that is gonna become a success and I would want to dedicate my time to help this server to reach its full potential.I am very kind to staff and players and will help anyone thats in need of any help and I will do my best to help them out.I will look for any hackers/spammers and try to keep the server as safe as possible.Most of you are from the US or the UK and I am from Australia so I will look after the server while you guys are away.I will be able to play for 2-5 hours per day.

    Skype: [optional]cheatstar204

    Staff/Builder Job:I would prefer Admin or Higher

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    posted a message on _-\VortexNetwork/-_


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    posted a message on _-\VortexNetwork/-_

    Please Apply at:http://vortexnetworkstore.enjin.com/home

    Mostly need Mod


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    posted a message on Recruiting♦️Admins♦️Builders♦️Devs♦️Website makers♦️Mods♦️



    AGE:12 I am very mature

    EXPERIANCE:I have been Mod,Admin and Co-Owners on servers before in the past year.

    WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE PART OF ARE SERVER:This looks like a new upcoming server that is gonna become a success and I would want to dedicate my time to help this server to reach its full potential.I am very kind to staff and players and will help anyone thats in need of any help and I will do my best to help them out.I will look for any hackers/spammers and try to keep the server as safe as possible.Most of you are from the US or the UK and I am from Australia so I will look after the server while you guys are away.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on gone

    Skype: cheatstar204

    Minecraft Name:cheatstar204

    Have you ever been admin on a server before?Yes

    How many servers have you worked with before?4

    Time Zone:Australia,Sydney

    How often will you be on?:Everyday Unless I have to go somewhere

    When did you start playing Minecraft?:3 years ago

    How long will you be on each day?:2-6 Hours

    Can you speak multiple languages?:Yes

    Have you ever been banned on a server? If so, why?:Nope

    Why do you want to be staff?:I will help the server by thinking of more ideas for the server.I will keep a eye out for any hackers or spammers to keep the server safe.I will help any staff/player with what they need help with and do my best to help them solve the issue.I have lots of knowledge of commands so I could help mainly the staff with the commands if they need help.I am a very kind loyal staff that would like to dedicate my time to this server so it can grow and become popular.Most of you I think are from the US or England which I am from Australia which means I will be on the server when you guys are off which means we will have staff on 24/7 which is good to keep a server safe.

    How will you help us?:I will look for any hackers/spammers and keep the server safe.I will help the server think of ideas to make the server even better.

    If someone spams, what do you do?Mute them 2 times as a warning then if they don't stop I will Ban.

    If someone advertises, what do you do?Ban

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on NEED staff co-owner also



    Skype:Well you should know mine

    Expirence:I have been staff on many servers before Mod,Admin and Co-Owner.I have been playing minecraft for 3 years

    Maturity 1/10:8 I like to have some fun sometimes and chat with players

    Commands 1/10:8 I am espcially good with Faction commands

    How would u handle someone abusing there power: I will giver some warnings Then I will discuss with some other staff then decide

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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