1 - What is your IGN (In game name)?
I have recently changed my name to _SZ11_ but if that doesn't work you can try Spark_SZ11.
2 - How long have you played minecraft?
About 6 to 7 years.
3 - Have you ever been banned from a server? (If yes, please explain why)
Hypixel. Once someone hacked my account and cheated. But no, I never was banned on a realm.
4 - Why would you like to join our realm?
I want to join a friendly, active community and just have fun! I recently started playing more often and I'd love to experience playing with others once again.
My timezone is GMT + 2
I have just added you to the realm using _SZ11_ (You skin has shown up on the player list, so I assume this one worked)
See you soon.