Can you please tell me where I can find the old version of this resource pack/texture pack?
Great if you could!
Lol wow, you probably shouldn't quote the whole OP.
I used to keep all the backups of every version, but the game has changed so much since I started developing this during Alpha that I no longer have them. I've probably done 30-40 releases.
That being said, this pack gets ripped A LOT, and there is bound to be a website somewhere that hosts older versions. I used to be a stickler about people hosting it other places but I had to just let it go. The only version I believe I kept was the very first and trust me you don't want it..... it sucks. It's from halloween 2010..... so yah not really gonna work with any version past alpha.
And to those interested, no I'm not dead, and this project is not dead, it's just on hiatus. I've been working 45-50 hours a week and I just simply don't have the time I once did.
There will eventually be an update, at some point.
Do I understand correctly, your enthusiasm for minecraft on faded?
I have been working on this texture pack for 4 years, that's a long time. It was one of the first HD packs.
Minecraft has added way more to the game than I ever expected when I started off on this adventure.
So understandably a persons interest would wane.
Honestly I haven't played minecraft much since late beta. Also I'm working 50 hours a week now, when I started this I was unemployed.
I'll keep updating it though it's just going to take a bit more time.
Most likely no. I feel changing the 3d models of the game changes the game too much. And honestly after playing space engineers it makes it damn hard to even want to touch minecraft, let alone work on a whole new system of models.
I'm going to work on the rest of the 1.8 stuff this weekend, a good portion of it is already in there from the last release.
For now the current version should work as Justnukeit was saying there really aren't versions anymore everything is interchangeable.
This update is pretty massive so patients is appreciated.
Have you started to work on the new stuff in the snapshot(14w30b)? I think banners may be a bit time consuming so take as much time as you need.
I haven't even loaded the game up since the last version. But I'll start looking into it soon, looks like some interesting stuff. I'm just hoping that my completely irrational fear of rabbits doesn't translate into them looking completely crazy. I'm seriously not joking I hate rabbits. they bite.
Honestly I've been playing space engineers alpha, and It's amazing and it makes it really really hard to want to play minecraft anymore. Especially since they plan on adding in-game programming in C#, that for me is going to be amazing. I highly suggest the game to people It's everything I thought minecraft was going to be. Don't get me wrong I love minecraft but I felt like the game was the best during alpha before they added way too many RPG elements.
But don't worry i'll still do updates, I just wanted to gush a bit about Space Engineers, you all should def at least go look at it.
I went through the resource pack - it seems to me that acacia and dark wood planks are missing altogether - nowhere to be found. I guess Cferril1 just forgot to put them in the pack...
Yeah like a dumbass I somehow missed putting them in.... derp, I thought it was just the low rez versions but it would appear as though it was all of them.
They will be fixed in the next version that I will be putting up "soon", I originally was going to put up the fix friday but I'd also like to get the fish updated. So I'm pushing for this friday to fix the issues.
Thanks for the bug reports, they are always helpful.
Yes acacia wood planks, dark oak wood planks and all fish :/
But happy update !
Crap, thanks for the bug report I forgot to downsample the planks for the other versions and the fish are an extremely high priority, they just didn't make the release deadline. I wanted to do a friday release and realms came out so it was a bit rushed. And honestly the game has gotten so large now it's hard to keep up with all the changes.
You gotta remember I started this in early alpha when minecraft only had like 20 textures all in a single palette, I never dreamed the game would get as big as it has so it's become increasingly harder to keep up with it. Right now the current version is about to tip over 1200 files, that's a lot of information so it's easy to miss things.
I also forgot to link the ctm textures for the acacia and big oak leaves, this will also be fixed in the next version coming soon.
I try to balance my time as I'm working on my own game along side this learning unity, so most of my time this week has been on that.
I'm not sure what platform I'm going to release it on yet, initially it was going to be a lwjgl java game.
The early version was pretty awesome as I was doing alot of the graphics in strait OpenGL using tons of untextured quads to make objects. The result was pretty good but then I quickly realized that writing a whole game engine in this day in age is kinda silly since I'm going it alone so I started over in unity coding it in C# instead this also gives me the option of it being an android game.
Sadly I wasted a lot of early development time on trying to create a good 2.5d procedurally generated side scroller, and learning Unity.
Playing the Stick of Truth*awesome game btw* completely changed that and I soon realized that I'd much rather have more depth than a procedural world could offer.
I'm not really sure how I'm going to be releasing the game, I really hate the pay to win games so I def don't wanna go that route.
If anyone has any suggestions on this matter and have knowledge in this I'd appreciate any suggestions, it's really early in development but many of the core gameplay elements/controls and Core game things like pause menu and title screen are already implemented as well as the theme and main character.
Thanks for the bug reports and feedback, happy gaming everyone.
Front page Update Released, I decided with realms coming out today and it being friday to go ahead and push the release, there are a bunch of changes. There are still some new things that need updated but most of the new stuff is there. I will update again for v1.8, adding some things I forgot and making some other adjustments.
As always please report any bugs, and I hope everyone likes the update. The ctm podzol still needs some work, but the dirt sides looked weird without ctm next to other ctm dirt so I went ahead and added what is most likely a place holder.
Sorry for the long delay of the update, it's the longest time since the packs inception in 2010 during alpha. I have worked on it on and off for months so there are probably a lot of undocumented changes.
Make sure you use the latest MCPatcher to get CTM textures and HD Font. As of right now it isn't updated for the latest snapshot, and the latest snapshot is buggy. So for now I would stick to the last snapshot 14w11b as it works with Mcpatcher.
Still working on update, getting closer to having it done here is a progress shot.
Been working away on it here and there when I have time, still quite a bit of new stuff to get in.
Also here is a preview of a map/level I've been working on for minecraft for awhile to show off the pack
It's quite large, 40 million blocks so far. 500 block wide circle, it's pretty awesome.
Okay so good news, I've finally gotten my new job I just started this week. So life should be a little bit more normal for me in the coming weeks, I'll actually have set days off woot! so I won't be stressing as much and will be able to work on the pack a bit more. I already have the latest snapshot and have played around with it a bit. I swear i'm not dead, it's just that looking for work while working is extremely time consuming and stressful, and I was up against a time frame.
Thanks for the continued support and for the temporary fixes those of you on the forums have offered. Keep an eye on the thread for more info.
Has anyone ever tried this? I just tried it today. I got a bunch of texture packs to see which one was the best for me and I came across this texture pack and the Faithfulvenom one that AntVenom made. They are they same exact thing! The only thing that is different is that the grass in the Faithfulvenom is a little richer than this one. If you don't believe me about that, take a look for yourself. Even when you change the texture packs from either Faithfulantvenom to this one or reverse, you could see the GUI doesn't change because it is the same. Either AntVenom copied this one or cferrill1 copied AntVenom.
Wait, it says that you helped them. Why did you make this texture pack if it is the same thing? Just the grass is a little different?
Honestly, I gave up trying to police people who use my work I would be on the internet all day.....
This is the original hd faithful pack, it's been around since early alpha anything you see that looks the exact same chances are they are borrowing from my work.
Keep in mind that even the developers themselves have taken things I've done, I originally wrote the skybox mod and added moon phases and then a couple months later mojang added moon phases to the game, and then kahr thankfully made the better sky mod with MCP, so yah honestly I was glad to be a part of getting those things added.
So yes, I've just learned to get over it.
I just give permission and ask them to link me and credit me as the source, I'm just happy that my work gets seen.
I'm trying to build up my rep so I can potentially get paid work on a real game.
But yes there are multiple HD packs floating around that use a good portion of my work.
Thanks for letting me know though
Never, even using 256x on one tile is almost overkill. Memory usage is almost over 2gb already without everything done yet..... And technically with MCP/CTM the textures are actually 1024x1024 well the landscape ones anyway. Adding more textures via CTM is a much better way to increase the games quality.
The custom font doesn't seem to show up in 1.6.2. I'm using MCPatcher. I may be doing something wrong though, and I can deal with default font. (I actually like it) Everything else is a good-to-go, I can say with ~96% certainty.
There was a ninja 1.6.2 update, get the latest MCpatcher.
Lol wow, you probably shouldn't quote the whole OP.
I used to keep all the backups of every version, but the game has changed so much since I started developing this during Alpha that I no longer have them. I've probably done 30-40 releases.
That being said, this pack gets ripped A LOT, and there is bound to be a website somewhere that hosts older versions. I used to be a stickler about people hosting it other places but I had to just let it go. The only version I believe I kept was the very first and trust me you don't want it..... it sucks. It's from halloween 2010..... so yah not really gonna work with any version past alpha.
And to those interested, no I'm not dead, and this project is not dead, it's just on hiatus. I've been working 45-50 hours a week and I just simply don't have the time I once did.
There will eventually be an update, at some point.
I have been working on this texture pack for 4 years, that's a long time. It was one of the first HD packs.
Minecraft has added way more to the game than I ever expected when I started off on this adventure.
So understandably a persons interest would wane.
Honestly I haven't played minecraft much since late beta. Also I'm working 50 hours a week now, when I started this I was unemployed.
I'll keep updating it though it's just going to take a bit more time.
Short answer yes.
I'm going to work on the rest of the 1.8 stuff this weekend, a good portion of it is already in there from the last release.
For now the current version should work as Justnukeit was saying there really aren't versions anymore everything is interchangeable.
This update is pretty massive so patients is appreciated.
I haven't even loaded the game up since the last version. But I'll start looking into it soon, looks like some interesting stuff. I'm just hoping that my completely irrational fear of rabbits doesn't translate into them looking completely crazy. I'm seriously not joking I hate rabbits. they bite.
Honestly I've been playing space engineers alpha, and It's amazing and it makes it really really hard to want to play minecraft anymore. Especially since they plan on adding in-game programming in C#, that for me is going to be amazing. I highly suggest the game to people It's everything I thought minecraft was going to be. Don't get me wrong I love minecraft but I felt like the game was the best during alpha before they added way too many RPG elements.
But don't worry i'll still do updates, I just wanted to gush a bit about Space Engineers, you all should def at least go look at it.
Happy Minecrafting
Yeah like a dumbass I somehow missed putting them in.... derp, I thought it was just the low rez versions but it would appear as though it was all of them.
They will be fixed in the next version that I will be putting up "soon", I originally was going to put up the fix friday but I'd also like to get the fish updated. So I'm pushing for this friday to fix the issues.
Thanks for the bug reports, they are always helpful.
Crap, thanks for the bug report I forgot to downsample the planks for the other versions and the fish are an extremely high priority, they just didn't make the release deadline. I wanted to do a friday release and realms came out so it was a bit rushed. And honestly the game has gotten so large now it's hard to keep up with all the changes.
You gotta remember I started this in early alpha when minecraft only had like 20 textures all in a single palette, I never dreamed the game would get as big as it has so it's become increasingly harder to keep up with it. Right now the current version is about to tip over 1200 files, that's a lot of information so it's easy to miss things.
I also forgot to link the ctm textures for the acacia and big oak leaves, this will also be fixed in the next version coming soon.
I try to balance my time as I'm working on my own game along side this learning unity, so most of my time this week has been on that.
I'm not sure what platform I'm going to release it on yet, initially it was going to be a lwjgl java game.
The early version was pretty awesome as I was doing alot of the graphics in strait OpenGL using tons of untextured quads to make objects. The result was pretty good but then I quickly realized that writing a whole game engine in this day in age is kinda silly since I'm going it alone so I started over in unity coding it in C# instead this also gives me the option of it being an android game.
Sadly I wasted a lot of early development time on trying to create a good 2.5d procedurally generated side scroller, and learning Unity.
Playing the Stick of Truth*awesome game btw* completely changed that and I soon realized that I'd much rather have more depth than a procedural world could offer.
I'm not really sure how I'm going to be releasing the game, I really hate the pay to win games so I def don't wanna go that route.
If anyone has any suggestions on this matter and have knowledge in this I'd appreciate any suggestions, it's really early in development but many of the core gameplay elements/controls and Core game things like pause menu and title screen are already implemented as well as the theme and main character.
Thanks for the bug reports and feedback, happy gaming everyone.
Update will be friday to fix some of those bugs.
Front page Update Released, I decided with realms coming out today and it being friday to go ahead and push the release, there are a bunch of changes. There are still some new things that need updated but most of the new stuff is there. I will update again for v1.8, adding some things I forgot and making some other adjustments.
As always please report any bugs, and I hope everyone likes the update. The ctm podzol still needs some work, but the dirt sides looked weird without ctm next to other ctm dirt so I went ahead and added what is most likely a place holder.
Sorry for the long delay of the update, it's the longest time since the packs inception in 2010 during alpha. I have worked on it on and off for months so there are probably a lot of undocumented changes.
Make sure you use the latest MCPatcher to get CTM textures and HD Font. As of right now it isn't updated for the latest snapshot, and the latest snapshot is buggy. So for now I would stick to the last snapshot 14w11b as it works with Mcpatcher.
Been working away on it here and there when I have time, still quite a bit of new stuff to get in.
Also here is a preview of a map/level I've been working on for minecraft for awhile to show off the pack
It's quite large, 40 million blocks so far. 500 block wide circle, it's pretty awesome.
Thanks for the continued support and for the temporary fixes those of you on the forums have offered. Keep an eye on the thread for more info.
I'll be doing the update for 1.8, it's not abandoned. Just been the holiday's and been having a rough time looking for a new job and stuff.
Life happens, I'll update at some point, thanks for your continued patients and interest in the project.
I've just been very busy and sick. Feeling better now though
So I'll have some time in the next few days to work on the pack.
Also I've been working on my own android game, and MC update was the week of my Birthday so MCE has kinda taken the back burner.
I'll go ahead and say the release is going to be "soon" <<---- a blizzard soon, it'll be done when it's done.
Thanks for all the support.
Hence the name enhanced and not faithful
Honestly, I gave up trying to police people who use my work I would be on the internet all day.....
This is the original hd faithful pack, it's been around since early alpha anything you see that looks the exact same chances are they are borrowing from my work.
Keep in mind that even the developers themselves have taken things I've done, I originally wrote the skybox mod and added moon phases and then a couple months later mojang added moon phases to the game, and then kahr thankfully made the better sky mod with MCP, so yah honestly I was glad to be a part of getting those things added.
So yes, I've just learned to get over it.
I just give permission and ask them to link me and credit me as the source, I'm just happy that my work gets seen.
I'm trying to build up my rep so I can potentially get paid work on a real game.
But yes there are multiple HD packs floating around that use a good portion of my work.
Thanks for letting me know though
Never, even using 256x on one tile is almost overkill. Memory usage is almost over 2gb already without everything done yet..... And technically with MCP/CTM the textures are actually 1024x1024 well the landscape ones anyway. Adding more textures via CTM is a much better way to increase the games quality.
There was a ninja 1.6.2 update, get the latest MCpatcher.