Quote from NJM1564
What's this "Support Minecraft Forum" thing under curse premium?
Is it supposed to be a forum to show your support for minecraft? Do we need premium for that?
Or a forum to get support for minecraft? Cause if you have to have a premium account for that we will be getting a new minecraft forum soon.
It means that by purchasing Curse Premium, your purchase will go into supporting the website (server costs, maintenance, etc.)
I would recommend MultiMC instead of the official launcher if you're dealing with multiple modpacks. You're able to download curseforge packs using it as well.
There's a lot of "out of memory" errors in your crash log, you might want to bump up allocated RAM for that. At the end of your report, it seems like a component of your graphics drivers crashed.
I would advise looking into updating that to see if it rectifies it if more memory doesn't serve well.
The barrel with the liquid XP is crashing your world (as evident in your crash log), you might want to intervene with the use of a world editor to get rid of that. Alternatively, take Ex Nihilo out of the mods list to remove everything related to the mod, try entering the world, then add it back in again.
Small price to pay I would say to get your world back if you're not too fussed about losing a bit of stuff.
Interesting seeing this error on OS X. Has the game successfully ran before on this specific computer? In any case, it would not hurt to check if your Mac has any updates that it is prompting you to install, specifically relating to your graphics drivers.
This may mean that there's a corruption in the world, seeing as you've already allowed for greater RAM allowances. Does this happen as well if you create a new world?
It seems like you're using mods, you may want to try running the game without them.
And that is your solution I'm afraid. Intel does not produce drivers for that chipset for Windows 10.
Your issue might be related to point #2 here.
That is in Minecraft itself, yes.
Please provide your DxDIag log,
It has always been in yellow and whites without addons/plugins.
There is a lot you left out, there is a lot more of the log, scroll down in the .txt file.
Please note that the forums cannot assist with account issues. Please refer to the Mojang help page (https://help.mojang.com) for initial inquiries, and if your specific issue is not listed, please contact Mojang directly here,
What exactly are you trying to do? I assume you are talking about the Curse Voice client.
Please provide your DxDiag report,