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    posted a message on Giant Ocean Monument Info Thread
    Quote from LeslieGilliams
    10 or so sponge are not useful enough to make it worth the trouble - and to empty out a temple only to find there is no sponge would be enough to make me want to kill someone. What a fabulous waste of time that would be. In short, a perfect example of why the temples remind me of a poor mod. Even on the worst day when I drop down to the bottom of a desert temple if the chests are only filled with bones or flesh it still is better than nothing, and, it required nothing more than a simple pickaxe and less than 5 minutes.

    It's not really about progression - it's poor implementation - like someone at Mojang thought "Oh, this would be cool...." so they half bake it, get bored with it, then leave it unfinished as so many components of the game now have that same feeling.

    I don't know... The first time I went into one of these monuments it was a helluva lot of fun. Enchanted a bunch of new armor, brewed the right potions, and set out. Swimming around the interior of the monument was a lot of fun, and fight against the Elder Guardian was a lot of fun. And more so than the gold in the middle of the monument I am in love with the dark prismarine. Now I have looted a few of these monuments in my world purely to capture all of the dark prismarine and sponges.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on What do you think of the new water temples?
    I am a huge fan of the Ocean Monument. I love the blocks that they are made out of, but more importantly I love the challenge. Conquering the closet monument to my base was the biggest challenge in my world in a long time. Even after quaffing all the potions and having all the right armor and enchantments it took me quite a while. My only gripe is that I wish the guardians could spawn in all bodies of water. My base straddles a river in a desert biome, and it would be cool to see them swimming around. It would also be cool to be able to get their drops......
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Petition: Mojang needs to change the EULA!
    The current EULA has always stated you are not allowed to sell back bits of minecraft to people who have already bought it. Meaning, if you run a server and you accept donations then you can't reward someone with an enchanted diamond sword for it. That would be a transaction from a legal stand point, and one that uses Mojang assets. You cannot sell something you didn't make.

    I think Mojang is addressing an issue where people are doing a great job scamming kids out of money by offering perks which are just bastardizations of their intellectual property; art and code.

    This kind of adverse reaction from the community just proves how young and unknowledgeable the player base averages out to be. It seems to me that if you support players giving server owners money for perks in a game that is fantastic without modification then you are too childish to be spending money at all.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on making villagers breed in the nether
    Quote from morganbenjamin

    And how are we supposed to get to the Nether in survival?

    Through the nether portal?
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on how far are updates going to go ?
    Quote from goldcreeper

    i mean we can basically do 80% of stuff automatically will minecraft updates ever get to the point of we can do all things by just crafting some redstone stuff.

    No matter what you manage to automate in minecraft, you are barely scratching the surface of what the game has to offer. For every one thing you can automate there is a plethora of crap you can't...
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Update Idea(Limit Your World)
    Quote from ernesth100

    So we can all agree that the limitlessness of minecraft while breathtaking is utterly annoying in survival mode due to the fact that it's easy to get lost...so...what if there was an update where youy could limit the size of your world to lets say Pocket Edition standards where it's easier to travel and not get lost? Just an idea any critisism is appreciated good or bad.

    http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Compass <-- Getting lost problems instantly solved! I can definitely agree with you on the notion that the size of minecraft is breathtaking and beautiful but I don't agree that it is easy to get lost.

    EDIT: Easy because of size to get lost, I mean. I get lost because I am an idiot, but I never feel like the world is too big.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Where did the large oaks go?
    Quote from marineFC

    I know for a fact that large oaks were removed from forests in 1.7, but they should still be spawning in extreme hills and ice plains. They should be found in jungles too.

    They do grow on the sides of mountains in the extreme hills and I've seen them in ice plains too. I remember some changelog where they were removed too.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 14w19a villagers not harvesting
    Quote from hardcorerobot

    Well, for starters:

    1. Butchers ought to tend to livestock nearby thus allowing more to grow (up to certain limits, say, based on the number of butchers).
    2. Blacksmiths should repair weapons for a price.
    3. Priests should heal nearby wounded villagers and have a slight chance of turning villager zombies back into villagers.
    4. Librarians should educate villagers so they progress in their careers.

    I think these would be reasonable avenues of enhancement that wouldn't be too OP and would compliment the current farmers' abilities.

    I don't think the blacksmiths could possibly repair anything for cheaper than they are already repairable. But I do like all of those other ideas.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 14w19a villagers not harvesting
    Quote from hardcorerobot

    I'm rather shocked they stopped working on the villagers so soon in this series - rather disappointed, actually. There's so much potential that is being wasted.

    I think there is a lot of wasted potential with villagers, but for sure I think that over engineering the villagers to be a complex mechanic would be in too much contrast with the current game. I love the new farming/breeding mechanic, but some of the suggestions for villagers bug me. I wouldn't want villagers to spawn with names, I wouldn't want them to upgrade their houses or build new buildings. I wouldn't changes made to their models or animations (maybe implement the green one, and give the new professions unique skins).

    I do wish, though, that there was some sort of benefit for connecting villages with minecarts or boats or something. That would really encourage exploration as well as keep people from burning down villages after they've milked them dry!
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.8 will not be released this month.... Or the next few months!
    Quote from Quijonsith

    Oh for crying out loud there are enough features already. Stop being an extended tease, clean up the features in place, and give us something! There are so many new mechanics begging to be played with but the server I play on doesn't do snapshots. This has been going for months already. You could at least give the live game some snacks to munch on while we wait, like the new ores (diorite, etc) and activator rails ejecting mine carts. Give us some of the features that were already refined in the early 1.8 snapshots please.

    You can make a separate profile that uses the snapshop to play SSP or even creative mode....
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 13w38c
    Quote from Dumcaleb

    Ok thx i didn't know that I sorta stopped playing releses for a while because the new launcher! I love beta and alpha I missed that...

    Also chests have been in Nether Fortresses as well.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on *Name Changing/UUID Thread*
    Quote from WhyAmIOnFire

    However, I feel we will also see many more fake Youtubers running around...

    I imagine that no one will be able to switch to current IDs. For instance; if the new ID system drops and someone decides to change their name to Etho it won't work because he already has the name.

    Although one could seemingly spam the mojang account service with the chance of catching someone in the middle of a change.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Podzol changes to Dirt when dug
    If I am not mistaken there is also dirt blocks in the mega taiga biome that won't grow grass or mycelium; is this true? That seems like a silk touch worthy block if I've ever heard; my village paths could really use it!
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.6.3 jar file question
    Quote from Infinity Dragon

    Ok, I found the option. I cant decide if the way they did it was usefull, or obtuse...

    Thew new launcher makes it infinitely easier.....
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Worlds not loading
    Does it happen when you load up a fresh new world too?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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