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    posted a message on Opinions on pirating and uTorrent
    Quote from Luvitus»

    Don't get condescending when you obviously don't understand the moral issues behind copyright infringement.

    You wanna pick things apart because you enjoy purposefully misunderstanding the point being highlighted? Fine. I'll tell you all about how a 'difficult' financial situation wouldn't end you up with a shiny new game every 2 weeks.

    Just because you're deleting a game after trailing it doesn't mean Tom, Dick, and Harry aren't. The fact you committed a crime in the eyes of the law doesn't disappear because you went back on it.

    Unless you live in a fascist state, you can rightfully be expected to obey any and all laws.

    Did I ever say I support Tom, **** and Harry? Did I ever even imply it? I support people not wasting their money and making the right choice on their purchases instead of wasting their budget on luxuries because they weren't sure they would like it or not.

    "The fact you committed a crime in the eyes of the law doesn't disappear because you went back on it."
    Yeah, because me reviewing a game for half an hour is bankrupting the developers and killing children. It's a harmless crime, whether you hold on to the fact that I broke the law and it ended with no casualties is your option.

    I'm done talking to someone who's this egotistical and naive. I've already stated my points and you haven't provided any rebuttals worth providing.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Is Swastika (A Nazi Emblem) considered as profanity?

    Yeah. It is because it is proven Anti-Semitic.

    That's the Nazi Swastika. There's many religious swastikas which are fine for showing as long as you define that they're not representing Nazi Germany and that you don't support the Nazi's, otherwise you'll probably get the attention of mods.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Opinions on pirating and uTorrent
    Quote from Luvitus»

    Right when you start obeying copyright law. Alternatively; when you start reading into the correct side of analogies.

    Not being able to afford something doesn't give you the right to have it. Entertainment media is not a human right.

    Completely ignored what I said so I'll rephrase it:

    You're playing a little bit of the game on a pirated copy to see if you like it. If you do, you buy the game. If you don't, you simply delete it from your computer. Some people have difficult financial situations and would rather not gamble on something they could only regularly afford once every 2 weeks.

    What is so hard about this to understand?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Is Swastika (A Nazi Emblem) considered as profanity?

    You mean not every Swastika emblem is considered "profane"?

    If it's being used for educational purposes. Any other attempts to use it to spew out propaganda is not allowed.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Opinions on pirating and uTorrent
    Quote from Luvitus»

    That's like opening up the food in the supermarket because there were no free samples of that particular foodstuff.

    Not at all? Food's tangible while a game can be copied any number of times. I'm not wasting anything by pirating it and it's not like I'm not going to buy the full game, it's just that I want to see if I would enjoy it. Most people are on tight budgets too and don't want to spend what little money they have on something they don't enjoy.

    Also work on your comparisons pls
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on MMORPG
    Quote from Akame»
    Some parts of World of Warcraft

    I hope you mean Old School Runescape, that could make up for including Habbo.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What are you Eating/Drinking Right Now?
    Two hash-browns.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Opinions on pirating and uTorrent
    Reasons to pirate:

    1. To sample the game because you're not sure if you'll enjoy it or not (not okay if demos are available).

    2. The price is unreasonable compared to the content (from a shared opinion amongst previous reviews of the game).

    3. The game's publishers/developers are out of business and you can't buy the game.

    4. The game is too old to be expected to not be pirated (we're talking 90's games here people).

    5. You're learning game design and need some inspiration (this point can't really be condensed into a single line so I'll type it out later).

    Of course this is if you're pirating games. Programs and that are much different stories.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Your GOTY 2014
    Quote from Dudeman162»
    Why is it bad that I like a certain game? Is it because it's cool to hate on Call of Duty these days? Do you even play Call of Duty?

    There's a reason people hate on COD you know. Do you even realize what it takes to make a game good? It's not shooting, I'll tell you that much, bud.

    On topic, I can't really say the best one. I liked Dark Souls 2 though.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Trickshot Montage songs i need!
    Quote from Gamer_games12»
    The songs are incorrect

    You are incorrect, you pleb. You are not even worth the five denarii the arrow to kill you will cost.

    Leave the presence of Caesar's legion or we will do to you what we did to Carthage.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Trickshot Montage songs i need!
    Conjunction Junction- What's your function? and Day-O.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on I'm making a comic, and I need a name for it
    At the final scene have them walk into a room only to have it dark except for a spotlight and have Stevie Wonder playing on the piano while rapping about Colgate. The kids then ask to be adopted then they are adopted. The name?

    "Stevie Wonder's a legal guardian"
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Why you want build a house when you survive
    I like to build a house because I wanted to make my world modern.

    What is your banner?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on What is the best way to get a creeper struck by lightning?

    Only if you have a lot of resources and time to spare. I haven't tried it but damn, it looks effective.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How Long Ago was when you last found diamonds
    I just found 11 ore vein :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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