I found some Dinosaur sound effects, mostly from the Jurassic Park series. If you use them, make sure to give this guy the credit, he emailed me the links. http://www.youtube.com/dinohunter2
What job do you want?:Hunter
What rank do you want?:Monster Hunter
Gender (Optional):Male
Location (Optional):Arizona, USA
Age (Optional):18
Why do you want to join this clan:I like to play on clans where teamwork is encouraged, and I also enjoy building and hunting things.
Have you read the WHOLE topic: 09?
Thanks for reading this, I very much want to join!
this server is really cool, but the mods and other players totally ignore newcomers. I joined and played for about 2 hours, and the whole time was ignored by a couple mods. Also, it seems as if everyone, especially the mods, use foul language, even though the rules forbid this.When are the admins/owner(s) on? I would like to know. Thanks!
hey just downloaded the mod, its a lot of fun, but there is a serious problem with it. The obby Pickaxe uses the same item id as Green Music Disks. Thats really annoying considering how hard it is to get one of 'em, could you possibly change the id? I cannot mod, so I do not know how hard it is to do so, but if you do, For YOU! :biggrin.gif:
Hotkey 1 is a Pickaxe
Hotkey 2 is a Axe
Hotkey 3 is a shovel
Hotkey 4 is a Sword
Hotkey 5 are my torches
Hotkey 6 is a bow
Hotkey 7 is for materials(cobble, dirt, etc)
Hotkey 8 is either a spear(mod) or a fishing rod
Hotkey 9 is usually empty
Class:Arcus, Venator
Skills, in General: I am resourceful, helpful and a deadly marksmen with the longbow
Why?: I need a new clan, and I like servers with different ideas, i.e : killing ;P
Can you be nice and fair to people:Of course, unless they kill me, I will shower them with gifts!
Do you grief:No, I never grief, as far as I know, I have never griefed, I consider it wrong and annoying.
Thanks! [>>-i>]
Maybe I missed something, but since the spears ID numbers have changed, will I need to delete the existing spears from the original mod? It says that their ID number is 387, is this still compatible? Please say yes, I don't feel like harvesting that much flint, I have a chest full of spears. Danke!
HOORAY finally someone is doing a Lovecraft texture pack. The gothic/steampunk blocks are really fitting here. I like the way this is looking, do you think you might be able to change the pictures, ala "Pickman's Model" Style? For YOU!
If it doesn't work, maybe look it up on google?
And the links.
1) We can't connect to your hard drive. Use an image hoster like photobucket.
2)You didn't put enough information, is it modloader, version...
3)It sounds horribly op, a stack of wood for every log? God
Anyways, keep up the coding, and try to fix your mistakes.
Is there one up?
What job do you want?:Hunter
What rank do you want?:Monster Hunter
Gender (Optional):Male
Location (Optional):Arizona, USA
Age (Optional):18
Why do you want to join this clan:I like to play on clans where teamwork is encouraged, and I also enjoy building and hunting things.
Have you read the WHOLE topic: 09?
Thanks for reading this, I very much want to join!
He griefed our server, and most likely many others
Hotkey 2 is a Axe
Hotkey 3 is a shovel
Hotkey 4 is a Sword
Hotkey 5 are my torches
Hotkey 6 is a bow
Hotkey 7 is for materials(cobble, dirt, etc)
Hotkey 8 is either a spear(mod) or a fishing rod
Hotkey 9 is usually empty
Class:Arcus, Venator
Skills, in General: I am resourceful, helpful and a deadly marksmen with the longbow
Why?: I need a new clan, and I like servers with different ideas, i.e : killing ;P
Can you be nice and fair to people:Of course, unless they kill me, I will shower them with gifts!
Do you grief:No, I never grief, as far as I know, I have never griefed, I consider it wrong and annoying.