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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Quote from bennyjw98»

    When will the server be back up? I've been trying for almost a week to get on. How much maintenance are you doing?

    Please read here for a more in depth explanation.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △

    Today we have to make an announcement that we would rather not have to have made. However due to the circumstances we're faced with it has become a necessary decision for the continuation of PhoenixCraft in a way that is plausible and ensures the longevity of our future. Up until the last day of this transfer when some final checks were made to ensure everything had been moved across and still functioned as intended we discovered that all of the block protection data for our flatworld hadn't been downloaded from our previous host's server. Unsure why this didn't download with all of the other files we began to attempt a download of this file on its own. After waiting 2 hours for this download to even begin processing the files we'd need to have for the transfer and unfortunately hitting an aborted connection timeout from our host we had to accept that this file wouldn't be retrievable. Our old host's system are now retiring so this protection file will be permanently lost. We have to accept that without the protection files for the world we can't securely host that same world again in a protected environment in the way that we used to. This is due to the sheer size of the files watchblock generates for its storage system, because of this we have had to make alterations to PhoenixCraft that allow us to continue in a way that doesn't rely on watchblock's large storage demands. The solution we are currently employing will involve a plotme world (with very large plots) for the lower ranks whilst we would still have a freebuild world for players past a certain rank. This freebuild world wouldn't rely on watchblock's protection but due to the restrictions we would be able to store prism data on this freebuild world to ensure we can still rollback any grief that occurs there. The limits on who can enter this world would also reduce the amount of people who would enter it to grief in the first place. Whilst this isn't the preference we had for the way we would run our server this is the change that has been deemed necessary for the continuation of PhoenixCraft in a plausible manner. We are currently setting up the server for these changes and we hope to be back up and running as soon as possible although we can't really set a certain deadline as the situation may change as we go forth. Thank you for being patient throughout this ongoing process, we hope to see you shortly and welcome you back to PhoenixCraft.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Quote from Mitga5»
    How long will this process take?

    I am not quite sure how long this process will take. My best guess is a day or two (give or take) considering we have a lot of server files.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Everyone that posted for Rank-I is now updated.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Everyone that posted is now updated.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    All of the above have been updated.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Quote from Sharpeto

    Why can't i connect to the server? Apparently I'm not whitelisted.. :( ( IGN: Xander_O_Matic

    We're fixing the lag issue right now.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Quote from CaptainSparky10

    I would like to be rank 1! IGN: Master_Mitch21
    And can you please unban my other account CaptainSparky10, i build i tiny bit over that guys build by accident im really sorry, this is my favorite server!

    No, and your alt is being banned as well.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on △ Arisen Kingdom Creative and RPG Survival Server △
    Posted in: PC Servers
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