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    posted a message on HOW-TO: Run a server on Amazon EC2
    Huge thanks to A1r for setting up a fabulous guide. Not being familiar with Linux, I was able to set up a Minecraft server last night with no problems whatsoever.

    That said, I'm not so sure about the service. I feel like I may be getting nickle and dimed by Amazon. After only one day, on top of the flat $0.085/hour charge, I've already paid $0.03 for bandwidth usage, $0.01 for using a PUT, COPY, POST, LIST or command, $0.02 for I/O requests, and $0.03 for get requests. I'm wondering how this is going to stack up after a month.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server killed Windows
    Quote from Niclo »
    Depending on the circumstances this sounds like the system crashed/rebooted while mid updating of the OS or a critical program. Even XP now does background updating. If interrupted at the wrong point it can cause a faulty boot.

    If it wasn't during an update then the only thing I can think of is a program was in the process of making changes to a file structure and was interrupted and once again caused a faulty boot.

    I bet if you slaved the drive or used a boot cd and did a /chkdsk of the drive it would sort things out.

    Thanks for the insight. It didn't occur to me that Windows may have been updating in the background. I'll try to run a chkdsk, and hopefully get everything working again before the wife discovers a broken computer. =/
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on minecraft crashes every 10 minutes
    Quote from LightSydeTurian »
    yeah, that SUUURE helped me, stop complaining about yoyrs on my topic.

    I don't think that acting like a jerk will get your problem solved any faster. Do you have any details about these crashes, other than the error report? Are you doing anything specific when Minecraft crashes? Does it crash exactly every ten minutes? Etc.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server killed Windows
    I have been tinkering around with the server software on my own computer, hoping to set up a private SMP server for me and some friends. After a few hours of tinkering with the software on my laptop, the set-up was finally working, and I decided to move the software to my tower so it could run over there properly.

    And that's when the problems started. The wrapper I've been using, MCAdmin, was unable to load the world - it would just hang there with no error messages. I closed MCAdmin, and decided to see if minecraft_server.jar would work on its own. I opened the server up, and it seemed to be refusing to load the world as well; it otherwise did not give an error message, however, so I decided to test the server by opening up the client and connecting to it. That's when the memory usage graph went crazy, coloring the entire display field either red or orange or brown, I don't know. Then my computer hung for a while - the Venture Bros avi continued to play in the background, and I still had control over the pointer, but I could not click on anything. Then, a blue screen of death flashed on the screen - too fast for me to get any useful information from it - and then the computer died.

    Upon every subsequent reboot, the computer boots through the bios just fine, but once it gets to the point where Windows would otherwise start, nothing. A flashing cursor will sit there in the upper left hand corner, blinking ad infinitum. Tapping F8 during start up in an attempt to boot into safe mode yields nothing, either.

    Now, if you were reading carefully, you'll notice a few things that are obviously wrong:
    1. I was shutting down and opening the server file like an idiot.
    2. I was watching a video, which consumes mad resources.
    3. I was opening the goddamn client, which consumes even more mad resources.

    This is a no-brainer as to why my computer would initially crash. But why on earth would it not boot up any more? Did Minecraft truly kill Windows? If so, how? I'm assuming the fix is to repair or reinstall Windows, but in the mean time, I wonder if anyone else has experienced this, what caused this, and if there is some sort of magical fix, what it is.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on SMP Server Software?
    Quote from umby24 »
    why are there suddenly so many noobs who think that all the custom servers on that list are SMP servers? =/

    Because that list doesn't clearly state that it only consists of creative servers. Why in the world would you expect noobs to intuitively know everything there is to know about all of the poorly documented third party software for an indie block building game?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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