I've been playing here since 1.0 and have seen many players come and go. When I first joined, most people didn't know me and didn't think I would be that important, but after playing for a while I was able to get a position as helper. When you join, who knows what you might become, a part of staff? A feared warlord? A humble trader? Come join us today!
That is English. I sincerely worry for you, however based on previous posts I would expect this. Your definition of the English language involves illogical explanations to problematic situations, lack of capitalization, and no use of any basic grammar skills. So here is the sentence in "English." Hewp! Som1 pOst3d same state 4 clocks in in big letters!!!11!! and it's dark! thay alzo seam 2 b ignorng farther helps from problem helpers!!!11!!1!! Pleze help, forum in attaked by peples!
And here it is again in, Latin, I suppose? Help! Someones posted the same statement four times in a ridiculous font sized! And its BOLD. They also seem to be ignoring any further help from those willing to solve the problem! Please help, the forum is under siege by a Soviet alien pirate cowboy pancake whose allergic to British ninja redneck waffles!
By in english I meant that it made no sense and I do have good spelling and gramer skills.
Here is my 4th application with the roleplay changed again. Minecraft Username: boyman44427
Age: 13 County/Time Zone: USA, EDT
Define Roleplay in your own words: to act as a certain character for amusement.
Define Metagaming in your own words: to advance yourself by out of game methods. E.x.- having a friend give you their money then leaving
Define Powergaming in your own words: to focus on one goal in an unsportsmanlike while bending the rules
Who are the only people who can use flymod?: Nobody
IC Information
Character Name: Zerox
Character Path: Mage
Character Race: Lymerian
Character Biography: I was but a humble farmer on a far away mountain, excluded from the world. Until one day when a ghost a former farmer who had lived in my humble home before me opened a secret passage that lead to a strange piston mechanism that pushed me through a long dark hole, then pushed me up to a abandoned village, then sealed the exit with yet another piston. The ghost then appeared next to me and whispered in my ear “If you ever try to return to my house, you will join the spirits.” With no home, no weapons, and no food, I was left to wander aimlessly forever. One day I stumbled upon a small wooden house, it was in the middle of the night so I decided to camp inside for the night. I found an old bed and I decided to sleep for the night. During my rest I heard a strange noise, then suddenly I was in ropes, tied to a chair. I heard a voice that said “Why do you trespass on my land? Answer truthfully or die.” I explained to him the incident with the angry ghost. After explaining my story to him I asked “Who are you?” He replied “I am Sir Athos, the mage. I believe that I know how to be able to return to your home. You first must learn the powers of a mage, then you must….” All of a sudden the angry spirit appears and said “I warned you, now you will die!” When the ghost appeared Sir Athos took out a staff and aimed it at me and said “Become a mage then you can deal with the spirit.” He then waved the staff and suddenly I found myself in the heart of a huge city. Now the only things left to do are become a mage, save Athos, and get back my house. Additional Questions
Your character stumbles upon an injured man with the mark of an assassin group on his hand. You know that this is the Assassin's Guild's work. Do you help him? Or do you leave to preserve your own safety? Me: Ok stand up calmly and don’t try anything funny, I know many self defenses. Assassin: Ok kid what do you want? Me: I see that you are very injured put down your weapons and I will help you. Assassin: *puts down weapons* Ok, now will you help me? Me: *hands over health potion* Assassin: thanks kid but if you tell anyone that I lost in a fight you’ll see why they call me an assassin.
You walk into Borikheim and a guard comes to you, telling you that you have been accused of treason. You know that you are innocent. What is your reaction? Borikheim guard: Halt you are charged for treason against the kingdom Me: I have done nothing wrong, but if you wish I will go with you, but I need to hurry and save sir Athos. Borikheim guard: *leads me down dark hall* Wait here until someone comes back. *30 minutes later*
Borikheim guard: Wait a second what is your name?
Me: I am Zerox
Borikheim guard: oh I apologize it seems you are not the person we are looking for. We are looking for Zerix. You may leave now.
A Cherzian is being robbed by two armed men. Do you help him/her? Cherzian: Help! Me: *sees Cherzian in trouble and sneaks over without being seen by the robbers* hey I can’t help you, but take these, they might help. *hands over poison potions* just through these at the guards and they will instantly become weak. Cherzian: thanks for the potions. Me: *leaves quietly to avoid the thieves*
Here is my 3rd application with the roleplay changed. Minecraft Username: boyman44427
Age: 13 County/Time Zone: USA, EDT
Define Roleplay in your own words: to act as a certain character for amusement.
Define Metagaming in your own words: to advance yourself by out of game methods. E.x.- having a friend give you their money then leaving
Define Powergaming in your own words: to focus on one goal in an unsportsmanlike while bending the rules
Who are the only people who can use flymod?: Nobody
IC Information
Character Name: Zerox
Character Path: Mage
Character Race: Lymerian
Character Biography: I was but a humble farmer on a far away mountain, excluded from the world. Until one day when a ghost a former farmer who had lived in my humble home before me opened a secret passage that lead to a strange piston mechanism that pushed me through a long dark hole, then pushed me up to a abandoned village, then sealed the exit with yet another piston. The ghost then appeared next to me and whispered in my ear “If you ever try to return to my house, you will join the spirits.” With no home, no weapons, and no food, I was left to wander aimlessly forever. One day I stumbled upon a small wooden house, it was in the middle of the night so I decided to camp inside for the night. I found an old bed and I decided to sleep for the night. During my rest I heard a strange noise, then suddenly I was in ropes, tied to a chair. I heard a voice that said “Why do you trespass on my land? Answer truthfully or die.” I explained to him the incident with the angry ghost. After explaining my story to him I asked “Who are you?” He replied “I am Sir Athos, the mage. I believe that I know how to be able to return to your home. You first must learn thr powers of a mage then you must….” All of a sudden the angry spirit appears and said “I warned you, now you will die!” When the ghost appeared Sir Athos took out a staff and aimed it at me and said “Become a mage then you can deal with the spirit.” He then waved the staff and suddenly I found myself in the heart of a huge city. Now the only things left to do are become a mage, save Athos, and get back my house. Additional Questions
Your character stumbles upon an injured man with the mark of an assassin group on his hand. You know that this is the Assassin's Guild's work. Do you help him? Or do you leave to preserve your own safety? Me: Ok stand up calmly and don’t try anything funny, I know many self defenses. Assassin: Ok kid what do you want? Me: I see that you are very injured put down your weapons and I will help you. Assassin: *puts down weapons* Ok, now will you help me? Me: *hands over health potion* Assassin: thanks kid but if you tell anyone that I lost in a fight you’ll see why they call me an assassin. You walk into Borikheim and a guard comes to you, telling you that you have been accused of treason. You know that you are innocent. What is your reaction? Borikheim guard: Halt you are charged for treason against the kingdom Me: I have done nothing wrong. Hey a thief! Guard: What?! Where? Me: *runs towards city gate* Guard: Criminal! Capture him, dead or alive Me: almost out just have to make it through the gate. *arrow shoots past head* Guards: Stop him! Me: dang the gate is blocked. *runs towards wall* Guards: you’re cornered, we have you know Me: *places ladders up the wall, breaking them as he climbs* see ya later suckers.
A Cherzian is being robbed by two armed men. Do you help him/her? Do you flee? Cherzian: Help me! Armed men: shut your mouth or ill shut it for you Me: hey! Give him back his stuff! *climbs down from tree by vine* Armed men: kill the brat while I take the stuff back to base. Me: *digs trench around thug and fills it with lava.* tell me where the other thug took the stuff 1st thug: he should be just down the road. Me: *climbs up tree by vine and starts leaping from branch to branch catching up to the thug* * leaps down from tree* Ha now, return to me the Cherzians possessions. 2nd thug: Never. Me: fine then * digs trench impossible to leap across * thank you for the stolen items. *runs back to the cherzian* Cherzian: thank you, if you ever come to my town be sure to look me up. My name is Sparky.
By in english I meant that it made no sense and I do have good spelling and gramer skills.
Could you repeat that in english please?
I'm not 100% sure but I belive its when there's enough applications to be read
Minecraft Username: boyman44427
Age: 13
County/Time Zone: USA, EDT
Define Roleplay in your own words: to act as a certain character for amusement.
Define Metagaming in your own words: to advance yourself by out of game methods. E.x.- having a friend give you their money then leaving
Define Powergaming in your own words: to focus on one goal in an unsportsmanlike while bending the rules
Who are the only people who can use flymod?: Nobody
IC Information
Character Name: Zerox
Character Path: Mage
Character Race: Lymerian
Character Biography: I was but a humble farmer on a far away mountain, excluded from the world. Until one day when a ghost a former farmer who had lived in my humble home before me opened a secret passage that lead to a strange piston mechanism that pushed me through a long dark hole, then pushed me up to a abandoned village, then sealed the exit with yet another piston. The ghost then appeared next to me and whispered in my ear “If you ever try to return to my house, you will join the spirits.” With no home, no weapons, and no food, I was left to wander aimlessly forever. One day I stumbled upon a small wooden house, it was in the middle of the night so I decided to camp inside for the night. I found an old bed and I decided to sleep for the night. During my rest I heard a strange noise, then suddenly I was in ropes, tied to a chair. I heard a voice that said “Why do you trespass on my land? Answer truthfully or die.” I explained to him the incident with the angry ghost. After explaining my story to him I asked “Who are you?” He replied “I am Sir Athos, the mage. I believe that I know how to be able to return to your home. You first must learn the powers of a mage, then you must….” All of a sudden the angry spirit appears and said “I warned you, now you will die!” When the ghost appeared Sir Athos took out a staff and aimed it at me and said “Become a mage then you can deal with the spirit.” He then waved the staff and suddenly I found myself in the heart of a huge city. Now the only things left to do are become a mage, save Athos, and get back my house.
Additional Questions
Your character stumbles upon an injured man with the mark of an assassin group on his hand. You know that this is the Assassin's Guild's work. Do you help him? Or do you leave to preserve your own safety?
Me: Ok stand up calmly and don’t try anything funny, I know many self defenses.
Assassin: Ok kid what do you want?
Me: I see that you are very injured put down your weapons and I will help you.
Assassin: *puts down weapons* Ok, now will you help me?
Me: *hands over health potion*
Assassin: thanks kid but if you tell anyone that I lost in a fight you’ll see why they call me an assassin.
You walk into Borikheim and a guard comes to you, telling you that you have been accused of treason. You know that you are innocent. What is your reaction?
Borikheim guard: Halt you are charged for treason against the kingdom
Me: I have done nothing wrong, but if you wish I will go with you, but I need to hurry and save sir Athos.
Borikheim guard: *leads me down dark hall* Wait here until someone comes back.
*30 minutes later*
Borikheim guard: Wait a second what is your name?
Me: I am Zerox
Borikheim guard: oh I apologize it seems you are not the person we are looking for. We are looking for Zerix. You may leave now.
A Cherzian is being robbed by two armed men. Do you help him/her?
Cherzian: Help!
Me: *sees Cherzian in trouble and sneaks over without being seen by the robbers* hey I can’t help you, but take these, they might help. *hands over poison potions* just through these at the guards and they will instantly become weak.
Cherzian: thanks for the potions.
Me: *leaves quietly to avoid the thieves*
Minecraft Username: boyman44427
Age: 13
County/Time Zone: USA, EDT
Define Roleplay in your own words: to act as a certain character for amusement.
Define Metagaming in your own words: to advance yourself by out of game methods. E.x.- having a friend give you their money then leaving
Define Powergaming in your own words: to focus on one goal in an unsportsmanlike while bending the rules
Who are the only people who can use flymod?: Nobody
IC Information
Character Name: Zerox
Character Path: Mage
Character Race: Lymerian
Character Biography: I was but a humble farmer on a far away mountain, excluded from the world. Until one day when a ghost a former farmer who had lived in my humble home before me opened a secret passage that lead to a strange piston mechanism that pushed me through a long dark hole, then pushed me up to a abandoned village, then sealed the exit with yet another piston. The ghost then appeared next to me and whispered in my ear “If you ever try to return to my house, you will join the spirits.” With no home, no weapons, and no food, I was left to wander aimlessly forever. One day I stumbled upon a small wooden house, it was in the middle of the night so I decided to camp inside for the night. I found an old bed and I decided to sleep for the night. During my rest I heard a strange noise, then suddenly I was in ropes, tied to a chair. I heard a voice that said “Why do you trespass on my land? Answer truthfully or die.” I explained to him the incident with the angry ghost. After explaining my story to him I asked “Who are you?” He replied “I am Sir Athos, the mage. I believe that I know how to be able to return to your home. You first must learn thr powers of a mage then you must….” All of a sudden the angry spirit appears and said “I warned you, now you will die!” When the ghost appeared Sir Athos took out a staff and aimed it at me and said “Become a mage then you can deal with the spirit.” He then waved the staff and suddenly I found myself in the heart of a huge city. Now the only things left to do are become a mage, save Athos, and get back my house.
Additional Questions
Your character stumbles upon an injured man with the mark of an assassin group on his hand. You know that this is the Assassin's Guild's work. Do you help him? Or do you leave to preserve your own safety?
Me: Ok stand up calmly and don’t try anything funny, I know many self defenses.
Assassin: Ok kid what do you want?
Me: I see that you are very injured put down your weapons and I will help you.
Assassin: *puts down weapons* Ok, now will you help me?
Me: *hands over health potion*
Assassin: thanks kid but if you tell anyone that I lost in a fight you’ll see why they call me an assassin.
You walk into Borikheim and a guard comes to you, telling you that you have been accused of treason. You know that you are innocent. What is your reaction?
Borikheim guard: Halt you are charged for treason against the kingdom
Me: I have done nothing wrong. Hey a thief!
Guard: What?! Where?
Me: *runs towards city gate*
Guard: Criminal! Capture him, dead or alive
Me: almost out just have to make it through the gate. *arrow shoots past head*
Guards: Stop him!
Me: dang the gate is blocked. *runs towards wall*
Guards: you’re cornered, we have you know
Me: *places ladders up the wall, breaking them as he climbs* see ya later suckers.
A Cherzian is being robbed by two armed men. Do you help him/her? Do you flee?
Cherzian: Help me!
Armed men: shut your mouth or ill shut it for you
Me: hey! Give him back his stuff! *climbs down from tree by vine*
Armed men: kill the brat while I take the stuff back to base.
Me: *digs trench around thug and fills it with lava.* tell me where the other thug took the stuff
1st thug: he should be just down the road.
Me: *climbs up tree by vine and starts leaping from branch to branch catching up to the thug* * leaps down from tree* Ha now, return to me the Cherzians possessions.
2nd thug: Never.
Me: fine then * digs trench impossible to leap across * thank you for the stolen items. *runs back to the cherzian*
Cherzian: thank you, if you ever come to my town be sure to look me up. My name is Sparky.