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    Oh boy, am i excited for the stalkers! I thought there couldn't be more interesting "civilized" mobs other than the barakoa, but the stalkers seem very promising. Could barako lose 1# spot in my heart? We'll see.

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    Quote from BobMowzie»

    Sorry for my absence here, everyone. I’ll have replies for everything soon.

    It's okay. Even tho you respond late due to work with the mod and RL, it's genrally fun to read, suggest and talk with the community about ideas. As long as you keep supplying us with mod goodies like always, you have a free pass for responding late XD

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!

    Mob Idea: Nether mini boss Lava Golem??? (Name suggestions needed)

    Located inside one of the Nether's many lava oceans lies a ginormous lava golem of sorts. Its resting place can most easily be identified where volcano-like formations and spires litter the area. When in range, the lava golem will burst out of the lava cesspool and roar in anger as someone has trespassed into their home.

    MoveSet: The Lava Golem is stationary and cannot move, however, it has a wide array of ranged attacks that can deal with an enemy from a distance.

    -Lava wave: used mostly for crowd control or for a wide range of effect, the golem sweeps its hand across the lava's surface creating a tidal wave directed towards the player. This will deal some knock-back as well as the same effect a player would have had he been submerged in lava for a short period of time.

    -Magma Boulder: A huge boulder comprised of magma blocks is hurled towards the player after being excavated from the ground by the golem. This boulder does a high amount of damage when hit directly, and a small amount of AOE damage if landed close by. Knock back varies on direct or AOE damage.

    -Volcanic Call: If the player should get too close or if the golem feels as though his life is in danger, he will let out a bellowing roar. This will cause the player to be launched back many blocks should he be within close proximity if the call is emitted. Ontop of this, magma cubes will begin to spawn near the scene in aid of the golem. (Maybe introduce new mob lackey?)

    Fighting Strategy: Although the golem exudes a strong presence and seems almost unkillable by any normal means there is still one unorthodox method of fighting; Water. Using splash water bottles directly on the golem will cause its body to cease up for a short while, during this time, the player can start to chip away at its rock based body. Note: After the golem awakes from this state, he immediately knocks back the player using his Volcanic Call.

    End: Once the golem reaches its breaking point, it will then begin to crumble away leaving nothing behind but a pile of netherack. Upon the netherack will be some leftover nether quartz as well as the players big reward; The Nether Core.

    NetherCore: The Nether Core is a powerful shard of energy infused with that of the Nether's own will. Crafting this on an anvil with any armor piece will yield a unique effect dependent on the location. (Maybe have shard equip onto weapons as well ??)

    Boots: Grants the ability of walking on lava by turning the respective lava source blocks into magma blocks. (Works much like the Frost Walker enchant)

    Pants: Anything that were to directly hit you would receive a brief fire effect.

    Chestplate: Any damage done to you is voided for the first 3 hits. afterwards, your armor would receive a minute cool down; During this cool down any damage to you is treated normally. After the 1 minute timer resets, the effect takes place again.

    Helmet: Crouching whilst inside a lava source block will cause a 5 block high wave to form infront of you. The width of this wave is solely dependent on how many lava source blocks are adjacent to your current position. (Max wave width being 7 blocks) the distance the wave will travel will be 10-20 blocks far. (This number can also be tied in with the width of the wave, so if the width of the wave is large, so shall the the length that it travels be.)

    I really like this mob idea. The fight reminds me of ragnaros XD. I'm not too sure about the rewards tho. Crafting things with the nether core doesn't seem too "Mowzie" to me. I was hoping for pyromancy magic, but a good idea nontheless. As for the name, maybe "Lord Moltus" or "Vadamagma"?

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!

    I would like to revisit an idea i made some long time ago. It was first part of the necromancer idea, but now it is a stand-alone idea, without having the need of a necromancer encounter.


    As you explore your world, you may run into a ritual looking structure. Having a ring in the middle of it and on top of the ring, is a floating skull (not a skeleton skull). Once you get close to the skull, it starts summoning skeletons. Some armoured lightly and some that are a bit challenging to defeat. Once all the skeletons are defeated, the skull will drop in the sircle and a red demonic portal opens from the ground. There he is summoned, Bryn'Troll. A tall skeletal looking creature that resembles Stallord. Right when he is summoned, he starts attacking.

    Bonespike Graveyard: He swings his arm close to the ground and bonespikes come out of the ground, travelling 5-7 blocks. They only stay up the ground about 3 seconds and go back in. If a player is stuck on them, they recieve 1 hearts of damage per second. You can get out of them by jumping.

    Breath Of Decay: Bryn'Troll places his claws on the ground, moves his head a bit forwards and releases a breath of decay that damages and applies wither. His head follows your movement while attacking.

    Black Pool: His stretches his hand and slams it on the ground. There forms a sircular pool of dark red/black energy. It gets bigger overtime and then disappears. Everything it touches, is slowed and weakend. Physically weakend. This means that it receives more damage than usual.

    Once killed, he will drop his fang. This will allow you to have control over bones and to some extent, corrupting.

    This is part one. Next I'll describe the abilities of the "Fang Of Bryn'Troll"

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from redcrow55»

    Me gustaría proponer un mob.

    (Ni idea del nombre)

    Descripción: Es un anfibio parecido a una rana, en cada lado de su boca tiene dos grandes comillos parecidos a los de un mamut y tiene dientes muy afilados sobresaliendo de su boca. Está cubierto de moho, algas, ramas, un gran tronco de arbol en su espalda y demás cosas del pantano, llegando a crecer también pequeños árboles sobre su espalda.

    Su tamaño sería de unos 4,5 bloques de alto 6 de largo y 3 de ancho y viviría en los pantanos, obviamente.


    Mordisco: un simple mordisco que envenena al jugador.

    Cañonazot:el tronco de su espalda actúa como un cañón, disparando un proyectil que hace mucho daño.

    Supersalto: el monstruo Salta y cae encima del jugador con gran fuerza.

    Oleada de insectos:Escupe diferentes clases de insectos que atacan y molestan al jugador.

    Insectos que genera:

    Insómoles: pequeñas moscas que genera en grandes cantidades, no atacan al jugador pero dificultarían su visión y movimiento, poniéndose enmedio del rango de visión del jugador haciendo que solo viese un enjambre de moscas a su alrededor.

    Hornzets: son avispones de mediano tamaño que pueden volar y atacan al jugador pudiendo paralizarlo con la picadura de su aguijón.

    Mol: un escarabajo no volador, ataca cuerpo a cuerpo y tiene bastante vida.

    Se me ocurre que llegado a un punto del combate el monstruo envuelva al jugador con su lengua de rana y lo estrelle contra el suelo o algo así, pero sería muy difícil de hacer.

    Drop: tal vez pueda soltar su estómago para que el jugador pueda generar insectos, o tal vez su tronco-cañon para que el jugador pueda disparar

    The fight as you described it, is hella anoyying. Developing 4 mobs for just a fight in not really worth it in my opinion. For this case at least. I like the flavour of the base mob, but the fight doesn't seem that exciting, rather annoying as I said. By this is just my opinion

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from Ddak4»

    This sounds a little fun but I feel like it’s a bit much for Mowzie’s mobs, I mean an entire quest system sounds like it can be its own mod all together

    Yeah, I had a couple of ideas which were quest like in nature and they were really complicated for MM standards. Mowzie doesn't want to go too far of the vanilla feel. If you play survival with MM with minimal modded features, you can see how simple the mod is. A common mistake done by people who suggest mobs is that they suggest what they would like in the game, not what most of players would enjoy. I've done this mistake myself and probably still do it. That's why it's very hard to suggest a good mob that most players would like

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from dreadwalker9»

    I really like that! But I disagree with the mercenary aspect, as it doesn't fit my perspective for them. I imagine as a guild, which you either fight or join.

    Stealth is ok. Creating a mob idea requires thought process and I can't think of anything on the spot. What id suggest is linking this mob with some moon phenomenons like eclipses or blood moon or smth like that. I encourage you to figure out the place of the mob in the mod and minecraft and than think of it's abilities. It's very difficult to give a mob abilities without knowing what would it do.

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from dreadwalker9»

    Is that what it seems like? Because I thought of these.... Hey, maybe you could help? I don't really have a complete idea what a moon mob would be like, except maybe they'd be stealthy, hence the assassin.

    Well I could give a helping hand, but first we need to agree on what the moon theme is/means for the mod.

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from dreadwalker9»

    All right. Here goes nothing...

    Moonlight Assassin Attacks (Other than normal melee):

    Dash: The assassin dashes towards the player, striking them.

    Throwing Dagger: The assassin throws a dagger at the player.

    Moon Blast: The assassin harnesses the power of the moon and sends it hurtling towards the player. There is a 1 second delay as the assassin charges the spell up.

    Lunar Slash: The assassin charges up the dagger and slashes, sending an arch of energy hurtling towards the player.

    More attack ideas would be very much appreciated.

    They could drop the daggers, maybe? I haven't thought a lot about their drops.

    I also have the idea of a Moonlight Guild boss. They would have all the same attacks, plus some, and would be stronger and faster. I don't have an exact name, just "Guild Master (Name)".

    I don't think Mowzie meant moon abilities to be like magic lasers, waves or blasts or whatever. They need to be moon themed. Not particularly magic. Maybe Barako's abilities are confusing you? He's abilities might be umm "beam" related, but that fits the suns theme. Doing that same thing for the moon, but just changing the look and name isn't gonna make it unique imo.

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!

    Oh the player interaction was similar! I thought that their behaviour was similar. Well, sure I can think of a different way a player can interact with them.

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from Dr_Rex»

    I kinda got an idea, probably needs to be fleshed out more later.

    Creatures called Coalites. Coalites are slightly bigger than a human, with a little bit more bulk to them. They have a shell of condensed coal, condensed enough to where none of it will really fall off, unless they get pretty messed up. Their joints aren't really protected, as coal doesn't move well on joints, so that is covered with an equivalent of leather. The shell that they are born with is very fragile, so when they are created, and how they are created is from others taking organic creatures, like bats, and melding them to create another of them, they begin to assist others of their species to look for coal, in order to create a harder shell for later on in life.

    Coalites are a semi- civilized species, living in underground villages a decent distance from the surface. They can't really see in the dark. Instead of torches, like others, they make bonfires with excess coal to light up their village. They do not require anything to breathe, and their diet usually revolves around bats and zombies, as they aren't able to farm.

    Coalites are very good at working with metal, as they can shed some of their shell to control flames better and create very fine weapons and tools. Their weapons usually consist of swords and spears, and their tools like pickaxes. They can't create bows or anything with a wooden handle, as they don't have any sort of wood available to them.

    They are wary to outsiders, but are willing to trade if the price seems right to them. Since Coalites run off of coal, they use it as their main currency. If any of them are attacked, the village will retaliate and kill the offender.

    Anybody know if there is any other way of fleshing them out more?

    Wow. I really really like this idea. I don't usually comment on other's ideas, but this one is super neat.

    Maybe these creatures could be more users of fire, since coal is a really good fuel to make fire. I'm thinking of fire forging weapons, tools and such. Like, you pay them something (like their currency or material needs) and they forge you some tool or weapon made out of flame or something similar. I would really like to see this mob in-game and really hope Mowzie considers adding. 10/10 for me

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!

    Now that I think about it, they're behaviour is kinda similar to the Barakoa. Maybe some of them ride big frogs? They don't go hunting in packs like the barakoa, but instead hunt underwater for fish. As for the frogs maybe they are individual species but are inslaved or tamed by these creatures.

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from Ddak4»

    This is a really neat concept but I think it’s just to similar to the barakoa, not trying to discourage you or anything, I just think the idea would improve if they didn’t just feel like barakoa of the swamp

    Maybe it's the way I presented the idea which makes it seem like it's similar to the barakoa. They would be more disorganised. The totem trading mechanic can be changed. It's just that trading was the first thing that came to my mind.

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!

    A new tribe on the swamps. I'm not sure of the name yet, but they would look similar to Murlocs. Their tribe would be located in near or in the middle of a swamp lake. Their houses look more like shacks. In the middle of the tribe is the elder of group. These creatures are armed with wooden spears and stone daggers. They attack in groups and retreat when alone or greatly outnumbered. The elder is a different colour, bigger in size, wears little decorations and is equipped with a stone decorated staff. These creatures are very territorial. You can give them food like fish to calm them. The elder when approached, will give you a similar trade that barako does, but instead will trade a heart of the sea, which in return he will give you the Swamp Totem. More on this later. You can also attack the tribe. Their culture demands that they worship the strongest being they come in contact with. Which means that if you take out their elder leader they will automatically worship and serve you. But it's not an easy task. They will protect their leader at all costs. Even the elder has some tricks of his own. He will unleash a stream of bubbles from his mouth which will deals damage and has a chance to put you in a floating bubble for a couple of seconds. When the bubble bursts, you'll fall. He can also call upon the "Thing Of The Deep Waters". An octopus like tentacle will raise from a near body of water that will attack the enemy. If you successfully take out their elder, they will obey you and the elder will drop his staff that allows you to make a (their name here) follow you. In multiplayer, if someone kills you, they will take control of the tribe, as they will worship a stronger being. Now at the Totem. Placing the Totem on the ground and actvating it by right clicking will summon a "Thing Of The Deep Waters" from a near body of water. Which will slam your opponents or wrap around them and send them flying in the air.

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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!

    I guess the forum might be a bit polluted, but not that much

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