Is there a skill you thrive at in Minecraft? large builds, and team building with others.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? pre alpha
Is there a skill you lack in Minecraft? small details (making the interior of houses look full and really nice)
Are you an active player? How many Hours a day do you play? yes, and between 1-4 a day usually, more on weekends, but a good solid 2 hours a day atleast prob
Skype or Teamspeak? If so what is your name SKYPE preferred? Skype is patrick.boisseau
Do you have a youtube channel? If so whats your Channel name? yes, i will tell you if i decide to record videos on this server
Tell me a little about yourself? i just like to relax and chill and have a good time with a good gaming community, i absolutely hate drama, i have my own life to worry about so im always friendly
Why should I choose you? i love playing with others and being part of a community, and i would just over all be a good asset to your server
Do you plan on following the rules?yes
additional question, survival is my least favourite part of the game, im more of a builder, i love large builds, is it possible to get creative mode, i could help make public farms and what not, or just creative mode for a few hours to start off and make a quarry or something, as i love to build my punching trees is my least favourite part of minecraft and i find it enjoyable.
do you promise to follow the rules: yes, i do have one question however, would it be possible to get creative mode? atleast for a day or two to set myself up if i cant have it permanently. im more of a builder and love to do large builds, punching trees and mining everything isnt the fun part of the game to me personally, and there are no creative FTB servers.
Ign:ixiboneheadixi Real Name:Patrick Youtube channel (recommended):bonehead0816 Skype (recommened):patrick.boisseau Age:19 What part of minecraft are you best at? (redstone, building, pranking, etc.):pranking and very large builds Why you wanna be on this server:need some friendly people to play with, and i love playing with other people and helping other people when needed Are you good at pranking?:yes i have spent hours doing very elaborate pranks before Can you take a joke?:yes im very hard to make ed off What's The best way to get in contact with you if you are accepted?skype Will you be recording on my server?possibly if i like what i see and theres a friendly community ,
an additional note, im more of a builder in minecraft, ive done very very large builds and posted them and got awards for them on mcschematics back in the day. and am wondering if getting OP or at least just creative mode is possible as there is no FTB creative server, in turn i could make public use farms and such.
IGN: ixiboneheadixi Age:19 Why you want to join: i would love to help out and i need a good ftb server to play, and i can help with a nice area near spawn with public farms and such if you wish to OP me, if not that though id just love ot play and help out other people when needed Have you been banned before (if so why?):no
my IGN is ixiboneheadixi, i would love to play with you guys, i love feed the beast so far but everyone i play with is just like no help and since im still fairly new to the modpack being told go figure it out on your own and dont ask me for help, kind of turns you off the game but im looking for a good community to play with. i alao love to build community projects like public farms and such been playing since before alpha, and done many great builds. also just wondering what is your policy on giving OP? as being able to spawn items to make public farms really helps a server start out good IMO
I've had that same problem before, I think its all the machines that cause me the lag though because I started a new world and haven't lagged once.
it happens to be even in normal MC idk what it is, i know i dont have a great computer but i mean it runs newer games and a decent enough quality, i just find it weird that relogging fixes it for about 5 minutes and i gotta do it every 5 min
do you guys know how to fix extreme lag? i was on another FTB server and i would run smooth as all hell for about 1 minute, then slowly for about the next minute i would get to the point where i had to relog to play cause i would have like 5 FPS it happens on every MC server i ever join
In game name:ixiboneheadixi Age:19 Why you want to join :feed the beast looks awesome and i want to become part of a great server community so i can seek help learning the mods, and also help out with large multi person builds. Do you have any previous experience with FeedTheBeast? (Just curious):no Skype name (Optional but highly recommended):PM me server details if you accept me and i will reply with my skype name Ever been banned? (if yes why):no
so is this just straight up legit feed the beast with no other mods? if so im in.
IGN:ixiboneheadixi Age(Does not really matter):19 What is your experience in FTB?:barely any i want to play on a server i get bored playing alone, i will be sure not to blow up though lol What can you contribute to theserver?:i love helping out with community builds so when i get used to FTB i can do that. In your words,what does rule #5 mean and will you follow it?: i have no idea what it means, because idk how to make other dimensions or whatever, but when i find out how to do it i will be sure not to make a base in them.
How old are you?19
Where are you from?east coast USA
Would you prefer Vinilla or FTB? FTB
Is there a skill you thrive at in Minecraft? large builds, and team building with others.
How long have you been playing Minecraft? pre alpha
Is there a skill you lack in Minecraft? small details (making the interior of houses look full and really nice)
Are you an active player? How many Hours a day do you play? yes, and between 1-4 a day usually, more on weekends, but a good solid 2 hours a day atleast prob
Skype or Teamspeak? If so what is your name SKYPE preferred? Skype is patrick.boisseau
Do you have a youtube channel? If so whats your Channel name? yes, i will tell you if i decide to record videos on this server
Tell me a little about yourself? i just like to relax and chill and have a good time with a good gaming community, i absolutely hate drama, i have my own life to worry about so im always friendly
Why should I choose you? i love playing with others and being part of a community, and i would just over all be a good asset to your server
Do you plan on following the rules?yes
additional question, survival is my least favourite part of the game, im more of a builder, i love large builds, is it possible to get creative mode, i could help make public farms and what not, or just creative mode for a few hours to start off and make a quarry or something, as i love to build my punching trees is my least favourite part of minecraft and i find it enjoyable.
do you promise to follow the rules: yes, i do have one question however, would it be possible to get creative mode? atleast for a day or two to set myself up if i cant have it permanently. im more of a builder and love to do large builds, punching trees and mining everything isnt the fun part of the game to me personally, and there are no creative FTB servers.
Real Name:Patrick
Youtube channel (recommended):bonehead0816
Skype (recommened):patrick.boisseau
What part of minecraft are you best at? (redstone, building, pranking, etc.):pranking and very large builds
Why you wanna be on this server:need some friendly people to play with, and i love playing with other people and helping other people when needed
Are you good at pranking?:yes i have spent hours doing very elaborate pranks before
Can you take a joke?:yes im very hard to make ed off
What's The best way to get in contact with you if you are accepted?skype
Will you be recording on my server?possibly if i like what i see and theres a friendly community ,
an additional note, im more of a builder in minecraft, ive done very very large builds and posted them and got awards for them on mcschematics back in the day. and am wondering if getting OP or at least just creative mode is possible as there is no FTB creative server, in turn i could make public use farms and such.
Why you want to join: i would love to help out and i need a good ftb server to play, and i can help with a nice area near spawn with public farms and such if you wish to OP me, if not that though id just love ot play and help out other people when needed
Have you been banned before (if so why?):no
would you be able to PM me when the server is up with the info so i dont forget to check the thread
Why you want to join :feed the beast looks awesome and i want to become part of a great server community so i can seek help learning the mods, and also help out with large multi person builds.
Do you have any previous experience with Feed The Beast? (Just curious):no
Skype name (Optional but highly recommended):PM me server details if you accept me and i will reply with my skype name
Ever been banned? (if yes why):no
Age(Does not really matter):19
What is your experience in FTB?:barely any i want to play on a server i get bored playing alone, i will be sure not to blow up though lol
What can you contribute to the server?:i love helping out with community builds so when i get used to FTB i can do that.
In your words,what does rule #5 mean and will you follow it?: i have no idea what it means, because idk how to make other dimensions or whatever, but when i find out how to do it i will be sure not to make a base in them.