IGN: bluelight51 Age: 19 Previous Bans (if any): Yes. Timezone | Country: East Coast, 'Murica Activity Level (Hours per day): 2-11PM EST Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes Additional Information (Optional): Hi Nick.
FirstName: Lorenzo Age:19 Whatis your Minecraft username?:bluelight51 Howlong have you been playing Minecraft?: Since Feb 2011 Were you the member of another server previously?If so, why did you leave?: It got too big for me, so I decided it was time to go. Do you have any server moderator experience?: Yes, I was an admin on several servers, but they all shutdown for various reasons. What are you looking to gain from joining this server?: Meet new people, and find a server I can settle on.
Minecraft Name: bluelight51 Real Life Age: 19 Skype Name: thedumbassthatcant (Seriously) Location you are from: US Have you made an account on our website: I will right after I post this. Are you going to be active on our website: I plan on it! Have you ever been Banned on a server for Griefing or spamming: I do not believe I have. How Long have you played Minecraft: Since Beta 1.2_01 How long have you role played: Since Beta 1.2_01 What Race are you wanting to be: Human Did you read this whole post: Yes Reason why you would like to play: There aren't too many good RPing servers anymore, but this one seemed almost perfect for me!
Minecraft Username: bluelight51
Display Name: Lorenzo de Luca
Age: 32
Race: Human
Appearance: Longer brown hair; tends to wear chain mail.
Talents: Swordsmanship; Mining; Smithing
Character History: Lorenzo was born in the city of Xenoia, it was a massive city filled with a large variety of people. If was free from crime despite it's size and it's poverty levels. His father was one of the top councilmen in the city, which gave Lorenzo a lot of opportunity to fulfill his dreams. Lorenzo was able to pursue his dreams of becoming a master swordsman, by training with the guard. They taught him the skills necessary to be a swordsman, as well as how to find ores and craft them into weapons. His life seemed to be set in stone; he was going to become a Paladin, until the night his father was killed.
Personality: Hard headed in his decisions; can be brave, but he can be cocky as well. He tends to keep to himself.
Flaws: Basically his personality; he is also aggressive.
Who Knows What?: wat
Your Skin: I haven't decided yet, but it will fit my class.
RP Experience: Played on around five other RP servers, but they all died within a few months.
Age: 19
Previous Bans (if any): Yes.
Timezone | Country: East Coast, 'Murica
Activity Level (Hours per day): 2-11PM EST
Able to communicate on Skype: Yes/No (If Yes, preferably, pm me your Skype name) Yes
Additional Information (Optional): Hi Nick.
Also, how do we sell our stuff?
Age: 19
What is your Minecraft username?:bluelight51
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since Feb 2011
Were you the member of another server previously? If so, why did you leave?: It got too big for me, so I decided it was time to go.
Do you have any server moderator experience?: Yes, I was an admin on several servers, but they all shutdown for various reasons.
What are you looking to gain from joining this server?: Meet new people, and find a server I can settle on.
Real Life Age: 19
Skype Name: thedumbassthatcant (Seriously)
Location you are from: US
Have you made an account on our website: I will right after I post this.
Are you going to be active on our website: I plan on it!
Have you ever been Banned on a server for Griefing or spamming: I do not believe I have.
How Long have you played Minecraft: Since Beta 1.2_01
How long have you role played: Since Beta 1.2_01
What Race are you wanting to be: Human
Did you read this whole post: Yes
Reason why you would like to play: There aren't too many good RPing servers anymore, but this one seemed almost perfect for me!
Display Name: Lorenzo de Luca
Personality: Hard headed in his decisions; can be brave, but he can be cocky as well. He tends to keep to himself.
Flaws: Basically his personality; he is also aggressive.
RP Experience: Played on around five other RP servers, but they all died within a few months.
Where can I apply for it?!