All I notice is the hidden 1337.
Therefore this has to be the best snapsnot in the history of minecraft. At least until snapshot 90w01a comes along.
- blitzscrank
- Curse Premium
Member for 13 years, 11 months, and 2 days
Last active Sun, Apr, 12 2020 22:52:16
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Aug 25, 2013blitzscrank posted a message on Change Your Minecraft Name? Possibly In The FutureI'm afraid of seeing variations of popular youtubers as names when people change it. There should be a 1 dollar fee or something if u want to change it once.Posted in: News
Jul 26, 2013blitzscrank posted a message on MCX360: Skinpack 5 Release Date!why isnt salvador much shorter than everyone else?Posted in: News
Jan 12, 2013blitzscrank posted a message on Super Craft Brothersthat's cool. i want to play it with other people thoughPosted in: News
Nov 4, 2011blitzscrank posted a message on A New Way of Learning With MinecraftI can imagine the teacher teaching minecraft,"How many hearts of damage does a zombie do on easy difficulty?" xD I wish they would come to our school, but its highly unlikely :sad.gif:Posted in: News
Aug 10, 2011blitzscrank posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Endermen or Farlanders?the endermen hold a random block? and if you kill them you get what they are holding maybe?Posted in: News
Aug 5, 2011blitzscrank posted a message on Bethesda, Mojang & "Scrolls"What the! this is outragoues!! How can those dummies own the word 'scroll'Posted in: News
Doesnt make sense at all...
Aug 3, 2011blitzscrank posted a message on 1.8 Updates: Endermen or Farlanders?Endermen ftwPosted in: News
Jul 27, 2011blitzscrank posted a message on Mod Spotlight Update - Aether is Out!wootPosted in: News
Jul 26, 2011blitzscrank posted a message on 1.8 Updates: New Mob...Revealed?it could be single player griefers? or they might be hostile only if they hit you, they only appear at night and help you rebuild your house when a creeper explodes!Posted in: News
May 25, 2011blitzscrank posted a message on 1.6 To Release TomorrowHmm cant wait!!Posted in: News
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Sure, that would be great. I'm trying to get some feedback before I turn the rest of the map into the current system. It will take me a while.
It's been a while since my last reply but I've managed to implement the wild battles. I'm finishing up the trainer battles and it'll be in a playable state soon! Would you like to test it first and give me your thoughts before I post it publicly?
If you still need help, I wouldn't mind giving it a shot for free. Also, it looks like the map is from Houseki no Kuni? What you have already looks pretty good but I'm guessing you want mountains, rivers, trees etc?
Thanks for your continued support even after my long absence! I've updated the download so you can take a look and give me any feedback. I still haven't added any adventure map aspects yet but that will come in the next update.
@rabidgoodra27 I was wondering what you think the adventure aspect of the map should be like? I think it would be easier to leave it at a simplified teleport to arena battle with hand to hand combat system. For gym battles, there will probably be a parkour/puzzle/riddle or whatever challenge before you get teleported to the main arena where you fight the leader.
Now for wild battles, I was thinking of having preset 1x1 areas in the wild grass where if the player steps on it, gets teleported into a wild battle but if I do this then the wild battles will not be repeatable. Wild battles will also probably be regular PvE combat.
One last question, do you think custom cutscenes are still possible in the newer versions? I might decide to remove that entirely since I wouldn't be able to add them in correctly with my lack of command block and redstone knowledge.
So uh, it's been a few years (4 and a half to be exact) since I've last touched this map. I haven't even played minecraft in so long that everything they've added is completely new to me. I decided to take a look at this map and see where I left off and I decided to start it up again. Most of the command blocks in this map are broken since testfor and the parameters "[r=n]" no longer work. Tellraw also seem to have different notation now and most of the custom command block noteblocks beneath the towns no longer work.
However, I have managed to setup worldedit on minecraft 1.12 but I intend to release this map for 1.13.2 because in 1.13.2 you can add custom music to the resource pack without needing to setup any additional custom files. It's a little difficult to understand but I'll update this post again with a quick video once I get the chance.
I'm not sure how to make this into an adventure map right now since I know nothing about the new command blocks anymore and also since worldedit for singleplayer only works in 1.12, I can't work on the command blocks unless I'm in 1.13 or host a server and I can't switch between 1.12/1.13.2 or my save will become corrupted. If anyone is willing to help me with redstone/command blocks, building, or general advice on where and how I should continue, it would be very much appreciated. : )
I don't know if anyone mentioned this before but I thought this was related to or derived from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Map looks really good though. I wasn't aware that adventurecraft was still functional!
Yes and no. I've put it on a standstill for a while because I'm focusing on school right now.
I was thinking of doing beta testing before releasing it since in the past my maps always break and contain many bugs that prevent the player from progressing.
Your screenshots are all for the pocket edition. Do you have any screenshots for the PC version of minecraft? Also, can you list what servers you were builder on?
I believe the newer versions (1.9/1.10) cause problems for the redstone currently being used in the map.
That's fine then. I don't really like to use skype either. Discord is much better and more lightweight.
It would be a lot more helpful to have skype for faster communication. Are you able to download it? If you can't get skype, then you can also use discord. There's a browser version of discord that doesn't require a download.
I'm still working on it. Right now, there's a lot of worldpainter and worldedit I need to do.
Hydro Pump had 120 power in gen 1-5 and changed to 110 in gen 6
And how is that any different than Pokemon Firered or Pearl or Black? Like most games, you play until you feel like you're done. Nothing is really infinite.