Page 1 is simo_415's. 2 or 3 times per page for the last 20 I say it is bugged! Why do you insist on adding to it's bugged?
Download q3's, page 1363, post 27245, and quit complaining about something already announced please!
If you READ a couple of the last few pages you'll find a link and installation instructions.
so, without the post telling ANYONE, you expect people to know to go back 15 pages to find a download link buried in 1000s of other comments? *ULTRA FACEPALM THROUGH THE ROOF!*
The one on the first page, is q3's on the OP or just simo's? If both, I downloaded the one under the worldedit commands where the download link link brings me to
My Worldedit Wand Function is not working, i have it installed correctly (jar in bin), and //drain works, i think it is a bug on the side of the maker of worldedit or a small bug with this mod, please contact the maker of worldedit or check for bugs, thank you
so, without the post telling ANYONE, you expect people to know to go back 15 pages to find a download link buried in 1000s of other comments? *ULTRA FACEPALM THROUGH THE ROOF!*
The one on the first page, is q3's on the OP or just simo's? If both, I downloaded the one under the worldedit commands where the download link link brings me to
My ign is bladerunner47
So i can use lightning to kill T-Rexes if i choose?
Edit: i went off the server for 15 mins and the server did its reset thing, from there it reloaded the entire chunk in which the error was in
Ultra Doesnt help my game at all